Seeing Michael's unhappy expression, the producer didn't care.

The United States has a producer-responsibility system. Strictly speaking, he is the one in charge of this movie. Even if Michael is the director, he doesn't have to be afraid.

The producer stated the reason: "Director Michael, you have also seen that the current online public opinion is very unfavorable to us, and theaters have even lowered the schedule of our movie because of this."

"To reverse the adverse effects, we have to use a unique strategy."

"I have analyzed it and found that the current poor response to the movie is mainly due to two reasons. One is the so-called Xu Nan's Law, and the other is Jerry Brusheimer's sexual assault scandal."

"We can't interfere with Jerry Brusheimer's sexual assault, but we can change Xunan's Law."

"Netizens say that all the movies that Xu Nan is interested in are good. Then we will let Xu Nan come and influence our movies. He happens to be a member of the same group as us. This matter is easy to handle."

"When this news is revealed, we can take the opportunity to hype up and divert the audience's attention. We can even put "The Lone Ranger" alongside "Titanic 2", "300" and "Pacific Rim". Make the audience curious about our film.”

"Letting Xu Nan touch porcelain has many benefits for us, why don't we do it."

Michael hesitated and said: "But, Xu Nan once publicly insulted me, and I even asked him to do it. This is too embarrassing."

He also thought this move was good, but the key was that it was very embarrassing.

After all, he is also a great director, and if he takes the initiative to invite people to touch him, it will not sound good if word spreads about it.

The producer immediately said: "Michael, if the movie fails, your career will be at a low point, and you will be even more embarrassed and lose your dignity. But if the movie is successful, no one will care about these things."

After thinking for a long time, Michael nodded with difficulty: "Okay, just do as you say."

I remember when he was filming his first movie, in order to attract investment, he begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother, which was extremely humbling.

Since he could bow his head and give up his dignity back then, what does it mean to bow his head temporarily for the sake of his career now.

As long as the movie is successful, nothing matters.

If it’s embarrassing, then be ashamed.

On the other side, Xu Nan was preparing to shoot a movie when he received a call from Lin Ziyi.

"What, Michael asked me to make a movie that's like The Lone Ranger?"

Xu Nan was confused as to whether there was something wrong with this guy.

When you mistakenly thought that I was cheating on you, you were very unhappy and openly mocked me. When you found out that I was no longer cheating on you, you came over and begged me to cheat on you.

Are you schizophrenic? I still feel uncomfortable not being touched.

"That's it." Lin Ziyi quickly explained the situation.

"So that's what happened." Xu Nan finally understood.

It turned out that he wanted to use his touch to divert the audience's attention and reverse online public opinion.

This makes sense.

To be able to come up with this trick, Michael is quite good at marketing.

"This matter is also good for you. It can earn some box office, so you should hurry up and get it done as soon as possible." Lin Ziyi warned and prepared to hang up the phone.

It's just a movie. It's a trivial matter. Just say a word on the phone. There's no need to waste too much time.

"Wait a minute." Xu Nan suddenly said: "How much money is Michael prepared to pay?"

"What?" Lin Ziyi was confused.

Xu Nan said: "I asked how much money Michael is prepared to pay for me to do porcelain."

Lin Ziyi was speechless: "Is it wrong? If someone allows you to cheat, you still have to ask them to collect money. And you also made money from this movie."

Xu Nan: "You can't settle the account like this. In the past, I was involved in all kinds of movies, including top-notch productions such as "The Hobbit", "Pacific Rim", "300" and "Titanic 2". Now if you ask me to make "The Lone Ranger" with a production cost of only 80 million, isn't that lowering my grade?

Moreover, this movie has been involved in a controversy of public opinion. If this movie is criticized, it will damage my image. If Michael does not provide money to make up for my losses, of course I will not make it. "

Lin Ziyi was almost speechless. You are a director who specializes in making knockoff films, but you still have the nerve to talk about class and image.

Do you have this thing?

But in business, Xu Nan said this, and it was hard for her to refute.

"I'll let Michael talk to you, and you can discuss the details yourself."

Lin Ziyi hung up the phone and passed the news to Michael.

This was Michael's business, she just had to pass on the message.

Michael was also confused after learning about Xu Nan's request.

Are you mistaken? You touch me and then ask me to pay you. This is even more humble than a prostitute.

At least the prostitute collects money. Not only can he not collect the money, but he has to give it back.

What is this?

The producer said: "The most important thing now is to reverse public opinion, everything else is trivial."

"I will talk to him about this matter so that he won't let his mouth open. In addition, I will ask him to cooperate with our publicity and help us change public opinion."

Not only does Michael value the film's performance, but so does the producer. If "The Lone Ranger" fails, his career will also be affected.

Michael breathed a sigh of relief. It would be best if the producer went to negotiate, but he couldn't bear to beg Xu Nan for help.

Because the matter was urgent, the producer took a plane that day and met with Xu Nan.

"For half a million dollars, I made a touching movie. I've already thought of a name for it, so it's called "The Lone Wanderer"."

As soon as they met, Xu Nan laid out his conditions.

The producer immediately exclaimed: "This is so crazy. You don't even need half a million dollars to make a movie, but you actually ask me for half a million dollars."

Xu Nan shook his head: "No, no, no, I need 700,000 US dollars to make a movie, and 500,000 US dollars is a discounted price."

Producer: "I am a professional. Your movie cost will never exceed 300,000 US dollars. At most, I can only pay you 300,000 US dollars."

Xu Nan nodded: "Okay, just three hundred thousand US dollars."


He felt like he was at a disadvantage, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"I can pay you 300,000 US dollars, but only if you cooperate with our publicity and help us change public opinion." The producer compensated.

Xu Nan nodded again: "No problem, I will help promote it."


"In addition to cooperating with publicity, you also need to complete the film in a very short time. Our "The Lone Ranger" will be released in ten days. You must complete the preparation, shooting, editing and post-production of the film within twelve days. Series work, I know it’s difficult, but you have to do it, and if you can’t do it, you’ll be deducted.”

Xu Nan smiled: "It doesn't take twelve days, just seven days. If you are in a hurry, we can do it faster."


I always feel like I'm at a disadvantage.

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