The TV series department of Shuibo Production has become active again recently.

This department has just recently produced two highly influential prime-time TV series and a morning drama. Because of these three successful works, everyone in the department is full of food, and many of the main creators have received hundreds of millions of dollars. With a bonus of tens of millions or even tens of millions, it stands to reason that I wouldn't be anxious if I could rest for a few months, but recently I can't hold myself back anymore.

The reason is that the film career of Shuibo Productions is now in full swing. As a film either wins heavyweight awards or achieves historical box office, people in the TV series department can finally sit still.

During this period, they were clamoring to untie the knot that sealed the camera. It seemed that they were deliberately trying to prevent the people from the film department from competing.

As a member of Shuibo Production's three major branches (movie department, TV drama department, and artist management department), the artist management department follows the two eldest brothers and is steadily ranked third. The film department and the TV series department have a certain degree of competition.

Seeing that the prestige of the film department within the company has further increased, and the film industry has gradually been taken seriously by senior leaders, it is surprising that the people in the TV drama department can sit still.

So I approached Kei Fujiwara to start filming a new work, and Kei Fujiwara also made a decision at this time.

In the new season, Mizunami Productions will shoot four TV series. For two of them, Kei Fujiwara will provide scripts, while the other two will need to use scripts by new screenwriters. For example, those who have won rankings in the Water Wave Award.

When we spent a lot of money and energy to organize the "Shuibo Awards" to select new screenwriters, it was not just a whim, but a real effort to cultivate a team that belongs to Shuibo Production. Otherwise, if Kei Fujiwara alone works hard as a porter in another world, the future of this company will be bleak.

The two original dramas are a trend drama co-created by Togada Nanako and Shiraishi Monet and a historical drama created by Miura Fuyube.

These three are not pure newcomers. Shiraishi Monet is the episode screenwriter of "Tokyo Cinderella", Togada Nanako is a novelist with personal works, and Miura Fuyube, not to mention, once worked for Matsushita Shinya. The gunman who has lived for many years has won the first prize of the Water Wave Award this time. His ability is very trusted.

The top executives of the TV department also knew that it would not work to rely on Kei Fujiwara's personal talent for every film, so they agreed to this plan. But it is inevitable that the filming budget given to them will not be too much, because more budget needs to be reserved for Kei Fujiwara's own works.

This is not Kei Fujiwara's request, but the result of the TV drama department's own weighing. For the same real money, it is natural to bet on a higher winning rate.

The two works of Kei Fujiwara are "Deception of the World" and "Jumping Search Line".

One of these two dramas features a professional fraudster (that is, a liar, the Japanese like to make up nice names) as the protagonist, while the other is a very common criminal investigation workplace drama with a policeman as the protagonist.

There doesn't seem to be anything special about these two TV series. Kei Fujiwara doesn't seem to have particularly high ambitions in terms of ratings. He just makes expectations: the maximum ratings can reach 20, and the average episode ratings can be above 15.

This is actually a pretty good result, but compared with the results of Kei Fujiwara's previous works, it's mediocre, because this guy was an odd person who once reached a peak rating of more than 40, which has been cut in half.

The reason why Kei Fujiwara brings these two Japanese dramas to mind is mainly because these two dramas have special attributes, that is, these two TV dramas are highly commercialized.

Both TV series have multiple sequels, countless peripherals, and multiple special episodes and theatrical versions. The box office of their theatrical versions is very high, in the tens of billions, and they are super-grossing movies.

Now that Shuibo Production is in a period of rapid development, it needs to produce more works, and the capital investment is getting bigger and bigger, so it is natural to need a continuous money-printing machine work like "The World". We don’t expect them to reach the terrifying ratings of "Naoki Hansawa", we just ask that their ratings remain at a good high level.

During the initial planning, Kei Fujiwara even invited people from the film department to participate in the planning meetings for these two TV series, and clearly told them that these two TV series would be released in theatrical versions, so people from the film department had to start from Be prepared from the start.

The two departments must cooperate well. Only if the TV series performs well can the theatrical version be sold. If the theatrical version has a high box office, it will in turn feed the TV series.

As a result, the two departments, which had originally regarded each other as competitors, once again became comfortable with each other.

In late September, "Infernal Affairs" was officially released.

"Infernal Affairs" premiered at midnight on Friday. Many people watched it, and some violent gangs even booked the theater to watch it. However, because of the "bullying" plot in the movie in which the male protagonist kills his boss with one shot, it was attracted by many clubs. The boss prohibited his subordinates from going to the movies. But there are still many people watching quietly. Although members of violent gangs are prohibited from entering some public places, as long as I wear long sleeves to cover my cardigan tattoo, who knows if I am a member of the gang? You can't just take off your clothes and check them one by one.

During the day, many theaters even increased the film's schedule to more than 60%, and the other 40% of the schedule was shared by movies in the same period. For such a high schedule, the attendance rate can reach 80%, which is amazing.

So after the first day, "Infernal Affairs" earned 800 million yen at the box office.

But this time, it didn't shock the industry. It's not a shock every time.

The reason is because Kei Fujiwara's performance this time was in line with expectations, but it was high expectations. When Kei Fujiwara's performance exceeds expectations every time, the film and television industry is not a fool, and has learned to appropriately raise its expectations.

Taniguchi Uchisuki was very happy.

Even my ability to drink and eat has improved in the past two months.

As the owner of a private theater in Kyoto, the revenue has been very good in the past few months. There are many people coming to watch movies, and the market is obviously getting hotter. Especially Japanese local films are very popular during this period.

As a theater operator and a movie lover, he is very happy to see this phenomenon. Since the end of the movie studio era, Hollywood movies have become very popular. It has been a long time since he has seen a local movie shine so brightly. .

And just like what he had hoped for before, a heroic figure really stepped forward to save the sluggish local film market.

Kei Fujiwara - I have heard of this name since "Confession" hit the theaters. "Confession" received a high box office of 5 billion. Although Taniguchi Uchiki was happy at the time, he did not think that things would turn around.

Until "My Sassy Girl" once again created a box office miracle, involving the whole of Japan in a strange trend of obsession with "violent women". Major theaters also made a lot of money because of this movie, and many of them were even planned to be transferred The theater owners all saw some hope because of this movie, so they decided to persist.

In fact, I see hope not from a certain movie, but from Kei Fujiwara and his Mizunami Productions. If Kei Fujiwara and his company make seven or eight movies like this a year, then the cinema will still have to worry about making money. What?

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