
Chapter 330 Public uproar

Dugu Lie is now serving as Qian Niu Guard General and Minister of War. He received an urgent order from the emperor and led five thousand Qian Niu Guard soldiers to Yunyang County. He happened to meet Jingzhao Shaoyin Li Dai on the road.

Most of the farmers in the manor have fled, leaving less than 10,000 people. Dugulie frowned, Li Shijun, didn't you say there were hundreds of thousands of people? There are at most seven or eight thousand people here.

Li Dai smiled bitterly and said, They all ran away!

At this time, Peng Haiyan ran over and bowed, See you, envoy!

Li Dai quickly asked: Where have so many people gone?

Reporting to the envoy, General Li wanted to take action against Yuan Mile and others. He was afraid of frightening the people and causing them to trample on each other, so he used a lowly official to make a trick and deceived the people.

What's the plan? Li Dai asked.

The humble position was publicized everywhere, and the county government issued tax-free quotas at the city gate. The number was limited and first come, first served. These people rushed to the county seat.

Dugu Lie next to him smiled and said: This is a good strategy, it hits people's hearts directly. Where is General Li?

He has left. Commander Li and General Dugu. General Li has killed all Yuan Mile and his six accomplices who conspired to rebel. He also killed hundreds of warriors recruited by Yuan Mile. They are all here. Over there at the warehouse.

Killed hundreds of people?

Dugu Lie was stunned, He did it all by himself?

Exactly! I have a humble position and low martial arts skills, so I can't help. I can only help evacuate the people.

Dugu Lie immediately ordered his men, Go and have a look!

A general led a hundred cavalrymen towards the warehouse. Only then did Dugu Lie arrive at the altar. He saw more than a dozen headless corpses lying on the ground. A middle-aged obese man fell in a pool of blood with a handful in his hand. Sword, it looks like he cut himself to death.

Peng Haiyan said: This is Yuan Mile, the culprit of this incident!

Dugu Lie nodded, I know this person is well-known in Yong County and is good at pretending to be a ghost.

Li Dai asked anxiously: Where is their lair?

The nest must be in the county seat, but there is a big tent behind it, which should be their temporary nest.

Take me to see it!

Li Dai followed Peng Haiyan to the big tent. The tent was still as it was. The five dead people fell in a pool of blood, and their heads rolled to the side. Li Dai did not dare to look more, and said to the policeman behind him: Get the bodies out first!

The detectives worked together and dragged out the five corpses and their heads.

Li Dai then entered the account and took a closer look. In the middle of the large account, there were piles of copper coins. There were also a lot of broken silver, silver hairpins and silver bracelets. There were more than a dozen boxes next to them filled with money, at least tens of thousands of them.

But what Li Dai cares about is not money. What he wants is documentary records. He saw his son chasing and killing samurai with his own eyes. It was very bloody, so he must find evidence that Yuan Mile attempted to rebel. Otherwise, his son would kill hundreds of people and get into big trouble. of.

Your Majesty, this is it!

The chief bookkeeper Liu Yan found a brocade scroll and handed it to Li Dai.

Li Dai hurriedly opened it, and what was written was Blood Oath to Achieve Great Deeds.

'I, Yuan Maitreya, have fulfilled the decree of heaven to overthrow the Li family and establish the great cause of the emperor. I am willing to advance and retreat together with the six brothers, share wealth and honor, and will never betray. I swear an alliance here with my blood to prove my true heart.'

There are seven names and finger prints underneath.

Li Dai was overjoyed. With this thing, his son would become famous no matter how many people he killed.

Look again, is there a roster of warriors?

Everyone started working together and soon found a thick roster with the name of the Maitreya Army written on it.

When you open the first page, you will see: Youwei General Wang Kuan

Poor Wang Kuan didn't know until his death that he had been designated as the right-guard general by Yuan Mile.

Li Dai quickly put away these two important documents and told Peng Haiyan: Go to the county seat quickly to find seven boxes and some ice cubes. I want to put the seven heads in them.

Peng Haiyan was an expert in solving crimes. He reminded Li Dai: Your Majesty, there are fingerprints on the oath of alliance. It's best to take their bodies with you.

