
Chapter 329 Huang Liang Yi Meng

Wang Kuan is the warrior leader hired by Yuan Mile at a high price. He was originally a captain of the Longyou Army. Five years ago, he was beaten with a hundred military sticks for violating military discipline and was dismissed from his post.

He returned to his hometown of Yunyang County and opened a martial arts gym and became the owner of the gym. Yuan Mile paid him a high price of 3,000 guan per year to help him run the show, that is, he became the leader of the warriors.

Although Wang Kuan also looked down on the pretentiousness of Yuan Mile and others, for the sake of money, he happily accepted the appointment.

Yuan Mile paid the money in advance and gave Wang Kuan a thousand guan first. After receiving the money, Wang Kuan would naturally work hard for his employer.

Wang Kuan stepped forward and said to Li Tao: Third Master, you can let go of the people in the warehouse. They are not a threat. The key is the person on the roof. You must kill him first.

He's on the roof, how to get up there?

You can climb up with a long ladder!

Li Taotao remembered that there were many ladders over the altar, and he immediately ordered: Go and bring all the ladders!

Dozens of warriors rushed towards the altar

Li Ye knew that they were going to move the ladder. He said to Peng Haiyan: I will let go of my hands and kill people later. Brother Peng will go to the altar first to understand the other party's situation for me. I will be here soon. Looking for you!

Peng Haiyan knew that he would become a burden to Li Ye, so he nodded, I'll take the first step!

Peng Haiyan climbed down a rope and ran into the night. Li Ye squatted on the roof and gently wiped the extremely sharp blade with his fingers. This knife was called Xiaomo Dao, and it was made with the same knife as Mo Dao. It is made of steel clips, is extremely sharp, and will not easily chip. It is definitely a murder weapon, so even though Li Ye changed his weapon, he was reluctant to give it up.

In fact, Li Ye didn't want to kill these warriors, but he was leaving Chang'an for the Western Regions in three months. Without him, many people would definitely attack his father and grandfather, including the Yang family.

He must make the court and all his enemies scruple, and make them afraid of retaliation and not dare to mess around. There is only one way to make them afraid, and that is the bloodiest killing.

Even if he has the reputation of being a murderer, he still wants to kill people to establish his authority. Today is the best opportunity to kill people and establish his authority.

The warriors came running with more than a dozen long ladders on their shoulders. Li Taotao ordered: Come up all of them. Even with his three heads and six arms, he can't deal with so many people.

Wang Kuan's lips moved. He wanted to say, 'The other party just killed more than a hundred people,' but this was too shameful. How could he lose face if he said it?

Maybe the opponent would be weaker if he didn't ride a horse, he secretly comforted himself.

The warriors set up ladders, and two hundred warriors pulled out their swords and climbed up. Wang Kuan shouted in the distance: Don't be afraid, a good man can't beat him with two fists. Two hundred of us can chop him into pieces.

As soon as he finished speaking, two cold arrows appeared in the darkness, ‘Whoosh! ’ The shots came, one after another, very fast, and they were in front of him in an instant. Wang Kuan was shocked, and his instinct flashed. The first arrow grazed his ear and shot past, and he could no longer dodge the second arrow.

Poof! An arrow shot through his throat. Wang Kuan covered his throat and fell on his back.

Li Taotao next to him was shocked, turned his horse's head and ran away. Another arrow came, like lightning, and hit Li Taotao in the back of his neck, 'Poof! ’ The tip of the arrow came out from the front of his throat. Li Taotao’s eyes bulged and he fell off the horse.

Li Ye put away his bow and arrows, no longer needing to use them.

He squatted on the corner of the roof, holding a large shield in his hand. More than a hundred warriors had already come up, and other warriors were still climbing up. The roof was very wide and could accommodate at least three to four hundred people.

Soon, all two hundred people were on the roof. The dark warriors were holding knives and approaching little by little. People kept shooting arrows at Li Ye, but they were blocked by shields. Li Ye was like a sculpture, squatting there motionless.

As the horde of warriors drew closer, one of the leaders shouted, A volley of bows and arrows!

Dozens of warriors raised their bows and arrows together, and shot dozens of arrows at Li Ye.

Li Ye suddenly launched into action. Like a vigorous black panther, he rolled onto his side and rolled several feet away, dodging dozens of arrows.

I saw a flash of cold light on the ground, ‘Crack! Click! Click! ’ There was a series of bone splitting sounds, more than a dozen warriors fell to the ground, there were more than twenty feet on the ground, and suddenly there was a shrill scream on the roof.

Li Ye jumped up and rushed toward the crowd. His sword pierced five human bodies. With a twist of his waist, a cold light followed his body and the three warriors were cut in half.

Li Ye rushed into the crowd, used the body of the warrior as a cover, and carried out bloody killings. Different from killing on horseback, he lowered his body very low and focused on assassination. At the same time, he kept rolling sideways and forward, cutting off the opponent's feet.

The opponent's samurai mainly used swords, but the length was not long enough, so they suffered a big loss. There were screams everywhere, but the samurai behind could not see what was going on. Suddenly, the man in front fell down, and the gleaming sword appeared in front of him. Then it submerged into his body.

These samurai are actually rogues who are very good at scaring innocent people with their swords. Compared with real samurai, they are far from the real samurai.

It would be fine if they met a ranger with strong martial arts skills, but what they met today was the most powerful general of the Anxi Army, the god of death on the battlefield, and the devil of hell who emerged from the bloody storm.

Even real warriors would be killed with one blow in front of him, let alone these ruffians who don't know much about martial arts.

In less than a stick of incense, Li Ye killed and wounded more than 140 people. The remaining warriors were so frightened that they went crazy, became incontinent, their legs were too weak to walk, and they collapsed directly on the ground.

