Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 150: Do you want to wipe the crotch too?

This is a spectacular scene beyond human cognitive imagination and difficult to describe in words.

A water column with a diameter of more than ten kilometers soars into the sky, venting the pressure accumulated for hundreds of millions of years. Under near vacuum and extreme cold, they boil, evaporate, sublimate, and solidify, and are annihilated by the "latecomers", and begin to boil again to the cycle of solidification.

The sea water sprayed to the highest point has broken away from Europa's gravitational field, and has been captured by the gravitational force of the more terrifying gaseous planet in the distance, pulling it into a gradually "extending" line of gas and solid mixing.

From a distance, this picture is beautiful and thrilling.

No painter can create such an "inspiring" work.

It's amazing, the water in space is like this.

No movie can render this picture, shocking!

Haven't seen the explosion of stars? I was at the scene and it was even more shocking.

Can the water pressure tear a hundred kilometers of ice? Obviously fake, it was exposed to computer special effects.

The same is a human head, how can you be like this two B?

Never wake up a person who opens his mouth to catch urine.

What's more weird is that he is still wrapped up!

I feel that the uP master will detonate the stars one day...

Did I only notice that the astronaut is gone?

Why is the anchor stunned? Go in for fish!

"Boom boom boom..."

In the deafening roar of the ocean, Chen Yu flew higher and farther, looking for the two hapless astronauts by the way.

But after searching for more than ten minutes, he did not find the shadow of the life ball.

"It seems to be a little troublesome." Chen Yu looked at the camera, slightly embarrassed: "The range of the water column is too large. Looking for a ball in such a large range is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. And they may be washed away. Going to space, you won’t find it..."

This sudden "bad news" made the audience who were in a state of excitement a second ago caught off guard and chilled.

"Of course, I just said that I can't find it with the naked eye. Other methods can still be found. It's a little troublesome at most." After speaking, Chen Yu threw the hilt of his sword into the storage box, and then controlled the engine to fly to the freezing water column. .

"I need help. The Aerospace Research Institute who is watching the live broadcast now prepares equipment that can locate the radio location for me. The sooner the better."

"I will return to Earth soon."



The closer you get to the water column, the more you can hear the huge tremor.

In such a large-scale violent jet, the seabed pressure in the nearby area gradually decreases, and the water column has a faint tendency to shrink.

Taking advantage of this stall, he flew to the "wall" of gas-solid mixture of ice, and slammed his fist against the ice surface.


Several cracks broke on the ice.

"Is it frozen so thick so soon?"

Seeing this, Chen Yu could only take out the high-frequency lightsaber again, activate the plasma beam, aiming at the front and galloping away.



The lightsaber is invincible. In less than half a second, Chen Yu penetrated the ice wall and rushed into the water column. The huge water pressure that followed pushed him upward.

Turning off the lightsaber and activating the engine, he decisively chose to face the terrifying water pressure and rush down to the location of the portal.

While rushing, he did not forget to explain to the audience in order to prevent cold spots.

"The portal is a space technology product. It is a point firmly fixed on the dimensional space coordinates, and this point is based on the gravitational force of the planet. So no matter how high the water pressure is, it will not wash away. As long as we return from the portal Earth, get the scanning equipment and then come out, there is no problem."

In the process of contending with water pressure, the forward speed is extremely slow.

But fortunately, the water column has passed the initial explosion stage, and the pressure has decreased exponentially. After more than ten minutes of "difficult" travel, I finally saw the portal of the star system suspended in the water column.

"It's really not easy when it gets here. It's amazing to say that a small hole of one meter has caused such a big chain reaction."

Accelerated, rushed into the portal, and returned to the Earth Phoenix Mountain. Chen Yu had no time to rest, and turned to the heavily armed captain on the side, saying: "Contact your superior and tell me the address of the Aerospace Research Institute. I will pass now."


Facing Chen Yu, the soldier was like facing the chief. After saluting, he took out his communicator and contacted his immediate superior.

"My king, where are those two people?" Xiao Taohong walked over, glanced at the water world inside the portal, and asked suspiciously.

"Swinging on a swing to go to Heaven for our honeymoon."

Little Pink: "?"

"Mr. Wang!" The team leader strode forward to Chen Yu, and handed a neatly written note: "This is the detailed address of the Aerospace Research Institute."


After receiving the note, Chen Yu docked the space of the portal. After success, he stepped in.


On the Academy Square, hundreds of people stood here long ago, and they rushed in excitement just waiting for the portal to appear out of thin air.

"Hello, it is a great honor to meet you. I am the dean of the Aerospace Research Institute. My name is Zhao..."

"What about things?" Chen Yu interrupted the old man's remarks without saving face, and directly stretched out his hand: "Give it to me."

"Ah...ah here! Here it is."

After a brief stupefaction, the old man quickly handed over a device similar to his big brother: "With this thing, you can determine the position of the astronauts. They are equipped with automatic positioning transmitters and do not need radio positioning."

"How to use it?"

"The method is very simple. There are a total of twelve indicator lights, corresponding to twelve directions. Whichever end is on, you can go wherever you go."


Chen Yu nodded and turned around to operate in front of the portal.

Taking advantage of this "extremely precious" opportunity, the old dean made a look, and a pretty girl in a full set of protective clothing immediately rushed forward, took out a white towel, and graciously wiped Chen Yu's armor.


Chen Yu was a little confused: "What are you going to do?"

"Why... Wipe the sewage for you. Wiping it clean will be majestic." The girl replied shyly, but she didn't slow down in her hands.

"Oh, there is this kind of service? Yes, yes. But I always think that there is a wire in your towel? Why is it'crack'?"

"! There is absolutely no wire!" The girl solemnly assured. But the bottom of my heart silently said: It's just a blade...

"Wipe the inner thigh, too." Chen Yu separated his legs.

"Okay, okay!" The girl was so happy that she nodded her head repeatedly, squatted down, and said: "Wipe the crotch too."

"No need for this." Chen Yu flatly refused, then looked at the old dean: "By the way, what did you say your name was just now?"

"I... my name is Zhao Dabao."

"Blessed with this name."

"Thank you……"

After a few Chen Yu pushed the girl away: "The space is connected, I am leaving."

"It just happened to be wiped, you... let's go."


Nodding, Chen Yu stepped out of the portal without delay.

Seeing Chen Yu leaving, the old dean could no longer suppress his excitement: "Quick! Go to the laboratory, separate the blade from the towel, and see what's on it..."

"Institute... Dean, shall we wait for the astronauts here?"

"The two boys are alive and kicking and can't die, hurry up!"


"I have a foreboding that there may be a big discovery in a while! By the way, take the knife quickly and see if I can scrape something off the portal..."


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