This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 376: Touching porcelain is really useful

The producer reached an agreement with Xu Nan and returned soon.

After returning, Michael asked anxiously: "How is it? Xu Nan agreed."

The producer nodded: "I paid him 300,000 US dollars, and he promised me to produce the movie within seven days. I even named the movie, it's called "The Lone Walker", and Xu Nan will cooperate with us." Promote it.”

"That's great." Michael breathed a sigh of relief.

The cost of "The Lone Ranger" is around US$80 million. This is not the production cost, but the entire cost, including production and publicity costs.

In order to make the movie, Michael spent 60 million US dollars, leaving 20 million US dollars for promotion. In comparison, 300,000 US dollars is a very small number, which can be exchanged for a touching movie and Xu Nan Cooperating with the publicity, I feel that I have made a profit.

The producer hesitated to speak. Can he say that he felt at a disadvantage?

But in the end, the producer didn't say anything. Instead, he and Michael discussed how to use Xu Nan's opportunity to shoot a copycat film to promote the movie and reverse the negative opinions of the movie on the Internet.

A few hours later, a piece of news suddenly broke out on the Internet. During an interview with a tabloid reporter, he swore that when he was interviewing Xu Nan, he discovered that he was secretly filming a movie about "The Lone Ranger". .

Xu Nan is still very famous in the United States, much more famous than Michael. After the news spread, it triggered some discussions.

"real or fake."

"Didn't you say that he was filming "Washington"? Why did he secretly take photos of the porcelain pieces?"

"My guess was indeed correct. He deceived everyone again."

"What's wrong with "The Lone Ranger"? Compared with the previous movies, it's simply a notch behind."

"Isn't this fake news?"

"Personally, I feel that "The Lone Ranger" is not worthy of Xu Nan."

"I say you fans have had enough. Aren't you just a copycat director, but you are praising him so much that you even make him feel superior, right?"

"This is a question of whether it's worth it, whether it's right or not, and a question of deception."

"Will his original movies still be made?"

Because of this news, there was some controversy on the Internet.

Xu Nan himself is a complex character. Many people in the United States like him, and many people hate him.

Later, some Internet celebrities retweeted the news, and the debate became even louder.

Michael felt speechless.

It seems that this wave of marketing has not had a very good effect. Xu Nan is like a traffic black hole, and other hot spots will be covered up by Xu Nan.

Fortunately, this is just the beginning, and he will continue to follow up.

Soon, a video was exposed on the Internet, showing Xu Nan being interviewed.

A reporter asked: "I heard that you are filming the movie "The Lone Ranger". Is this true?"

Xu Nan nodded: "It's true."

The reporter was surprised: "Why, didn't you say you wanted to make original movies? Why did you start making porcelain movies again?"

Xu Nan looked serious: "Because I watched the movie "The Lone Ranger" through internal channels. It was so good that it would be my loss if I didn't touch it, so I postponed the filming of "Washington". The plan is to film "The Lone Ranger" specifically, and I want to make a lot of money with the release of "The Lone Ranger"."

After the video was exposed, it was quickly reprinted on a large scale and triggered violent reactions.

"Is Xu Nan really starting to flirt with someone else again?"

"He really lied to us. The so-called original film shooting was all fake. He never thought about transformation."

"That's not the point at all. The point is that Xu Nan thinks the movie "The Lone Ranger" is so wonderful that it would be a loss not to touch it."

"Is this true?"

"I'm starting to get a little curious about this movie."

"What kind of movie is "The Lone Ranger" and when will it be released?"

The Internet has made waves. Although this wave is not big, it at least represents a good trend.

Michael continued to increase the intensity.

Once, he attended a movie promotion event and started talking about how wonderful his movie was.

""The Lone Ranger" is the most exciting movie in my directing career. It has not been released yet, so you may not be able to intuitively feel how exciting the movie is, but I can give you an example. You know the Chinese director Xu Nan Bar."

The reporter nodded.

Michael proudly said: "Because my movie is so exciting, this guy who likes to play porcelain put aside the filming of the original movie and switched to filming the porcelain "The Lone Ranger" movie. He even took the name of the movie. Okay, let’s call it ‘The Lonely Man’.”

"That's Xu Nan. His famous movies include "Titanic 2", "300", "Pacific Rim", and "The Hobbit". These are all wonderful movies. And my "The Lone Ranger" was also damaged by him, to the point where it would be a loss if I didn't touch it. Now do you understand how wonderful my movie is?"

After this paragraph spread on the Internet, it immediately caused an uproar.

A group of people laughed at Michael.

"I'm laughing so hard. Are you mistaken? Didn't you say before that Xu Nan is not a director at all?"

"I remember you once said in an interview with a reporter that the best way to judge whether a movie is good or not is to go into a theater and experience it for yourself, rather than relying on outrageous stereotypes and omens."

"Why do your opinions change so quickly? Have you lost your mind?"

"I still like your arrogant look before, please restore it."

Netizens laughed at Michael to their heart's content. In response to these ridicules, Michael covered his head and pretended to be dead.

It doesn't matter if it's embarrassing, as long as it can restore the public opinion of the movie, nothing is a problem.

Moreover, the voices mocking him were only a small part. On the Internet, another voice gradually became louder.

"It seems that what Michael said makes sense. I feel that the movie "The Lone Ranger" is worth watching."

"Are you kidding me? Why should Xu Nan's "Pengci" become the standard for judging the excellence of a movie? This is really outrageous."

"Hey, guy upstairs, don't you know Xu Nan's law? It is known that all the movies that Xu Nan has touched so far are very good-looking and very exciting movies. From this, we can conclude that Xu Nan's Nan Pengci's "The Lone Ranger" is also a very exciting and very beautiful movie."

"It's outrageous, it's really outrageous. Who came up with this statement that has no scientific basis at all."

"Why do I suddenly want to watch this movie? For no other reason than to simply verify whether Xu Nan's Law is true."

"Yes, let's go together and take a good look at whether Xu Nan's Law is true or false."

"No, you all believe this outrageous law, and you still want to verify it. When did the IQ of American people drop to this level?"

On the Internet, the topic about Xu Nan's Law is once again hot, because this law is so outrageous that it has triggered a big discussion.

Some people believe in this law and decide to wait until the movie "The Lone Ranger" is released to watch the movie. Some people are dubious and decide to verify whether this law is true or false. There are still some people who are purely If they don't believe it, they decide to go to the movies to refute it and refute it with practical actions.

In short, whether they believe it or not, these people have a reason to watch "The Lone Ranger", and the popularity of the movie has also increased significantly.

As for Jerry Brusheimer’s sexual assault scandal, it was overshadowed by this topic, and fewer people discussed it.

Taking advantage of this trend, Michael discussed with the theaters to increase the film schedule. When the theaters saw the momentum of "The Lone Ranger" on the Internet, they actually increased the film schedule a little.

After the relevant news spread, people in the industry were shocked.

Is there any mistake? A movie that was about to hit the market turned around because of Xu Nan's interference.

How could this world be so magical?

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