Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 132: Deep into Venus...

  The work of the four astronauts lasted for more than 20 minutes. Before the oxygen was exhausted, they carried the big box and walked to Chen Yu's side and bowed hard.

  For this mission, they came with the idea of ​​breaking the boat. They never thought in their minds that the "super-time up master" would be willing to delay the live broadcast and wait here for half an hour.

  After "escape from the dead", I was naturally very grateful to Chen Yu.

  Chen Yu waved his hand: "Go back."

  The four astronauts looked at each other, carrying the box full of moon dust and moon rock, and left the moon with the help of hundreds of police officers behind the portal.

  Leave only numerous electronic devices still in operation.

   Walking slowly to the portal, Chen Yu glanced at the people behind the door nervously sealing the "sample", stretched out his hand, and said, "Throw me ten small red flags from the earth."

  A few police officers who watched the live broadcast hurriedly notified the leader, and soon threw a bunch of red flags.

  Bending down, Chen Yu picked up the red flag and put it in the temporary storage box of the carapace, disconnecting the space.

  The world behind the metal arch disappeared immediately.

   "Friends in the live broadcast room, sorry for the delay. Now the evaluation continues."

  "The moon, except for the absence of air and cosmic radiation, is not extreme..."

  Just halfway through the words, a meteorite suddenly fell in the dark sky, shaking the ground slightly.

   "...Well, apart from the absence of air, cosmic radiation, and meteorites, it is not an extreme environment. I came here mainly to satisfy my dream of landing on the moon."

   "Then after the moon, the second stop of our solar system journey is Mercury."

   "Feel the terror of the sun up close!"

  Speaking, Chen Yu called up the virtual earth and docked the space twists to the surface of Mercury.


  The short space of the metal arch was distorted, and behind the door appeared a deadly world similar to the moon, but many dazzling eyes.

  Take a deep breath, calmly, Chen Yu looked back at the beautiful half-blue and half-black earth in the distance, and stepped into the portal.


  Bright! !

  Bright! ! !

  The moment he entered Mercury, Chen Yu felt a slight tingling in his eyes and his body weight increased a lot.

  If it is not for the helmet to automatically block most of the light, the human eye may be blinded.

   "This is Mercury."

Facing the camera and making an ok gesture, Chen Yu explained: “The protective clothing has sent a reminder that the surrounding temperature is as high as 400 degrees Celsius. But it is far from reaching the thermal insulation limit of this protective clothing. The audience does not need to help me. worry."

  "In a brief introduction, Mercury, in ancient China, was called...what is it called..., don't care. It is one of the four terrestrial planets in the solar system that are similar to the earth. It is one of the eight stars closest to the sun."

   "How close is it?"

  Chen Yu gave a vague smirk, and controlled the camera to slowly turn to face the sun!

  The next moment, the screen images of 900,000 viewers in the live broadcast room are all filled with a huge fireball!

  Under the high-definition pixels of the future camera, the fireball seems to be volley above the head, occupying a 120-degree field of vision of both eyes...

  【Blind my dog's eyes. 】

  【Suddenly committed a huge phobia. 】

【too frightening……】

  【Spectacular! 】

  【Thank you up, let me see this scene with my own eyes in my lifetime. 】

  【Will the anchor melt if there is no armor? 】

  【Won't melt, but burn. 】

  【400 degrees! You can eat it in a few minutes. 】

  【Why not go at night? 】

  【Shentemo go to night...】

  【Minus 150 degrees at night. 】

   [Isn't that the two heavens of ice and fire? 】

  【Soiled. 】

  【Diluted +1. 】

  【Nima! At such a tall historical moment, you can still drive. 】

  Waiting for the audience to enjoy it, Chen Yu closed his eyes and turned around slowly. After three seconds, he opened his eyes suddenly!

   Give yourself a sudden shock!


  Opened his arms and "hugged" the big fireball in front of him, Chen Yu's heart suddenly gushed out an inexplicable impulse that could not be suppressed, and his nose was slightly sour.

  The universe, how great.

  How humble is a human being.

  At this moment, no one except himself can understand the feelings in his heart.

  This is a carbon-based creature, an homage to the instinct of the magnificent universe.

  In the live broadcast room, more than one-third of the audience chose to take screenshots to record the magnificent scene of humans embracing the sun.

  The history of mankind has finally been updated with a strong stroke...

   "My friends, I'm sorry."

  For a long time, lowering his arms, Chen Yu sighed: "I am the only one who appreciates such a spectacular and unique moment."

   "And what's even more regrettable is that I will still be alone in admiring Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and may even discover alien life forms. And you can only watch the excitement."

   "Sorry, so sorry..."

  【Jealousy makes me totally unrecognizable. 】

  【Jealousy makes me crooked. 】

  【You will lose us like this...】

  【Women's apologies! 】

  【Go to the sun! Go to the sun! 】

   [up master, I am the dean of the Astronomical Institute, can I enter the back of Mercury to take video materials? 】

  【Don't bother, the up master can't see the barrage now. 】

   turned around and walked to the portal, Chen Yu once again called up the virtual earth to connect the space of the third station planet.

   "According to the planetary order, the next step is to go to Venus. The environment there is more extreme, we speed up the evaluation speed. But before that..."

  Dragging the long tone, Chen Yu took out the small red flag from the storage box in the back armor and pushed it **** the ground.

   Immediately, the small cloth flag burned out quickly under the high temperature of Mercury, leaving only the thin iron rods becoming redder...

  Chen Yu: "...sorry."

   shrugged, Chen Yu looked up, completed the tortuous connection of the portal space, and stepped in decisively.

  In an instant, the galaxy is turned, and black and white are reversed.

  The twisted orange-yellow brilliance enveloped him round and round.

"This is Venus." Turning his head and looking around, Chen Yu couldn't help but frown: "Gravity is very close to the earth. According to the data of protective clothing, the temperature here reaches 465 degrees Celsius, which is higher than Mercury facing the sun. The pressure is also It’s scary. There are ninety atmospheres of pressure, which is almost equivalent to a thousand meters of deep ocean. Oh? It seems it’s still raining?"

  Chen Yu wiped the rain on the helmet with his hand and observed in front of his eyes: "The yellow one should be sulfuric acid rain. This Nima is like hell!"


  A burst of thunder flashed across the yellow clouds!

  Chen Yu immediately raised his head and looked at and saw the lightning billowing and tumbling for a long time, causing a chain reaction of the surrounding clouds and blowing up thunderstorms.

   "I was wrong, it's not like, here is hell."

  【Where is the Daoist friend here? 】

  【The planet of hell. 】

  【Aunt Venus, is that you? The orange surface is so manic...]

  【It's so thick smoke, take a breath! Just one bite! 】

  【Finally enter Venus! Shuangwaiwai. (Dog head)]

  【The earth is so good. 】

  【The earth is so good +1. 】

  【Venus has the strongest greenhouse effect in the solar system. If you don’t care for the earth now, the future of the earth is Venus! 】

  Waiting for the thunderstorm to dissipate gradually, Chen Yu quickly took out a small red flag and thrust it into the ground.

   "It makes me feel less comfortable here than in the Mariana Trench. Let's go."

  Just after I said this, the little red flag was scorched under corrosion and high temperature.


   After a moment of silence, Chen Yu said: "It is mainly to experience the artistic conception, and the meaning is enough..."

  Audience: "……"

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