Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 549 International Friends

So when the movie "Infernal Affairs" first landed in major theaters, Taniguchi Uchiki treated the movie as a high-ranking film.

And this movie did live up to his expectations, with extremely high attendance.

This made Uchiki Taniguchi dream back to his childhood for a while, remembering the scene when he watched Japan's first monster movie when he was a child. At that time, the Japanese people had never seen such a special effects blockbuster, and they rushed to the theater to find out. , the cinema at that time was as busy as a market.

Such a scene is unprecedented since the art of film appeared in Japan. Although "Infernal Affairs" was popular, it could not compare with the sensational effect brought by that monster movie.

But Taniguchi Uchisuki had a hunch that perhaps this situation would happen again soon because of this man named Fujiwara Kei. A person with great talent and ambition like Fujiwara Kei will definitely cause huge waves in the film market.

And maybe it will become popular in Hollywood.

Daniel walked along the streets of Tokyo for a long time before he found a grilled pizza shop. He walked to the glass display window of the pizza shop, stood on tiptoes and took a look inside.

The pizza shop is medium-sized, with more than twenty tables inside, and it is almost full. Each pizza has an attractive white steam rising from the top. Under the white steam is a moderately thick crust and rich and attractive fillings and sauces.

Daniel rolled his amber eyes, using his vision comparable to that of a pilot, to look at the toppings on the pizzas on everyone's tables——

Red sausage, beef, onions, cheese, corn, chicken, green peppers...well, very nice.

They are all ingredients that are suitable to be put on pizza. There is no such thing as pineapple and strawberry, which are delicious on their own but disgusting when put on pizza. It seems that this is a good pizza place, and today's lunch can be settled here.

Daniel is not an American, but was born in Italy. He was naturalized in the United States as an adult and swore allegiance to the United States. However, the pineapple pizza everywhere in the United States always challenges the oath he took when he was naturalized. It made him want to blow up those inexplicable pizza restaurants with a cannonball.

Thinking of this, Daniel Ellison took off his suit, casually put it on his arm, and walked in.

Wearing formal attire in a restaurant like this will make you look very silly...

Daniel casually found an empty table and sat down. At this time, the waitress handed over the menu. Daniel could not read Japanese very well, but luckily there were pictures of the dishes on the menu. Daniel stretched out his finger to poke on the menu and ordered a red one. Sausage pizza, a side of French fries and a side of black tea. It's just a pity that there is no potato pie, otherwise this would be a perfect lunch.

However, in Asia, being able to have a meal that is 100% satisfying is a bit of a luxury, but to be able to do so is pretty good.

Daniel Ellison's identity is a film producer from Hollywood. This time he came to Tokyo to promote their movie with his team of actors in Japan.

After all, Japan is the second largest vote bank in the world. Although there is a huge gap between first and second place, it still needs to be taken seriously.

They made a police movie, and the box office revenue in North America was acceptable, close to 300 million U.S. dollars. It is estimated that it will be in the top five at the box office this year. It is a very powerful movie.

However, since the cost of this movie is also very high, with a box office revenue of 300 million, excluding theater shares and costs, the production company actually cannot make much money.

Therefore, the company's executives placed their hopes on Japan, the world's second largest ticket bank, hoping to obtain more profits.

Daniel is actually quite confident. Based on his experience, this movie may earn around 4 billion yen in box office revenue in Japan, or even higher. Moreover, the company's executives promised Daniel that all the net income earned in Japan can be used to fund the filming of his next movie. So Daniel was particularly concerned.

As for Japan's local movies, Daniel doesn't think they can stop his movies from harvesting box office. Daniel had also watched the popular Japanese film "My Sassy Girl" not long ago, but didn't take it to heart.

He didn't think the movie was great. Of course, this is also related to the fact that he doesn’t really want a romantic comedy movie. In the United States, this type of film is not considered mainstream and does not meet the viewing preferences of most viewers.

But as a professional filmmaker, Daniel can put aside personal preferences to see the pros and cons of a work. Upon closer inspection, this movie does have a lot of merits, such as delicate and touching emotions, interesting settings, and the most attractive thing is the splicing of various comedy scenes.

But this is both an advantage and disadvantage. This movie does not have a complete story with weight and connotation, but as a light comedy, it is not bad if it can achieve this level.

The main creator of this movie has also been in the limelight recently, and Daniel has heard a little bit about it. He heard that the screenwriter and producer of this movie have recently released a movie called "Infernal Affairs", which happens to be the same as their "Double Love". "The Gunslinger" is about to be released.

But Daniel didn't take it seriously. He believed that the same level of stories in "My Sassy Girl" was not enough to defeat "The Hero", even in Japan's local market.

Because there are only two main factors that determine the quality of a movie, the cast, production level and script level.

In terms of production standards, Hollywood has no rivals around the world.

As for the cast, Hollywood stars are quite famous in Japan, and are even as well known among young people as local A-list stars.

Let’s talk about the quality of the script. The script of “The Man with Two Guns” was written and written by a well-known Hollywood screenwriting studio. The plot quality is first-rate and the response was very good when it was screened locally.

Because of this, Daniel has high confidence in the film's release in Japan.

Daniel casually put his suit on the back of the chair, and then the pizza arrived. Both the heat and the aroma were in line with Daniel's expectations, so Daniel picked up a piece of pizza and ate it.

Quite delicious!

Daniel's eyes lit up. Although some localized treatments were made to suit Japanese tastes, the essence of the pizza was still preserved. The ingredients and sauces were all of the highest quality.

Daniel ate several pieces of pizza in a row, and even ate half of the fries in a hurry. When he looked up, he found the waiter girl staring at him.

Is it because my eating habits are too bad? Daniel was a little embarrassed, and then he thought, maybe this girl is interested in him? You know, although I am over forty, I am well-maintained and very masculine...

Daniel was thinking wildly when the waiter girl came over and said in Japanese English: "Si'er, would you like to try our special dishes? It's free."

"Uh, of course, what is it?" Daniel readily agreed. At the same time, some inappropriate scenes appeared in his mind. He wondered if the girl would take him to the kitchen. Then he took off his clothes and said, "Please taste it." Come on, sir."

When the waiter girl heard that the other party agreed, she hurried back to the kitchen, and after a while, she served several mysteriously shaped snacks.

Daniel was a little disappointed when he saw that these were real dishes, and these snacks looked a little strange, so he couldn't help but ask: "What are these?"

"It's my original dish." The girl waiter introduced one by one, "Original fish and salmon paired with thorn fries, veal steak with pineapple sauce, squid paste pancakes. Try it. The Japanese can't accept this kind of avant-garde. I think international people might like the taste."

Ogata Shinyo said with gleaming eyes.

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