The next day, Wang Yan received a call from Ni Yongxiao, who gave him an anonymous account.

Wang Yan wrote it down and thanked him without mentioning it.

Then Wang Yan took Li Yun to the bank to check. There was exactly 10 million US dollars in it, and he changed the password.

After coming out, the two of them found a law firm without stopping.

I found a relatively capable lawyer and asked him to help Wang Yan with some matters regarding company registration. These lawyers are professionals and they know how to save money.

It's not that Wang Yan doesn't want to find famous lawyers, but those famous lawyers whose connections are beyond the reach of ordinary people. They all belong to this committee member and that director. Wang Yan's rank is too different.

Wang Yan asked his lawyer to help him register several group companies, which he would use in the future. The holding group was called Longteng Group.

Later, Li Yun was told to start recruiting young men with relatively high abilities and quality on a large scale.

Again, Wang Yan's reputation is big enough, and many young and Dangerous boys in prison help Wang Yan become famous. Nowadays, almost every low-level young and Dangerous kid in Hong Kong knows Wang Yan and wants to hang out with Wang Yan. Following a famous big brother is extremely important to a young and Dangerous boy. Therefore, many people came to take the call, and after extensive screening, the elites and talents were selected.

Of course, the various undercover agents deployed by the police force will definitely be involved in the process. There was nothing that could be done about it. Wang Yan was obviously trying to cause trouble. To be honest, Wang Yan is happy to see the success of the undercover agents deployed by the police force. The undercover agents are all elites of the police force who have been screened at all levels, and they are not pedantic and know how to adapt. These are the talents Wang Yan needs.

After finishing these things, Li Yun was asked to find a few financial traders.

Within three hours, Li Yun gathered three practitioners in this field, all of whom were owed loan sharks.

Wang Yan told them some information and asked them to operate according to his instructions. Afterwards, Wen Sheng encouraged them, and then he took some pictures and followed them. As for the threat? How did they get there? Don't you know what Wang Yan does? This is the biggest threat.

In the following month, the power developed steadily. He had already explained everything before, so he didn't need to worry too much.

A month later, the money Wang Yan had borrowed had finally doubled, reaching more than 25 million US dollars.

He didn't dare to spend so much money on one plate. He didn't understand that it would be easy for someone to throw it to him. Split the funds into multiple parts and guerrilla in small stocks. With the news that he always hits the mark, this is not a profit and it is very objective.

Wang Yan then boarded a plane to San Francisco.

This is the first time in Wang Yan's three lifetimes that he has come to this free, democratic, and peaceful America. He is not too excited, so that's it.

Find a hotel to stay at.

The next day, Wang Yan searched for it and finally contacted the Chinese gang organization here, Hongmen. Many Hongmen eldest brothers in this era have experienced the war era and contributed to the liberation of the motherland. Many of today's eldest brothers still have the country in their hearts.

Wang Yan also found him because everyone was a compatriot and had a foundation of trust.

Wang Yan was also very nervous about meeting with the Hongmen eldest brother. After all, they are ruthless men who kill without blinking an eye. They have thousands of people under their command and tens of thousands of people in their organization. It is possible to give him a chance if they can't reach an agreement. No matter how hard he fights, it will be in vain.

Fortunately, my eldest brother is a good person. He still has feelings for his compatriots and is not blinded by glitz. For Wang Yan, who was from Hong Kong Island and whom he regarded as a younger brother, he also treated the younger brother well with the idea of ​​​​supporting him.

In fact, this eldest brother is also the middle-ranked person in Hongmen, but he is an organization that spans the world, and he is thousands of miles away from Wang Yan.

Wang Yan said to his eldest brother: Brother, I'm here this time because I want to ask for a favor.

The eldest brother indicated that he was listening, and you said what you wanted.

Wang Yan continued: I want to ask my eldest brother to help me recruit a team for the company. I will give you 1 million US dollars for tea.

The eldest brother said that this was all trivial. Although he didn’t know what he wanted from a small team in a small company, he could get 1 million with just his words. He still hoped to do more of this kind of work.

Okay, thank you, brother. This is a check for 1 million.

The elder brother put it away without even looking at it, because since he reached this position, no one dared to lie to him anymore, no one.

Later, through Hongmen's connections, Wang Yan effortlessly spent some money to acquire C-CUBE's MPEG technology along with the technology. These people engaged in research and development, under Wang Yan's money offensive, had no objection at all and moved collectively to Hong Kong Island.

Back on Hong Kong Island, Wang Yan first arranged for R\u0026D personnel from the United States and gave them the direction to combine MPEG with VCD. Orders were issued to speed up research and development, and people were asked to give money and people to people.

