Remember in one second ↘End ^ book. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘ mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.coΜ

The surrounding environment, and then joked: Chu Mian didn't come, are you lonely?

Yu Ran was startled, he couldn't hear the tittering of his classmates, he could only pretend to say one sentence——

Chu Mian didn't come, are you lonely?

Yu Ran never realized that his lack of energy today could be explained by loneliness. He only knew that every time he looked back, he saw that Chu Mian's seat was empty, and his body seemed to be empty too.

Yeah! Yu Ran nodded firmly and told the teacher, I'm lonely!

The teacher couldn't help laughing, and didn't know how to comfort this strange boy.

After Yu Ran figured out the reason for his depression, his state became a little clearer. After class, he grabbed a red lucky bag in his hand and sighed: Oh, I specially exchanged twenty steel coins for Chu Mian to pay back the money.

Fang Zhao respected him in awe: It turns out that you can't eat because you haven't paid back the money. You are so honest!

Cui He came over and picked up the small red cloth bag in Yu Ran's hand, presumably it was used to hold wedding candy in the past.

She squinted at Yu Ran, Yo, you cut it from the bellyband and sewed it.

Yu Ran asked, Will Chu Mian come tomorrow?

Seeing his depressed appearance, Cui He couldn't bear it. She didn't expect that a lie she said in the morning would have such a big impact on Yu Ran, but this should also directly prove that...

She couldn't help feeling nervous for Chu Mian.

Have you finished the inspection? Come to the school quickly! Cui He eagerly texted Chu Mian, I will tell you a good news and a bad news in person.

Chu Mian quickly replied: OK.

The re-examination process is actually very fast, and the inspection results can be delayed and sent to the home. Chu Mian went out of the hospital to take a taxi and drove directly to the school.

When he fast-forwarded to the teaching building, he texted Cui He. The girl ran out immediately, with a smile on her face, grabbed him and said, Listen to the good news or the bad news first?

bad news.

Yu Ran bought you tomatoes mixed with sugar today, but he ate them all for you when you didn't come.

Chu Mian smiled slightly, What about the good news?

Guess for yourself.

Chu Mian glanced at her, without being annoyed, she walked into the back door of the classroom.

Yu Ran was lying on the table silently writing chemical equations, stuck for a long time, unable to remember the correct answer.

He was about to give up, but suddenly his neck felt cold, someone was covering the back of his neck.

You ate my tomato?

Yu Ran's first reaction was an auditory hallucination, but when he turned his head and saw the face that he had been thinking about today, he forgot how to express his feelings for a moment.

Even the smile was several beats slower, only the joy flowed from the eyes.

Chu Mian didn't change her school uniform when she came, she simply wore a pair of ripped jeans and a pure white t-shirt, which alone was enough to catch people's attention.

Fang Zhao couldn't help sighing beside him: Such a plain white dress is worth two thousand on Chu Mian's body.

Cui He glanced at it: It was originally two thousand.

forget it……

Yu Ran moved his lips and said, I'll give you new tomatoes tomorrow.

He remembered that he still had money to pay, so he quickly took out the red lucky bag and stuffed it into Chu Mian's hand, and the twenty coins inside collided and jingled.

Cui He saw it and sneered, Yu Ran, are you the fucking old lady who gave her fiancé a purse? Chu Mian, take a look, did he even embroider his name on it?

Ye Xi was amused by Cui He's metaphor, and whispered, Yu Ran is a cucumber boy.

Chu Mian's face was hot because of Cui He's teasing, he tightly clutched the small bag Yu Ran gave him, his face drooped, and the corners of his lips couldn't hold back his smile.

This kind of atmosphere alone is enough to satisfy him, and he didn't think of Cui He's good news for a long time. When everyone finally went back to their homes after school, Cui He finally couldn't bear it and took the initiative to call Chu Mian.

She cut to the chase: Yu Ran has been thinking about you all day, and I miss you so much.

Cui He didn't bother to describe Yu Ran's state today, he just thought it would be easier for Chu Mian to understand the conclusion directly, leaving the rest to his own imagination.

Chu Mian sat at the table without moving for a long time, waiting for her heartbeat to stabilize before turning to her notebook to write.

【Everything I like】

1. To burn.

2. To burn.

3. To burn.

4. Candied tomatoes.

Chapter 51 CD-ROM

The bell for English class rang, and Yu Ran saw a strange man walk into the classroom, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and a striped shirt. The man naturally stood on the podium and ordered everyone to take out the English weekly newspaper.

Who is this? Got into the wrong class? Yu Ran asked Fang Zhao suspiciously.

Substitute head teacher, Mr. Dai

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