Needless to say, the fat girl probably put a little too much explosives.

That’s embarrassing.

At this time, the large crystal wall had begun to shake.

Visible to the naked eye, the gaps on the crystal wall have begun to dangle, and the subtle gaps that were originally difficult to distinguish with the naked eye have gradually expanded at this time.

It won’t be long before this crystal wall collapses.

Everyone did not dare to slacken, glanced at each other, and quickly rushed in.

Following the violent current, like a sensitive mermaid, it instantly got in.


The fat girl is not a mermaid.

It is worth mentioning.

In the team, Chuyi and Ah Xiang are not good at water.

The first year of junior high school grew up in western Xinjiang, although A Xiang ran with Lei Xianming in the Nanyang area all year round.

But these two just know how to swim.

As a last resort, Huba pulled Chuyi and Jiang Nan grabbed Axiang, which ensured that the two would not fall behind in this chaotic scene.

In the passage, countless frightened white-bearded fish are scurrying around.

As far as the eye can see, in the murky water, the white-bearded fish has long occupied all sights.

The tide of fish seems to have no end, and it seems that the passage is like a flood, and it seems that it will never end.

The oncoming tide of fish greatly hindered the speed of the crowd.

Jiang Nan knew that on the other side of the crystal wall was a wind-eroded lake with the dead-rival of the white-bearded fish.

This led to the fact that after the white-bearded fish were disturbed by explosives, some of the fish went upstream.

Fortunately, there are a number of these schools of fish swimming against the current.

Taking advantage of the great decrease in pressure, Jiang Nan and the others quickly summoned up enough strength and rushed through this underwater passage.

To be honest, under the water, I was muddy by the scale and minced meat of the fish, and I was in the water and wanted to vomit.

The passage, which was about 30 meters long, was delayed by schools of fish, and it took about two minutes to pass smoothly.

At the moment when everyone passed.

The door of disaster behind him could no longer withstand it and began to collapse.

With a continuous rumbling sound, large chunks of iceberg crystal stones continued to fall into the water.

With a gesture, Jiang Nan and the others did not dare to slacken, followed the underground river, and hurriedly sloped upstream.

At the end of the river is a wide, wind-eroded lake.

As soon as they came out of the water, the six people found that the outside environment and the previous glacier were almost two worlds.

The sky overhead is obscured by a thick mist, and four Wancheng snow-capped mountains loom around.

Surrounded by mountains and waters, the forest is dense, and the view is lush and green.

In the closest place to Jiangnan and others, there is a slope that extends out of the lake, the road surface is smooth as a mirror, and the mountains and forests are dense, but it is impossible to see where this road is connected.

“Let’s swim nearby, that road may lead to Evil Luohai City…”

Looking at the road, Huba looked pleased.

Just out of the underground tunnel, you can see the new road at a glance, which is indeed exciting enough.

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At this moment, behind everyone, a giant white-bearded fish with a body length of more than ten meters jumped out of the water.

The top of the head is red, the gills are snow-white, the length of the whiskers is even more amazing, and the whiskers of several meters long are hung with small fish, and the age of this old fish is difficult to estimate.

Probably the king fish of the white-bearded fish.


The king fish who jumped high fell heavily on the surface of the lake, splashing a large amount of water, and the people who watered it were called embarrassed.

“Groove !!”

Such a big fish, let it go, it should have become refined a long time ago, right?”

The fat man looked at the lake sluggishly, and couldn’t react for a while.

That thing is enough to fit three or four fat people vertically.

“King Fish… You guys go up first, I’ll go down and find the fish king to get something!”

Jiang Nan put on his diving goggles again, bit the breathing valve, and in the stunned eyes of everyone, a fierce son plunged into the water.

There are still more than half of the oxygen cylinders behind Jiangnan, which is enough for Jiangnan to hunt this fish king under the water.

Jiang Nan remembered very well that the eyes of the glacier crystal corpse were hidden in the belly of this fish king.

That thing is a key item.

Hope cannot be pinned on Providence.

Jiang Nan has never believed in this, to expect that on the altar, this thing runs out by itself and spits out its eyes, Jiang Nan might as well believe that he will ascend to immortals and become a god tonight!

Can’t really six people draw lots to decide who to dig up for the sacrifice, right?

Don’t show!

“No, what is Jiang Ye doing?”

“Murderous with a knife, that fish king provoked him?”

Huba Yi and the fat man looked at the direction Jiang Nan left stunned, and they were confused for a while.

“Who knows, maybe you’re hungry and want fresh fish?”

“But… Aren’t you worried about his safety, underwater, the world of fish, and even more frightening to say that the king of fish, I don’t know if there is anything else underwater… Brother Tuji will be fine, right?”

Chuichi shrugged, and then asked with a little concern.

No matter how good people’s water nature is, under the water, after all, it is not comparable to the fish born in the water.

He was somewhat worried.

“Don’t worry, Jiang Nan naturally has his reasons for doing this, and there must be some necessary reason to risk going into the water.” ”

“As for his safety…”

Shirley pondered for a moment and said, “So far, we have encountered a lot of demons and monsters, more difficult things than the fish king, but I have never added him to embarrassment…”

For example, in that gourd space, the oversized, hundreds of meters long Huo’s undead worm…

“A Xiang, are you okay, see your face is pale, is it a lack of physical strength?”

Shirley looked at Ah Xiang and asked with concern.

Since Lei Xianming was gone, this girl cared about A Xiang.

It’s just a caring big sister.

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