After settling these people, Wang Yan flew non-stop to Brother Su's territory.

Brother Su has only been around for a few days, and he will be working at a stall soon. He is given some soup to warm his stomach or something.

When he got here, Wang Yan found a Chinese translator, and after asking around, he contacted a general. Although more than a month has passed at this time, it is the most chaotic time and no one knows what the future will bring. If you have the right to use it, it will become invalid upon expiration. This group of people with power are all very profitable, and Gui Lao is two levels behind them.

The general holds real power and knows Wang Yan's intentions without even thinking. As long as you dare to mention it, he is now willing to sell anything. He didn't bullshit Wang Yan and asked Wang Yan directly and clearly what he wanted.

Wang Yan asked him what gadgets he had, and the general introduced them all. Most of them are military supplies, some weapons and so on. As for civilian use, the general said that no matter what it is, it’s up to you and everything you want is available.

Wang Yan didn't know that period of history and thought he could get something out of the previous time. Now that the general said this, he knew it.

Then Wang Yan opened a bunch of things, such as guns, cannons, various lathes, various machines, and so on.

The translator was shocked. Is this guy so fierce? He dares to ask for anything.

Then he gave the general a stumbling translation. The general listened carefully. This thing is related to a happy life in the future. How can you do it if you don't take it seriously?

After listening to it, I pondered for a moment and had a good idea of ​​what kind of player Wang Yan was.

In reply to Wang Yan, there is nothing wrong with these things and they can all be fixed.

Then there was some haggling and an agreement was reached. Including miscellaneous supplies and other supplies, Wang Yan spent a total of more than 30 million US dollars.

These are of course not a one-time payment, this is an ongoing process.

He sent a younger brother to open a branch of Longteng in China to help handle some domestic matters, receive equipment, and raise supplies.

Then Wang Yan began to travel around the world, pimping everywhere, picking up holes, and keeping all the useful things for himself. If they were of little use but useful to other people or forces, he would make a copy of the information and the blueprints of the equipment. Make a copy and sell it all over the world in exchange for beautiful knives.

And after getting on the line with Hongmen, he also brought along some American stuff.

For large items, go to the Hongmen big brother, and for small items that are confidential and of high value, pack them yourself.

Just going back and forth like this.

Of course, because Wang Yan operates like this, no matter how secretive he is, the news will leak out. This kind of behavior of grabbing business has also attracted attacks from some forces and various pursuits and interceptions.

Then Wang Yan cannot lie to them. They are all out to make a fortune. You are so bad. You can just follow them with your elite men.

Wang Yanyi is an expert and bold player. A player who has never fired a few shots or killed anyone before has opened his eyes and gained experience this time. Others have to practice with static targets and moving targets when practicing their guns. Wang Yan trained directly with his opponents. Wang Yan relied on his good physical fitness, high spirit, and sharp ears and eyesight. His hands are steady, his aim is accurate, and his marksmanship is so fucking good that he is proficient at LV2.

After killing someone, Wang Yan also felt that he was a little different, and this feeling was obvious. First of all, Wang Yan's fighting skills have become more fierce. The various fighting skills he has learned, such as Sanda, mixed martial arts, Muay Thai, Krav Maga, boxing, etc., can be said to have reached a higher level, with sharp strikes and deadly moves. Wang Yan could feel that his fighting skills were about to reach a breakthrough.

The second was a psychological feeling that made Wang Yan start to ignore everything without feeling self-conscious. Generally, no one dares to look directly into Wang Yan's eyes because they can't stand being looked at like a little animal. This situation is very bad for Wang Yan, and Wang Yan is constantly looking for solutions.

Wang Yan broke through the psychological barrier after the murder, and coupled with his space, it was almost like cheating. Dozens of lives were lost on his hands, and the enemy gangs were defeated one after another. Of course, Wang Yan is not a god of war, and it is common for him to be injured.

Taking such a big risk has yielded rich rewards. This time, all the equipment, lathes, machines, etc. he obtained from Brother Su were shipped to China. At the same time, the cash in his account is not old or young.

As for Ni Yongxiao's money, it didn't take half a year to return it to him. It's unclear what he thought.

After everything was sorted out, he sat down and took a closer look at the specifics of his power.

Li Yun had previously reported it to him over the phone, which was of course not as detailed as the actual understanding.

Based on Li Yun's detailed report, Wang Yan had a detailed understanding of the development over the past four months.

During this period, Wang Yan's subordinates have expanded to more than 500 people. These people are all selected from young and Dangerous candidates, and their personal qualities are quite good. All of these people have joined Longteng Security Company, which Wang Yan previously opened, and the treatment given to these people is not bad. There are 13 levels in total, and salaries are paid according to levels. The lowest level 1 guy has a monthly salary of 5,000, and all insurance is paid. In order to pay the salaries of his younger brothers, Wang Yan has to spend nearly 4 million every month.

