Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 311: Great, the whole world knows my last name is Chen...

Hearing the keyword "spaceship", 160 million viewers suddenly had endless reveries.

Shouldn’t all spaceships be saucer-shaped?

Have you watched too many movies? There is no air in the universe, and everything in the shape of a **** can fly.

I don't know if it can exceed the speed of light. (Eat melon)

Want to fart faster than light?

If it is really a spaceship, wouldn't we humans become an interstellar civilization directly?

Hope it is a colonial ship, I will definitely sign up! Every plant and tree on the earth makes me sick.

Feeling nauseous can reincarnate.

It should not be a colonial ship, it is too small...

As Chen Yu approached, the pressure he felt became stronger and stronger.

When it is close to the flying object, the surrounding atmospheric pressure has exceeded seventy-four times the surface. If it weren't for the protection of protective clothing, even with Chen Yu's current physical fitness, he would be killed on the spot.

He circled the giant again and found no opening. Chen Yu glanced at the camera on the left and tentatively stretched out his right hand. "It is certain that this thing is completely integrated, and I did not find any hatch. But if It is a place where the aircraft must enter."


The moment the palm of the hand touched the surface of the giant, the original smooth surface suddenly unfolded, revealing the simple silver-white space inside.

"Fuck, that's it..."

Pushing the engine into the giant, Chen Yu stepped on the ground of unknown material, and looked around the wide environment inside. "It's too awesome! No wonder there is no hatch, because every surface of it is a door! No matter from any angle. , Any position, you can enter inside, completely lost the concept of the door. I dare say that the production time of this product is definitely 4000 years away. Regardless of the design structure and cultural style, there is not much in common with the present."


Suddenly, a weird language echoed in the cabin. Although I don't understand it, from the pronunciation, it is obviously a human voice.

"Is it artificial intelligence?" Chen Yu hesitated for a moment and asked, "Can you speak Chinese."

"Are you going to switch the ancient and Chinese assistant?" The voice sounded again.

Chen Yu immediately noticed the word "ancient" and nodded "Yes."

"Switching over. Welcome, Mr. Human. This is the R-type deep space ship. Do you want to bind quantum information to the entire ship?"

The question is, how much information is revealed in just two sentences?

Think carefully.

what? Qing Dynasty is dead?

For the first time, I felt that I was separated from the future. Will the human race after thousands of years be the same as us?

The same kind should be considered, but the civilization is completely different, belonging to two civilizations...

Chen Yu naturally thought of the questions the audience thought of.

He thought for a moment, then nodded in a different tone, "bound."

"Binding is complete."

"??" Chen Yu forced "It's over? So fast?"

"Yes Mr. Chen."

Chen Yu's face changed drastically when he heard these three words from Mr. Chen.


same time.

Observer Hall, Confederate States of New York.

The middle-aged team leader sitting in the first place on the right, even if he tried to suppress his emotions, his eyebrows inevitably twitched.

He knew that this scene of micro expressions would definitely be analyzed frame by frame by professionals from more than a dozen countries.


The middle-aged team leader lowered his head silently, his brain running fast.

Chen Yu's identity, apart from China's own country, has always been a mystery internationally.

This was due to the fact that Chen Yu had a portal in his later period, and his whereabouts and hiding were elusive. It also benefits from the official tightly sealed lock and strict confidentiality.

But because of the loopholes left by Chen Yu at the beginning, all officials knew that he lived in Jinzhou City, Liao Province, and vaguely speculated that he was a student.

There are a total of 12 high schools and more than 30 junior high schools in Jinzhou City and surrounding counties and towns. Under China's strict defense, the progress of agents from various countries is not smooth.

But now that the surname is exposed, the difficulty of exploring in various countries will be greatly reduced.

One can dig out Chen Yu's true identity by accident!

As a high-ranking national official, the middle-aged team leader knows the terrible effects of the full-scale operation of the intelligence organization of a major country.

The difficult task of monitoring the escape position at any time is drizzle...

"It turns out that this supernatural UP master, whose surname is Chen." The first representative of Jian Guo stared at the middle-aged team leader, picking up the microphone and smiling.

"It seems like this." The middle-aged team leader sorted out his thoughts and nodded solemnly. "This is the thinking error between the UP master and the future technology. It is difficult to act."

"So, you also think his surname is Chen?"

"Yes, eight or nine never leave ten."

"With this important news, with your country's official control, trying to find him, shouldn't it be difficult?"

"The difficulty is a lot less than before." The middle-aged team leader was slow and calm. "The progress may be a breakthrough."

"I hope so." Representative Jian Guo narrowed his smile.

"hope so."

Although the official representatives of the other countries did not speak, their eyes were shining...


Mr. Chen?

Mr. Chen?

Damn it! The original surname of UP is Chen? !

Suddenly exposed...

After binding the quantum information, will all the information of the host be obtained? What is the principle.

It proves that life is probably a bunch of information matter.

That would be terrible! Everything that represents the macroscopic is nothing but a fixed change of the microscopic information law! Then everyone's life is doomed. Birth, old age, sickness and death, becoming a doctor, a president, a worker, a teacher... are all destined.

Does anyone care about nonsense?

I know that if time is the fourth dimension, then looking at the world from the fourth dimension is not just a timeline? Just like a movie, from the beginning to the end, it is fixed by the timeline.

I can't turn my head...

Playing video clips should be easier to understand. When opening a video on PR software or acne fast foot, isn’t all the content of the video distributed on the timeline? We can see it from the beginning time to the ending time. Every frame is clear. Because the people in the video live in every frame, they feel that everything is free. But to the people in front of the screen, everything is destined.

Thinking carefully...

Chen Yu didn't care about the various discussions and brainstorms in the live broadcast room. He only knew that his last name was exposed.

The way of hiding is like a dyke.

A small ant nest can easily lead to the collapse of the whole.

Chen Yu is very worried about this unexpected information leak, like an ant nest on a dam, which will allow officials to click on the face to dig out his true identity.

"Made, bind and bind, say my last name is dry?!"

Thinking of his original flawless hiding, just like this was broken by the sand sculpture artificial intelligence, Chen Yu's mood suddenly became bad.

"We must find a way to close the loophole..."

"Would you like to give the seven billion people around the world a stick..."

The prolonged silence caused the artificial intelligence to ask "Mr. Chen, is there anything else I need to help?"



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