A huge water feature wall stretches the entire space of the underground cave, cutting off the road ahead.

As far as the eye can see, let alone the passage for people to pass, I am afraid that even a fly will not be able to fly over.

“Didn’t you say that all the good places have been dug through by the group of guys from the Reincarnation Sect?”

“How come the water feature wall is still intact, can’t… This thing will repair itself, right?”

Seeing this scene, Huba Yi and the fat man were immediately dumbfounded.

Such a magnificent crystal giant wall, no matter how you look at it, it is not easy to open a hole in a short time.

Not to mention the cross-section, this crystal wall is extremely thick.

I’m afraid that even if it is reckless, without considering the danger of the cave collapsing, it is not so simple to blow up with a sufficient amount of explosives.

“If I remember correctly, this time is officially the Kunlun Mountain Range, the time of year when the water flow is the largest, right?”

At this time, Shirley rushed to the water, thoughtful.

The crowd went in the direction of the river.

Along the way, the river became more and more turbulent, but when I got here, I still didn’t see a significant rise in the river.

If this place was really blocked by the crystal wall, the water flow would have overflowed a long time ago.

I’m afraid the hole we’re looking for is just below the surface of the water. ”

“Usually, when the river is dry, the channel is exposed to the water. ”

“But now, eighty percent of the passages dug by the Reincarnation Sect have been submerged by the river. ”

While speaking, Jiang Nan had already put on diving facilities for himself.

Drawing on the experience of the tomb of the king, although the trip was to work on the Kunlun Mountains, everyone still prepared the tools for underwater work in advance.

It turns out that it’s always right to be prepared.

If there were no diving facilities at this time, everyone would really have to return to the same way.

“Wait, Jiangnan, let’s go down and take a look!”

Seeing that Jiang Nan was ready to go into the water to check the situation, Hirley hurriedly shouted.

A few minutes later.

The two of them also plunged in.

The passage of the crystal wall in the water is extremely wide, at least, in a short time, Jiangnan and Shirle have swept a distance of less than three or four meters.

However, ahead, it could not be passed.

There’s a flare-like place.

But the problem is, at this only passage entrance.

Thousands of “white-bearded scaleless fish tumble fish formations” blocked the river’s passage to the outside world.

A fish tail latching on to the previous one, the wall of fish they form is boundless.

These schools vary in size, but each fish is more than half a meter long, on average.

If anyone likes fish, they will be happy to see this scene.

But for Jiangnan, at this time, the fish array is indeed a big dilemma ahead.

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Shore, Gangnam and Shirley via return from the water.

“Whitebearded fish themselves are not harmful, but when they form a fish formation, their very existence is a threat. ”

“If we don’t get through the fish formation, I’m afraid we won’t be able to pass smoothly in a short time.” ”

Jiang Nan took off the respirator and said lightly.

Today, several people have been walking for most of the day.

At this time, everyone sat around the shore, ate something, and replenished their strength.

“Trouble, the fish formed a fish formation, which is nothing more than to defend against foreign enemies and natural enemies. ”

“Let’s not talk about what dangerous underwater creatures these white-bearded fish formed into a fish formation. ”

“That is, once the fish form a fish formation, and they disperse on their own, then there are waits. ”

Huba chewed dry food in his mouth and sighed slightly.

“It’s okay, Jiang Ye, Staff Officer Yang, Lao Hu, you forgot that we brought a lot of explosives with us when we came. ”

“When we have eaten and drunk enough, let’s go down and directly blow up Ya’er’s, no matter how large the fish array is, a shot of yellow explosives will go down, and the storage will be smooth immediately!”

Hearing this, the fat man raised his eyebrows and said with interest.

Fat Ya likes to do this kind of thing the most.

“It’s not that simple, this huge cryolite wall is not one, it is countless cryolite stacked together. ”

“None of us have experience in underwater blasting operations, the amount of explosives is not easy to grasp, less is not effective, more ..”

“If you blow up part of the crystal wall, it is easy to have a chain reaction, and the entire crystal wall will probably collapse. ”

Huba said with a wry smile.

“No, looking at this structure, even if the amount of explosives is large, it will take time to collapse if it accidentally affects the entire door of disaster.” ”

“This time… One to two minutes of freshmanship, as long as you hurry up and take the opportunity to pass through the passage, you will be fine. ”

Jiang Nan shook his head, looked at the crystal wall, roughly estimated it in his heart, and came to a conclusion.

A group of six people.

Jiang Nan and the others quickly dressed themselves with diving equipment, and at the same time helped Chuyi and Axiang, who did not know anything about it, to dress well.

If you want to pass through here safely and quickly, the six people must not be separated.

After getting into the water, Jiang Nan and the others waited quietly at the entrance of the cave.

The fat man volunteered to be a demoman, and several people also got him.

The fat man carried explosives, and the figure quickly swam into the passage and disappeared into the murky waters in front of the shocking fish array.

Not long after, within the light range of the underwater searchlight, I saw the fat man swimming back in a hurry.

The fat man gestured while swimming.

That means that the explosives have been laid, the fuse has been torn off and is about to explode.

Not daring to slacken, Jiang Nan pulled him over and hid on the side of the passage.

Almost at the same time, there was a violent muffled sound under the water, and the entire river seemed to shake.

The violent shock wave mixed with fish debris drives the water to rush.

At the same time, the rich, fishy crimson quickly stained the nearby waters red. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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