Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 133: Layer by layer, gradually deepen

  Earth, Golden State, conference room.

  Many experts and scholars, especially professionals in the astronomy industry, are almost crazy, watching any detail in the live broadcast fanatically and greedily, and quickly record them.

  The planets that originally needed humans to explore a little bit in the future, now, seeing the full picture a hundred years in advance, this huge sense of happiness stimulates them all trembling...

  The middle-aged team leader who sat in the first place was not excited.

  He stared at the various "flying away" Chen Yu on the screen, and silently covered his face.

   "Team... Team leader." Xiao Li hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and asked, "Do you want to continue your contact with Chen Yu?"

"carry on?"

  The middle-aged team leader raised his head and stared at Xiao Li quietly: "What if he is tough?"

   "Didn’t we mean we are...stronger?"

  Sitting in the chair and being silent for a long time, the middle-aged team leader did not answer, instead he picked up the satellite phone to get up, walked out of the meeting room, and dialed the superior's phone.

   "Hey, leader, it's me."

"I have an idea."

  "Let’s consider the long-term plan..."


  Chen Yu’s journey around the solar system continues.

  After leaving the hell-like Venus, he traveled to Mars again.

  This is a terrestrial planet very similar to the earth.

  The surface is mostly sand dunes, with sandstorms that dry Chen Yu’s tongue. There is no water, no plants, and no life. Completely disappointed human beings' beautiful illusions about the "sister stars" of this earth. Apart from barrenness, there is only death...

  The next stop is Jupiter, the first atmospheric planet in the solar system.

   is different from before.

  This time, Chen Yu chose to open the portal outside Jupiter’s atmosphere.

  Because he has heard that the core temperature of Jupiter is above 27000 degrees Celsius...

  He was afraid that when he entered the core layer, the protective clothing would not be able to withstand the extreme high temperature and pressure, causing him to die on the spot.

  Falling freely into Jupiter from a position in space, while testing the extreme performance of the protective clothing, you can also experience the Jupiter environment in all directions. Once the alarm is triggered, it can return immediately. The degree of safety is greatly increased.

  Step, step out of the metal arch, the spark behind it has passed.

  In front of us, there is a magnificent scenery of black and yellow.

  Black is the universe.

  Yellow, is Jupiter.

   Floating lightly in space, Chen Yu felt upside-down, regardless of left and right. The experience was very strange.

   "After Mars, we came to Jupiter. It is already far from the sun. I don't know how far it is, everyone see for yourself."

  Speaking, Chen Yu manipulated the camera to shift direction and aimed at the distant starry sky.

  There is a "star" glowing orange.

  "From the position of Mercury covering the sky and the earth to the insignificant position of Jupiter, I intuitively felt what is the emptiness of the universe. Then look at Jupiter."

  The camera is turned again to transmit the huge panic image of Jupiter below to millions of electronic screens on the earth.

  This is a world of golden yellow flowing clouds.

  Under the high-speed rotation of the planet, the flowing clouds are stretched to form a cloud belt.

  These cloud bands, a small part of strange condensation, combine into uneven distribution of spots. The most conspicuous one is Jupiter's iconic Great Red Spot!

  "The portal stays here. Next, I'm going to lead everyone to explore Jupiter. Human beings have never gone deep under the clouds of Jupiter."

  【Up, please click on it, I don’t want you to die because I love you. 】


  【Jupiter is ten times more terrifying than Venus. 】

  【If you can't come back, we will give a bad review to the manufacturer after 300 years. 】

【at the scene. 】

  【Mercury has no water, Venus has no gold, Mars has no fire, and Jupiter has no wood. What about you? 】

  【Jupiter: In a few decades, there will be a kid who will blow me up with a lighter. Very panic...]

  【Under the beautiful appearance, there is a wretched heart hidden. 】

  "Countdown, 3..."



  Gave a buffer time for all the audience, Chen Yu decisively started the plasma engine and accelerated towards the rotating big red spot!

   "Ride the strongest horse and make the greatest death!"

   "War song! Get up!"

  Along with Chen Yu's "Charge", the background music of "Catch the Shrimp" immediately sounded in the live broadcast room.

  (I039vejtbeen thispcebefore)




  The closer to Jupiter, the more intense the sound of friction with gas. After a while, Chen Yu's helmet, shoulder armor, and the outside of his legs all lit up in red...

  Ten minutes later, Chen Yu's figure was like a sharp arrow, passing through the white ammonia cloud under 05 atmospheres, straight into the erythema.

  Like an ant falling into the Pacific Ocean.

   "I clearly felt the terrifying gravity from Jupiter, at least twice that of Earth. It dragged me to a fall speed of 7,300 kilometers per hour."

Turning his head hard and looking at the camera beside him, Chen Yu shouted: "You can see the fire from the contact between my helmet and the atmosphere. Now I feel a little discomfort in my heart, and gravity is too terrifying. Don't enter Jupiter at will. dead person's."

  【I'm too lazy to complain, don't let the anchor die. 】

  【This young man, fucking. 】

  【Jupiter's gravitational field is 233 times higher than that of the earth, and the up master can still speak without changing his face. Really doubt whether he is an alien. 】

  【From beginning to end, is it the only thing I am following the photographer alone? ! 】

  【Peel off the layers. 】

  【Gradually go deeper. 】

  【Directly to the core. 】

【Hey? Demon spirit...]

"The sensor of the protective suit issued a warning. The surrounding temperature was minus 159 degrees Celsius, and the friction between the armor and the gas reached 2,000 degrees Celsius. I really don’t know how long it will be for humans to penetrate Jupiter without this protective suit. ."

  In Chen Yu’s loud explanation, he “slowly” penetrated the white ammonia cloud layer and completely entered the Great Red Spot!

  This is a super storm with a diameter of more than 20,000 kilometers composed of ammonium sulfide, ammonium sulfide and a large amount of red phosphate! Can fit the entire earth in.

   and wind speeds as high as 680 kilometers per hour, it can instantly tear the earth's natural environment to pieces...

  The scary red clouds are getting deeper and deeper the light is getting darker and darker.

  Under the stability of the plasma engine, Chen Yu's figure will not be blown away, but he has gradually shown signs of instability.

Covering the reddish helmet, Chen Yu slightly controlled his speed, and continued to explain to the camera: "The air pressure is getting higher and higher, and there are already four atmospheres. The temperature is also rising. And the surroundings are getting darker and darker. It's not that the armor and the gas are rubbing violently, I can't even see's depressing."

   "I feel like I am slowly dying."


  Suddenly, a loud noise over 200 decibels came from below!

  The whole world shines instantly! He almost blinded Chen Yu's eyes.

  It was a lightning bolt between clouds. The length is incalculable, and the width is at least hundreds of meters! The voltage contained in it is unimaginable...


  The pressurized engine suddenly stopped his figure, and Chen Yu assumed a superman posture, returning to the original route without hesitation.

   "It's getting late, so let's end today's review."

  Audience: "……"


  Added more for the rudder master of "Night work sick building Feng Jian Ai"!

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