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Well, didn’t Teacher Bai tell us in class that day, that she was sent by the school to a high school exchange in the United States for two weeks, and another teacher started to substitute for the class today. Fang Zhao told him in a low voice, You didn't hear such an important matter?

Which day did you say that? I have no impression.

Fang Zhao recalled, The day Chu Mian didn't come.

Oh, no wonder. Yu Ran was stunned. On the day Chu Mian asked for leave, she hardly attended any class.

Teacher Dai only stays for two weeks, and after that, he has nothing to do with them, so many people are slack in class. But soon everyone discovered that Mr. Dai’s personality is much stronger than that of Mr. Bai. If you answer a wrong question by name, you will continue to answer the same type of questions; if the translation sentences are not smooth, you will be given extra homework; , He even has to take care of his sitting posture in class.

It's already hot in summer. You will definitely fall asleep if you lie on your stomach. Sit down. Teacher Dai looked around and noticed that Chu Mian was dozing off with his head buried.

Yu Ran did not obey his instructions and explained Chu Mian's physical condition. However, after listening to Teacher Dai, he approached directly and tapped his fingers on the table, waking Chu Mian awake.

If you're too sleepy, just stand and listen, or go out and wash your face to wake up. Teacher Dai's voice is thick and penetrating.

Chu Mian just woke up, didn't understand the situation, only heard Yu Ran in front of him saying dissatisfiedly: He can fall asleep standing up, what's wrong with lying down for a while?

If you want to lie down, you can go home and lie down. No one in my class can be given special care, and it's not a big problem with him. The man's tone was unquestionable, and he turned his head and glanced at Yu Ran, If you want to stand along Then stand.

Chu Mian could only see Yu Ran's side face, and the expression seemed to want to refute, so he reached out and pressed Yu Ran's shoulder, signaling not to say more. Then he took the initiative to stand up, took two more yào pills, and managed to stay awake.

Hot weather tends to make people feel irritable, so Yu Ran suppressed the fire in his heart, stepped on the ground hard, and stood and listened to the class with Chu Mian.

Chu Mian stared at Yu Ran's slender back for a long time, and then slowly lowered her eyes to look at the problem. The two stood like this for forty minutes with their heads bowed, and their necks were sore after class.

What's so amazing about him as a substitute teacher? The lectures are not necessarily very good, but there are a lot of messes. Yu Ran did not forget to complain a few words during lunch, mainly because Teacher Dai was inconsiderate of Chu Mian. Sleeping sickness, Besides, even if Chu Mian falls asleep in English class, she can still get the first place in the exam.

Yu Ran muttered to the end, with a hint of complacency in his voice.

It's okay, he's the leader of the second grade in high school, he's just used to being strict, not to mention not every teacher is obliged to understand me. Chu Mian stirred the tomatoes in the bowl with a plastic spoon, scooped up a piece and put it in his mouth , cold and sweet.

He thought for a while, and told Yu Ran: Remember to complete all your English homework these few days, don't let him catch you.

Yu Ran nodded perfunctorily, and scribbled on the English weekly newspaper after returning home. At first glance, it looked like homework was completed.

The representatives of the chemistry class handed out a stack of things one by one, and passed them down from front to back. Fang Zhao took it and saw that it was the CD that came with the chemistry tutoring materials. He put two in his arms, turned around and said with a mysterious smile: Yu Ran, do you want a disk?

Why, you filmed it yourself? Yu Ran immediately showed disgust on purpose, shook his head and waved his hands in resistance, No, no, no, it's so dirty, Sadako wants to smash the TV after watching it.

The two pretended to push each other away, and finally the discs returned to each other's hands.

At the beginning, Yu Ran didn't take the CD-ROM of the tutorial book seriously, and stuffed it into the bookcase casually after playing with Fang Zhao. Unexpectedly, the next morning, the squad leader notified everyone to pay 80 yuan.

Many students were surprised why do they charge money again, and after asking, they found out that the CD-ROM should be used in conjunction with the tutorial book issued before, and it is not an accompanying gift.

It's just a broken disk, and it costs 80? Yu Ran held it up and looked at it dismissively, Who has nothing to do to review the CD, and the teacher said that the exercise book bought at 120 last time was not good. There is no need to write, it means that it is not worth such an expensive price, so why are we still spending money on things we don’t need?”

After he finished speaking, many people in the class echoed him, showing embarrassment to Xue Hua, and only said: Because everything has been sent to everyone in advance...

Yu Ran said as it should: Then we'll return it.

This... is unlikely. Xiang Xuehua clutched a wad of money in her hand, The books ordered by the same grade, the other classes have all paid up, Teacher Dai urged us to hurry up.

Damn, the selling order is still forced to buy and sell. Fang Zhao complained and sighed, but he still obediently handed over the money like most people. After all this

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