Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 310: National frenzy! The open tenth official evaluation (below)

Unexpectedly, after being squeezed out by the space-time wormhole, the strange-looking creation didn't fall to the ground, but quietly suspended in the sky.

It is 500 meters long and 100 meters wide. The spheres on the left and right sides are connected by the middle cylinder. At first glance, it looks like a dumbbell.

To describe it more accurately, it resembles the shrinking bulb of a woman's postpartum recovery...

After a long while.

The time and space wormhole disappeared. The sky returned to its original state, but the wind still screamed.

Obviously, this product agitated the surrounding gas flow for unknown reasons.

Standing in place and observing for a long time, there was no danger. Chen Yu let go of Xiao Taohong's hand and walked forward, circled the "dumbbell" below, thinking, "From the appearance, it should belong to a kind of building, but it can float. In the air. I speculate that the aircraft is more likely."

This bad shape, you tell me it's a flying machine?

Have you been so hilarious every time you watched live broadcasts before? Wrong billion.

See female assistants throughout. (Dog head)

Nature is amazing, two **** and one stick can combine so many shapes.

The language is amazing, the same text can be combined into so many shapes.

There are old drivers on all roads.

Hahaha! It's broadcast! the first……

"Wang, how do we go up?" Xiao Taohong leaned over and asked in a daze.

"I can only fly up."

Raising his wrist, Chen Yu glanced at the barrage wave that erupted in the watch. "The audience friends in front of the screen, because this product is too high from the ground, I need to go back and wear protective clothing. Please wait a moment."

At the end of the conversation, he left the camera in place and returned to the floating castle.

But not long after, a group of armed men suddenly ran into the distance, armed with rifles, and while looking at the suspended objects in the air, they surrounded Xiao Taohong.


The headed bearded man slammed his gun at the little pink forehead, fingered something in the air, and shouted "??????????????????????"

"????????????" Little Taohong spread his hands.

The bearded eyes widened, and chatting with his surrounding companions for a while, seemed to confirm that Xiao Taohong was not threatening, strode forward, walked around behind her, put the muzzle on the back of Xiao Taohong's head, grunting threateningly in his mouth. Signaled it to hold his head and squat.

The audience who saw this scene through the camera were suddenly nervous.

New viewers worry about the little girl, Xiao Taohong.

Old viewers worry about these armed men...

It's all human lives. It's not good for casualties in live broadcast.

"????????????????????????!" The bearded man stretched out his left hand and pressed it on Little Pink's shoulder, pressing down hard, trying to press her to the ground . But the strength was exhausted, but he didn't move.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Taohong asked in Mandarin.

The face of the bearded man changed drastically, he took a few steps back, and hooked his finger at the sky.


The gunfire was crisp and echoed over the sand dunes.

The surrounding armed personnel decisively aimed at Xiao Taohong, ready to shoot at any time.

This time, Xiao Taohong's reaction was slow, and she understood that these people wanted to attack her, so she quickly took out the high-frequency lightsaber and flipped the switch.


A beam of light 20 meters long appeared in an instant, shocking everyone back and forth.

Outside the East and the Middle, the officials of various countries are tense, and they have used their own communication forces to try to contact the person in charge of this armed force to avoid conflict. Prevent Xiao Taohong, the assistant of the super-time UP master from being hurt.

Today, from a global security perspective, Chen Yu has become the most unstable factor for mankind. The typical emotion of one person affects the whole world.

Therefore, any spearhead that may stimulate the super-time UP master is what officials from all over the world want to stop...

He glanced at the huge flying object in the sky, and looked at the lightsaber in Xiao Taohong's hand. The bearded forehead was oozing cold sweat, and he was extremely nervous.

Even if he was thinking with his heels, he knew the strange situation in front of him.

"Are you going to fight?"

Xiao Taohong raised the lightsaber, scared everyone present back again.

The beard gritted his teeth, his fingers trembling and gradually gathered.


But at this moment, a white metal palm grabbed his muzzle and squeezed it lightly.


The hard barrel was crushed into a deformity like mud.


The bearded man was horrified, turned his head violently, and saw an Iron Man standing behind him...

"Patrol in the morning? Be diligent."

After dragging the rifle in the man's hand, Chen Yuru entered the uninhabited state, playing slowly "Is it an AK47? It's really a sharp gun. It's almost the 22nd century and there are still troops assembled."

"W...Whoareyou?" The beard trembled.

"Oh, can speak English?" Chen Yu removed the magazine and threw it away. Under the horrified gaze of all the armed personnel and 160 million people in the live broadcast room, he condensed the guns into twists, folded into strips, and groups. Became a ball...

More and more armed personnel attracted by high-altitude flying objects stopped their steps and backed silently, as if they had never appeared before. But there are also courageous ones who have a gun in their hands, step by step.


Throwing away the iron ball, Chen Yu scanned the audience and whispered "Go away."


Is this too handsome?


Afraid of +1

The locals did not understand what was pretended to be for us. (Dog head)


Why is it so cruel?

It's crazy. What kind of power is it to make a gun into an iron ball?

Are UP masters still normal humans?

100% use potion! Unlock the gene lock!

Eat alone, be particular.

Seeing that everyone could not understand Chinese, Chen Yu hooked her finger at Xiao Taohong, "Give me the knife."

"It's a sword."

"...Give me the knife."

Little Taohong turned off the switch, stepped forward, and handed out the high-frequency lightsaber, hesitatingly said, "It's really...really a sword..."

Taking the metal sword hilt, Chen Yu directly extended the length of the lightsaber to the limit of forty meters. His figure appeared a dozen meters away like a phantom, and he flung it.


Light traces flashed, and the red rock on the sand dune split into two instantly, exposing a smooth, mirror-like section.

Facing the speed and destructive power of this kind of super-normal creatures, all the armed personnel on the scene sweated coldly, and there was no need for Chen Yu to drive them away.

Turning around, Chen Yu looked at the bearded man, "Aren't you leaving?"

The man did not understand Chinese but he knew what Chen Yu meant. He closed his eyes and worshiped God with shortness of breath, turned around and ran away.

Putting away the high-frequency lightsaber, Chen Yu calmly faced the camera and said, "Sorry, a little episode happened. Don't worry too much about it. Continue today's product evaluation."

With that said, Chen Yu urged the engine and flew high in the sky under the backlash of the plasma gas, and flew around the huge "dumbbell" twice. . And the closer you are, the faster the surrounding wind speed. According to the data displayed in the helmet, there is more than four times the atmospheric pressure at my current position. But referring to the distance between it and the ground, this pressure cannot be a reverse thrust. , But an additional phenomenon caused by an anti-gravity device that we currently cannot understand."

"This may also be the reason why the space-time wormhole was abnormal."

"Now, I am 90% sure that this thing is an aircraft!"

"A spacecraft capable of navigating in space..."

.. ..

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