The treatment given by Wang Yan has spread all over Hong Kong Island, and the young and Dangerous boys are red-eyed. I believe there will be more people in the next open recruitment. In the same way, Wang Yan also posed a difficult problem to the big brothers in the community in Hong Kong. This thing is afraid of competition. Even though the Young and Dangerous boys spend their days shouting and drinking, in fact they don’t get much money. Many young and Dangerous people can do well without any money, let alone pay a salary or pay insurance.

It was okay if everyone was like that in the past, but now the salary offered by Wang Yan is really not low. The current average income on Hong Kong Island is about five to six thousand, and there are many small people on Hong Kong Island, so competition is huge. If Wang Yan offers five thousand, then the boys from other societies will have an idea. I recognize you as my eldest brother, and you fuckin’ eat and drink all day long, and show off your authority everywhere. Brothers, there is no such thing as blood and sweat. No one can do it. Young men from various major clubs are ready to make moves, and the interface on Hong Kong Island is unusually clean.

The eldest brothers of each club clearly felt this strange atmosphere, which was the calm before the storm. If not, it will be a revolution in the Hong Kong community, and revolution will bleed.

The eldest brother had no choice but to yell at Wang Yan while reluctantly giving out money to appease his younger brother. He also stated that wages would also be paid in the future.

Of course, the treatment is definitely not as good as Wang Yan's. At least it stabilized the restless younger brothers and maintained their status.

And with the addition of five hundred boys, the space on one street is obviously not enough. The five hundred boys are all brave enough to fight. After all, Wang Yan's treatment is there, and there are many people who want to come in that you don't dare.

The area where Wang Yan is located is not a very prosperous area, so it is occupied by some idle and small forces.

Long Teng directly swallowed up the surrounding idle forces with the power of thunder, and did not encounter any decent resistance. Then there was some rectification according to Wang Yan's rules.

All the bosses welcomed Long Teng's arrival, because the business on the street managed by Long Teng was really good. Without all kinds of harassment, robbery, and theft, people will naturally be happy to come, and business will naturally increase when there are more people.

After the establishment of Longteng Security, the younger brothers always brought lawyers with them when collecting accounts. They need to sign an employment agreement with Long Teng. The various legal provisions are clearly explained to you and look very formal.

Maybe it's because people who watch Long Teng are easy to talk to, but some people always want to challenge it, saying that they won't sign the contract or pay the money. And these people obviously forget about eating and forgetting about fighting. The scars are healed and they forget about the pain. They forget what Longteng does. In response to this kind of behavior, a set of traditional Young and Dangerous skills were given away for free. Within two days, people were crying for their parents and begging to sign a contract. The heroic demeanor of the resisters that had shaken their bodies completely disappeared. After killing a chicken, the other monkeys will naturally sign the contract obediently.

The current territory has been developed to its limit. If it wants to expand, it will have to go head-to-head with the surrounding large forces. At present, Wang Yan does not want to touch them. What he needs is to develop slowly. The development is too fast and the manpower cannot keep up.

Wang Yan also established a logistics company, Longteng Logistics. After all, this is Wang Yan's old business, with many employees and high turnover. The employees of Longteng Logistics are first hired from the family members of the younger brothers, and the rest are from outsiders. And this kind of behavior, after the high treatment, once again accepted the sincerity of his subordinates. After all, your whole family is working under me, and if you still don’t work hard for me after this, then I, Wang, will have to kill you.

The younger brothers did not disappoint him either, it was because of their high morale. Exercise like crazy when they have nothing to do, that's all they can do. For this reason, Wang Yan also bought a building in the suburbs, and he didn't spend much money even with coercion and inducement. He plans to turn it into a sports center and provide the younger brothers with instructors and the like, so they can practice whenever they have nothing to do.

Wang Yan also built a shoe factory and hired the female relatives of his younger brothers. If you have nothing to do, just make a pirated version or something, and you can still make a small profit. In fact, it’s not about making a lot of money, it’s just for the sincerity of my younger brothers.

In the future, Wang Yan will set up various companies. In a few years, Wang Yan will be able to manage his entire life.

The police force was also dumbfounded by Wang Yan's operations. How had they seen such a playful brother in so many years? Apart from collecting protection fees, he did not break any laws or disciplines. On the contrary, the place he was in charge of was particularly prosperous. Moreover, everyone has signed a contract to collect protection fees. Apart from trivial things like fighting over territory, he is simply a model of a good citizen. But not only did they not relax, but they stared even tighter.

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