On this day, news came from the country that there were some things that his subordinates could not handle, and he, the boss, needed to take action personally. So he got on a flight to the capital.

What Wang Yan didn't know was that the translator he was looking for from Lao Maozi took Wang Yan's money and told his friends about the incident as a fun anecdote. After all, in this day and age, if you can work as a translator and earn a living, your level is not low. And my friend's identity is - People's Police.

There is no need to mention the police's awareness, they just report it to the police. Although this is not his responsibility, it is regarded as a big thing by him, and it is indeed a big thing.

After reporting the matter level by level, the matter was finally put in front of the senior leaders. It is too easy for such a person to check someone. In less than an hour, Wang Yan's detailed information was placed on the leader's desk.

In fact, they were concerned about Wang Yan. As early as when Wang Yan turned the prison into a casino, it had already come into the sight of senior officials. I believe that if Wang Yan doesn't do something, he will definitely not be able to escape and will be defeated by him. In fact, it was Wang Yan's way of acting in his territory, including the series of companies he opened, that changed the attitude of senior officials towards him.

After all, Hong Kong Island will return to China in a few years, and stability is paramount. And Wang Yan can be stable.

After Wang Yan got off the plane, he was surrounded by five or six people before leaving the airport, with more than twenty people scattered around. They have detailed information about Wang Yan, and of course they understand Wang Yan's combat effectiveness. There were dozens of people outside, and they were worried that Wang Yan would run away.

There was no panic or confusion. Wang Yan had already anticipated this situation. Although he didn't know that the translator betrayed him, he knew that this was the capital, and that dangerous people like Wang Yan were naturally recorded. What made Wang Yan very honored was that dozens of people were dispatched to catch him. This could be regarded as a recognition of his Wang's strength. In fact, Wang Yan was not that awesome. Just seven or eight of these people came out and beat him together. Wang Yan had to lie there. After all, they were all elites.

Wang Yan was taken into the car, his head covered with a hood, and he turned left and right.

After the hood was taken off, he looked around and saw that he was locked in a small room with someone holding a hand outside.

After Wang Yan waited patiently for a while, footsteps sounded, and a middle-aged man in his forties walked in.

The man shook hands with Wang Yan, and just as he was about to speak, Wang Yan interrupted directly: No need to introduce myself, I probably know the answer.

Then he asked: What do I call you?

The man was stunned and said, My surname is Zhang.

Then let's call him Lao Zhang. I wonder if you came here because of Hong Kong Island or the Soviet Union? Wang Yan said.

Lao Zhang was a little surprised by Wang Yan's familiarity and knowledge of current affairs, as well as Wang Yan's Mandarin proficiency: Both.

Wang Yan thought for a while and said firmly: I can maintain the stability of Hong Kong Island. His tone was full of confidence and left no room for doubt. Wang Yan didn't want to say too much about this, because it was useless. It was impossible for a country to believe a person just because of his words.

Su Ah Lian bought the gun because it was of high quality and low price, Lao Zhang. I want to develop overseas. Hong Kong Island is too small. Wang Yan told the truth. As for whether Lao Zhang believed it or not, he didn't know.

Lao Zhang pondered for a long time and said to Wang Yan: Is there anything you need our help with? The main reason he came here this time was to see Wang Yan's attitude, which was very important. Lao Zhang didn't care whether what Wang Yan said was true or not. There was no point in saying it, he had to act on it. This is why Wang Yan is so easy to talk to now that he understands the general trend, understands current affairs, and does not harm others.

Of course. You also know what I have done recently. I have not killed anyone in Hong Kong Island for more than 20 years. After this killing, I believe you also feel that my state is very unstable. I believe you should be aware of this kind of thing, and do you have any solutions?

Lao Zhang pondered for a moment and said, This is a psychological issue. It can also be said to be a philosophical issue. It can also be said to be a realm issue.

You understand what I'm saying, right?

After hearing what Lao Zhang said, Wang Yan understood. I didn’t know that I had never thought about this before, but now after being enlightened by others, many things have been figured out.

Our culture has been passed down for so many years and has penetrated into our bones. Confucianism talks about moderation, and Taoism talks about inaction. Although Wang Yan has never studied this stuff, he was educated in nine years of compulsory education, so he still knows something about it.

Wang Yan understood everything when he thought of moderation and inaction.

