Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 155: Overlooking, Chaoyang (Part 1)

The next day, Saturday, early morning.

Before dawn, Chen Yu was awakened by the vibration of the mobile phone alarm clock.

Opening his eyes and looking at the sky outside the window, he got up, got out of bed, stretched his waist, and went to the bathroom to wash.

After freshening up, Chen Yu walked back to the bedroom to get dressed, and pushed Chen Yike on the bed: "Hey, wake up, it's dawn for a while, hurry up."

"Huh?" Chen Yike was confused: "Where to go?"

"Climbing the mountain, are you going?"

"Yes!" The girl immediately became sober, got up and put on clothes quickly: "I said I was going to climb the mountain last night, but I forgot."

"You go and wash your face first, I'll wake up the second and third."

"it is good."

Waiting for Chen Yike to leave, Chen Yu walked to Chen Erke and knocked her head: "Hey, wake up, go climbing."


Chen Erke rubbed his eyes: "I...I want to sleep..."

"Didn't you say you were going to climb the mountain last night?"

"I want to sleep……"

"Then don't blame me."

Chen Yu sneered. After brewing for a while, he pouted and pointed at Chen Erke's small face...

"Hmm--" the fart sounded.

"..." Chen Erke opened his two small nostrils, opened his eyes sharply, and struggled to stand up: "Ah! Ahem! Aah!"

"Don't move!" Chen Yu quickly pressed Chen Erke: "Take a deep breath and feel it with your heart."

"Chen Yu! Let me go! Cough cough... you're disgusting!"

"Do you smell the fragrance of jasmine?"


"Lie down and don't get up, sleep well."

"I...I...Ah!" Chen Erke struggled to break free of Chen Yu's shackles, sat up, gasping for breath.

"Fart is gas, it will rise." Chen Yu reminded kindly.

"Excessive!" Chen Erke quickly held his breath, jumped out of the bed and ran out of the bedroom holding his clothes.


Chen Yu was proud of his physical and mental comfort, and then looked at Chen Sanke to try his tricks again, but found that the villain had been dressed neatly and quickly fled.

"...It's so uncomfortable to hold half of it." Chen Yu scratched his head.

"You...Where are you going?"

At this time, Liu Xiaojun, the last child in the room, rubbed his eyes and got up: "I want to go too."

"You sleep well."

"No, where are you going?" Liu Xiaojun became more energetic, jumped out of bed flexibly, and grabbed Chen Yu's thigh: "Take me one."

"Look at my face." Chen Yu said suddenly.


"Yawn..." Chen Yu opened his mouth and yawned greatly, revealing the yawning dentures in his mouth.

The invisible brain pulse spread immediately, stimulating Liu Xiaojun's cerebral cortex to continue to heat up.

"Um..." Liu Xiaojun blinked, only to feel exhausted and sleepy, and the whole person became confused: "I...I want to go..."

"Yawn." Chen Yu took advantage of the victory and yawned again.


Liu Xiaojun stood and fell asleep immediately, and fell forward.

Chen Yu quickly reached out and hugged him, put it back on the bed, then walked out of the bedroom and gently closed the door.

"Get ready, go climbing!" Chen Yike wiped the water marks on his face, and said with a cheerful expression: "Climb quickly, you should still see the sunrise."

"Did you two wash your faces?"

"It's finished." Chen Sanke patted his little cheek: "It's clean."

"Huh!" Chen Erke turned his head and glared at Chen Yu.

"Then let's go now."

With an order, Chen Yu picked up Chen Sanke, took his sisters out of the room and headed towards Xishan.

Xishan, located on the north side of Wafang City Stadium, is a hill with a height of no more than 400 meters. There is a park at the bottom of the mountain and a pavilion on the top of the mountain.

There are only two ways to go up the mountain.

One is Panshan Road and the other is straight steps.

Since it was early morning to climb the mountain, the fourth master of the Chen family naturally chose the latter.

Across a wide road, the four came to the bottom of the mountain.

Chen Yu looked up at the mountain peak hidden in the morning mist, with a faint tone: "I grew up here when I was a child. I heard that there were wolves on the mountain."

"Wolves?" Chen Erke's face turned pale for an instant, and he subconsciously grabbed Chen Yike's sleeves: "There is a wolf?"

"Don't listen to brother nonsense." Chen Yike rolled his eyes: "This is a mountain in the city. The outer circle is all residential areas. How can there be wolves."

"There are really wolves." Chen Yu said seriously: "Except for the stadium, the other side of the mountain was undeveloped, except for wolves and even bears, so when I was a kid..."

"Did you not dare to go up the mountain when you were young?" Chen Erke interjected.

"So when I was young, I kept running into the mountains."

Three sisters: "..."

"But I haven't seen the shadow of the wolf." Chen Yu shrugged regretfully: "I also specially used meat to attract, but I didn't see it. What a pity."

"Brother, you are so lucky to be alive now." Chen Yike vomited: "Now there is no death left."

"is it……"

Chen Yu lowered his head, glanced at the invisible watch, and muttered to himself: "It always feels bigger and bigger..."

Two minutes later, the fourth master of the Chen family climbed over the guardrail and started climbing along the steps.

The steps are relatively steep, and Chen Yu followed at the end to protect the three younger sisters to prevent them from falling. But not long after leaving, Chen Erke squatted down panting.

"What's wrong with the second child?"

Chen Erke pointed to his leg: "It's soft."

"Didn't you say last night that you could go to the top of the mountain in one breath?" Chen Yu mocked without hesitation.

"No way, so tired." Chen Erke sat on the steps, gasping for breath: "This is climbing stairs, not climbing."

"Hurry up, it's dawn in a while." Chen Yu urged.

"No, I'm so tired, take a break, just one!"

"Brother, rest." Chen Yike also squatted down, panting, and handed Chen Erke a bottle of water: "The second child is not very good."

"A mountain of 400 meters, I am tired after climbing more than 40 meters? Paper?"

"Huh!" Chen Erke groaned dissatisfiedly while drinking water.

"Grasshopper." Chen Sanke next to him was not flushed or panting. He looked up at the top of the mountain, and suddenly said, "Why do we want to climb the mountain for... why?"

"Uh... this question seems to be a bit deep." Chen Yu stroked his chin in contemplation, and for a long while, pointed his finger at the top of the mountain, and said majesticly: "Because the mountain is there."

Chen Erke and Chen Sanke are unclear.

But Chen Yike despised: "What the **** is this?"

"This is philosophy, it's depth, you don't understand."

"Why does the criminal behave as a hooligan? Because girl, is it there?"

Chen Yu: "..."

"Why rob the bank? Because, is the money right there?"

Chen Yu: "..."

"Why cheat? Because, idiot, is it there?"

After a moment of silence, Chen Yu looked up and down Chen Yike a few times: "As expected of you from the Chen family, your brain circuit has my style."

Chen Yike: "..."

"Why lick the iron gate?" Chen Sanke realized: "Because the gate is there."

"Too wise!" Chen Yu touched Chen Sanke's head in surprise: "Why are your snacks gone? Because the snacks are there. If you don't eat them, others will eat them."

"That's it." Chen Sanke was stunned.

Chen Yike: "..."

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