But the desire to survive inspired them to run for their lives. Dozens of people crawled on their hands and feet and fell directly into the warehouse. There was dirt underneath. Even if they broke a leg, they could still save their lives.

Li Ye did not pursue them, but turned around and chopped the injured warriors to death one by one. These warriors were so frightened that they could not cry out for mercy. Li Ye showed no mercy and chopped them all to death with his cold blade.

God has the virtue of good life, but Li Ye is not God, he is hell.

One hundred and forty-five people were killed on the roof of the large warehouse, including the 133 warriors killed before, and 278 warriors were killed by him.

Yuan Mile recruited a total of 500 warriors, but more than half of them were killed. The other warriors who got the news were so frightened that they peed, their legs trembled, and they threw away their weapons and ran away.

The warehouse is at least two miles away from the Manor Square, which is quite far away. There are screams there, but there is peace here.

On the high platform, Yuan Maitreya, wearing a high crown and a white cassock, was talking about his Dafa. Below him stood eight disciples wearing white robes, all tall and handsome.

The three-foot-high platform is hollow inside. Several disciples hide inside and use special props to spray smoke and paint outwards. Yuan Milue sits on the high altar. Under the light of the fire, the colors change and clouds and mist surround. The fallen flowers are colorful, and it feels like a fairy riding the mist and soaring into the clouds.

Although the hundreds of thousands of believers below could not hear what he was saying, they were definitely shocked by his appearance, and they all knelt down to worship him.

I don’t know if Yuan Maitreya has become a Buddha or an immortal, but the real God of Death has already arrived.

Li Ye walked over quickly, and Peng Haiyan came up to meet him and said, There are seven of them in total. There are five of them in the big tent. The leader is preaching, and there is also Li Taotao who is leading the warriors.

He is dead, leave this to me. Li Ye said calmly.

Then what should I do?

You go and shout behind the believers and tell them that the government has issued tax-free quotas at the city gate. There are only 10,000 people. It's first come, first served. Some people will be scattered. I'm afraid that killing will lead to trampling.

Good idea, I'll go right away!

Peng Haiyan turned around and ran away. The murderous aura in Li Ye made him tremble with fear.

In a large tent at the rear, Yuan Mile's five brothers were busy packing mountains of copper coins into boxes. There were seven people coming from Yong County. Yuan Mile was the eldest brother. Except for the third brother, Li Taotao, who was shot dead, the other five were They all counted their belongings in the big account.

This is their principle. Money is not allowed to be handled by outsiders. Only the seven of them can count it in the account.

At this time, the curtain was lifted, and Li Ye, covered in blood, burst in. His eyes were like lightning, and he swept towards the five people in the big tent. The five people were shocked and turned around to run away. Before they had time, a cold light flashed, and two As soon as the head fell to the ground, a few more cold lights flashed through the tent, and it immediately became quiet.

Li Ye turned around and walked outside the tent.

Yuan Maitreya was telling the detailed story of his incarnation as Maitreya. He got excited while talking, but found that many believers behind him got up and ran out of the manor. Yuan Maitreya was stunned. What happened?

The entire venue was shocked. The believers sitting in front also stood up and looked behind. They faintly heard someone shouting: The government has issued tax-free quotas. The number is limited. First come, first served!

It can only be said that the spiritual needs are far outweighed by the practical benefits. When they heard that the government had issued tax-free quotas, everyone ignored the Dafa lectures and rushed outside the manor, and most of them were gone in just a moment.

Yuan Maitreya became anxious and shouted: Don't leave, everyone, Maitreya has appeared!

At this moment, the three-foot-high altar suddenly collapsed. The believers who had not yet left screamed and stood up and retreated.

Yuan Mile broke one of his legs, and Gao Guan rolled to the side. He shouted in pain: Someone help me!

A foot stepped heavily on his back, and then Li Ye kicked his left leg hard, causing the bone to break and Yuan Mile screamed in pain.

More than a dozen disciples got up in embarrassment. When they saw their master being arrested, they all drew their swords and shouted: Kill him!

Li Ye jumped up and struck out with the sword in his hand continuously, as fast as lightning. More than a dozen heads were instantly chopped away, and plasma spurted out. Many of the thousands of believers who were still watching were frightened out of their wits and screamed. Screaming, rolling and crawling to escape.

When Li Ye turned around, he saw two disciples in white holding Yuan Milue up and running for their lives. Two flying knives shot out. In a flash of cold light, the two flying knives shot into the backs of the two disciples' necks, killing them.

Li Ye walked up step by step, and Yuan Mile was so frightened that he shouted: Spare your life! I will give you all the money!

Where's the money?

I have it all in my arms. I have hundreds of thousands of dollars. I just want to spare my life!

Li Ye took out a wooden box from his arms. Inside was the deposit receipt from Baoji's locker and half a jade pei. He was very familiar with this. This kind of money could be withdrawn without a password, just the jade pei.

Yuan Mile's heart ached like a knife, and he said with a mournful face: I gave you all the money, please spare my life!

Li Ye sneered coldly, If you don't talk about the money, I really don't plan to kill you and leave you to the court. But if you don't die, won't the court know that I took the money? I'll leave your body intact!

Ah! Rao

With a wave of Li Ye's hand, Yuan Milian's throat was cut, and a large amount of blood poured out. Li Ye took a sword and stuffed it into his hand.

It's not bad. Killing yourself to death is quite violent!

At this moment, Peng Haiyan ran over and shouted: General, the army is coming!

Li Ye looked up and saw a large group of soldiers rushing into the manor. The one running at the front on horseback was General Dugu Lie, followed by his father Li Dai.

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