When you practice fighting to a certain level, you will reach a certain state, which is the theory of three threes mentioned by Guo Yunshen, and it is also Bruce Lee's idea of ​​cutting. This is also why fighting masters are so damn god-like, after all, they are at a high level. Even if you have no culture at all, what people say can make you realize it for a long time.

Of course, if you are poor in culture and rich in martial arts, how can you be uneducated in martial arts training? Wang Yan's skills were all acquired with money.

The bottom line is that Wang Yan just clicked on the four points of physical fitness and achieved it quickly, but he did not have the cultivation and realm to match it. It can also be said that he lacks the mental will that is condensed by constantly breaking the physical limits.

The lines in The Grandmaster can also explain Wang Yan's current situation.

The true meaning of a knife is not to kill, but to hide.

The old ape hangs the seal and looks back. The pass is not to hang the seal, but to look back.

Regardless of the context at the time, Wang Yan is like this, he can let things go but not take them back.

Now that the solution has been found, just go back and read more books. In the past, Wang Yan mostly read professional books and never dabbled in Chinese studies.

Otherwise, Wang Yan is really worried about what to do when he returns to the real world. He is too embarrassed to go out. After all, it doesn't feel good to scare children into tears.

Wang Yan and Lao Zhang then exchanged their contact information and said they could contact him if they had anything to do on Hong Kong Island, and then they were sent away.

Wang Yan took care of the domestic affairs and made some plans, so it was no big deal.

During this period, it took a while for Lao Maozi's guns to be transported to Hong Kong Island. After all, these things are prohibited items and are not easy to dispose of. Of course, problems that can be solved with money are not problems. After spending a lot of money, it was successfully transported to his site.

The time came in May of 1992.

The power of Wang Yan's men has grown rapidly. It was like one day at a time. Now he has thousands of men, all of whom are carefully selected and brave enough to fight. Logistics companies and shoe factories are also developing in full swing. There are five to six thousand family members of Wang Yan's younger brothers alone. It can be said that if one person enters Longteng, the whole family will be honored.

To Wang Yan's surprise, the acquired MPEG technology has been developed and the VCD is almost complete. It will be finalized and mass-produced in two months. A Yangguan Avenue filled with golden light slowly opened in front of Wang Yan.

Wang Yan quickly asked lawyers to register various companies, including Longteng Technology, Longteng Pictures, Longteng VCD, and a series of other trademarks, crazy global registrations.

Several younger brothers were sent to the mainland and began to invest in building factories in Shenzhen City, setting up production lines, recruiting workers, etc. The reasons for opening in the mainland are also simple: low cost, good policies, promoting regional economic development, earning foreign exchange, etc. There are many benefits. The most important thing is to sit upright and have a good attitude. After all, Lao Zhang and the others knew exactly where his money came from, and the younger brother had to be able to do things.

Now that Wang Yan's strength is quite sufficient, Wang Yan doesn't want to use it anymore.

After finding an open space nearby, Wang Yan summoned his thousands of subordinates. Looking at his men in suits and leather shoes, who were so energetic and vigorous, Wang Yan delivered an exciting speech.

Although most of the family members of the younger brothers worked in Longteng, Wang Yan still had to brainwash them. Because without goals, organizations without beliefs cannot last long.

Wang Yan said a lot, and he could sum it up in one sentence: Just do it with me and that's it.

After a passionate speech, Wang Yan stood on the stage with great arrogance and said: Brothers, Tuen Mun belongs to Longteng, and it can only belong to Longteng.

The boys below exploded with a loud bang, they had already wanted to get out. Although other societies have tens of thousands of people, it is unknown whether their men can recruit thousands of people.

Wang Yan's group of people are all elite young and Dangerous guys, and they are all familiar with these things. They have been gearing up for a long time. After all, how can they perform if they don't fight? How can they get to the top if they don't have a chance to perform?

Wang Yan did not hesitate and issued an order directly, sweeping Tuen Mun overnight.

The news that Tuen Mun changed hands overnight spread, and the world of Hong Kong Island was shaken three times.

There is no way. In the past, those who were involved in the world all joined traditional societies. There were very few people who established their own businesses, let alone those who could stand out. So those few clubs that travel back and forth on Hong Kong Island play by themselves.

Although Wang Yan's high treatment for his younger brother made them feel uncomfortable, they didn't take Wang Yan seriously. A guy who can beat him is just a beater. What's the use of being able to beat him again? Why don't you just finish it all in one go? Just think that Wang Yanren is stupid and has too much money, so he doesn't take it seriously.