Li Dai suddenly realized, You're right, go find seven coffins!

At this time, Dugu Lie led the army to the warehouse. The soldiers had discovered a shallow pit in which more than a hundred corpses were hastily buried. The soldiers moved all the corpses out. They were all protective warriors wearing Maitreya warrior uniforms. Most of them There are no heads left.

The air was filled with a pungent stench, and many soldiers covered their noses and turned their heads. Most of these Qianniu Guards soldiers were the sons of the powerful, the emperor's guard of honor. They had never been on the battlefield. Where had I seen anything like this? A bloody and tragic scene.

Dugu Lie had been on the battlefield, had seen a lot of the world, and knew the tragedy on the battlefield, but it was just that Li Ye killed these people alone, which was too fierce.

He sighed and ordered: Pile up all the corpses and burn them to immunize against the epidemic!

At this time, a general came over and said: General, there is something wrong with the roof too!

Dugu Lie followed his men to the warehouse. The soldiers caught several warriors who had broken their legs and could not move. These were witnesses and were very important. Dugu Lie asked people to take them away.

Dugu Lie immediately climbed up the ladder to the roof of the warehouse. The scene in front of him immediately shocked him. He put his hand on his forehead and exclaimed, Oh my God!

With the conclusive evidence provided by Jingzhao Shaoyin Li Dai, the mass incident in Yunyang County was quickly characterized by the court as a rebellion by some people with ulterior motives who took advantage of the people's appeals.

The imperial court immediately hung the heads of Yuan Mile and seven others in front of Mingde Gate as a strong warning to those with ulterior motives.

Because this rebellion was nipped in the bud without causing serious consequences, the court officials were basically not punished. Only the Yunyang County magistrate was responsible for negligence and was demoted to another county and demoted to the chief register.

The matter seemed to have ended like this, but another incident brought about by this rebellion began to ferment in the Chang'an government and the public, and that was Li Ye's killing of 278 warriors.

The story of Li Ye's murderous deeds began to spread rapidly in the Chang'an market, and the communicators described it vividly, as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

In the Danfeng Restaurant in Pingkangfang, a Qianniu Guard soldier who had drunk a little too much was describing vividly, The war horse ran over, the sword slashed across, 'Crack!' Three heads flew up, and the man's hands and feet were still moving. But the head is gone, and there is blood in the neck! It spurted out ten feet high.

The drinkers all tightened their necks and involuntarily shrank their necks, imagining the horrific scene.

I killed more than 140 people in just one cup of tea. Imagine that speed. The killing competition is not that fast. Many times, two people will be killed with one knife!

Some drinkers exclaimed, Isn't this Shura Field?

The Qianniu Guard soldier curled his lips and said, This is nothing. I have been to the top of the warehouse and witnessed it with my own eyes. That is the real Shura Field. I was so scared that I almost fell off the roof.

What does it look like? Tell me!

It's better not to say anything! You are eating! The Qianniu Guards soldiers tried hard to capture everyone's appetite.

Speak quickly! Speak quickly! everyone urged.

Let me tell you, there were about 140 or 50 people killed on the roof of the warehouse. I only saw feet, intestines, livers, and heads all over the floor. The smell was absolutely fishy.

Stop talking, it's too disgusting! Many drinkers shouted.

The Qianniu Guards soldiers laughed, You have to listen to yourself!

Why are there internal organs? someone asked puzzledly.

Idiot! If you cut it off in the middle, everything will flow out!


An official on the stairs couldn't bear it anymore and punched the floor hard. Is there any humanity left in being so cruel and murderous?

When everyone saw that he was wearing official uniform, they didn't dare to say a word. Another official companion came forward to persuade him: Brother Zheng, just listen to these market rumors. Don't take them seriously!

This official is named Zheng Ang, who is appointed as the Censor, and is Yang Guozhong's confidant.

Zheng Ang snorted and said coldly: These are not rumors. I have read the interrogation records and military records. They are all true. A dignified official of the Tang Dynasty is so cruel and murderous. First of all, his morals are not consistent. I want to impeach this person. people!

Several companions looked at each other in confusion. They had even read the interrogation records. It was obvious that this was not a temporary incident.

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