This one was different, and they all received the message. Wang Yan sent out thousands of thugs at once, which made all the big brothers look at Wang Yan with admiration.

The fights between the young and the Dangerous boys are all smooth sailing, with nothing more than a horse's head. How many of them risk their lives to do it? Wang Yan, these are just thugs who want to be in the top position, they are not afraid of death, they are ruthless. When they advance to a higher level, their benefits also increase rapidly, including their family members.

Their family members are in logistics companies, shoe factories and other companies, where they are also the family members of other younger brothers. They chat with each other casually, but if you are of a lower rank, your family members will not speak forcefully. Where can we avoid comparisons, and where can we avoid circles?

This time, these big brothers who have lived in peace for too long feel the crisis. This is a mixed society. They no longer dare to fight and fight, and no longer fight desperately to get ahead. Start living and drinking, start enjoying life. Being at ease for a long time is almost like death.

All the eldest brothers are inquiring about the news and want to know what Wang Yan's attitude is so that they can decide how to deal with Wang Yan.

Ni Yongxiao called Wang Yan to congratulate him as soon as he received the news. He knew how talented Wang Yan was. As early as when Wang Yan paid back the money, he sent people to secretly follow and investigate Wang Yan, so he knew how ruthless Wang Yan was playing outside. Therefore, it was quite polite to call, and he knew that this was not the case now. At first, he could still control Wang Yan, but now it's not nice to say that Wang Yan wants to kill him like an ant.

Wang Yan received a phone call and boasted a lot, but he was doing post-war statistics here.

The injured company gets money and the hospital places them. Then count up the younger brothers who have made meritorious service in battle. Those who deserve promotion will be promoted, and those who deserve rewards will be rewarded.

Wang Yan had opened a law firm before, and it was filled with elite lawyers who could do things well. The uninjured younger brother led the lawyers from street to street to sign contracts. It would take some time for the income to be calculated.

The main thing is to make some rewards and punishments. As a boss, you must give your subordinates the opportunity to rise to the top. Who will follow you at first glance?

We have to prepare for the upcoming counterattack and attack.

Tuen Mun is not an unclaimed land. It used to be Dong Xing's territory. Now that Wang Yan has taken it down quietly, he is bound to withstand Dong Xing's counterattack.

Wang Yan, of course, had to consider the reaction of the police force when making this move.

After receiving the news that Wang Yan had brought thousands of people out on the street, the police team was in a state of panic and worked hard all night.

Before the police force came to look for trouble, Wang Yan directly took a group of young men and more than ten cars to the Tuen Mun Police Station.

When the police saw Wang Yan and his group coming, they were furious. You have caused such a big fucking thing, and now you dare to come to the police station to demonstrate. This fucking can't be tolerated.

Under the leadership of a senior inspector, dozens of police officers gathered around and nervously raised their guns to confront Wang Yan's men.

Wang Yan stepped forward and separated everyone

Commanders, put down your guns and don't be so nervous.

Are the police and the people indifferent? The officers are risking their lives to protect the safety of us residents. I am here to express my condolences to all the officers.

As he spoke, he turned to the men behind him and said, Bring everything up yet.

Seeing him like this, the senior inspector waved his hand. After the policemen put down their guns, they all looked curiously at what Wang Yan had fixed.

Then two trucks drove over, and his men opened the doors. Wang Yan said to the inspector: Sir, here are some milk tea and cold drinks, as well as some packaged meals from major restaurants. The officers are also busy. It’s been a night, and I probably don’t have time to eat, so these are my condolences to the officers.”

After saying that, he ordered his men: Come on, brothers, go and send it to the officers on site and to the people working inside.

The boys started moving quickly, working in pairs, one carrying a pile of food and the other carrying a bag of various cold drinks. Go in towards the police station.

The younger brothers don't care about the trivial matter. The big boss said that it should be distributed to every policeman, every one. Therefore, they don't care who you are. No matter you are an inspector or a superintendent, whether you work in the lobby or in an office. No matter what you do, if you see someone with empty hands, put a meal or cold drink into their hand.

The policemen in the police station were stunned. A group of big men in suits and ties ran rampant in the police station.

The police didn't know what was going on, so they didn't move around casually. They just watched a group of people going from floor to floor.

Wang Yan took a meal and was led directly to the police chief's office by the inspector.

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