Tears were now running down Greta's red cheeks. Oscar had always treated her like a stranger, but the one thing she wanted was her son's happiness.

Right now, Oscar was indeed talking to her, but the man's words made her heart ache.

"Oscar!" Greta roared sadly, "What do you mean by threatening your own mother?"

Hearing Greta's roar only made Oscar sigh and turn around. The man thought he had had enough interaction with the demonic woman today. According to him, interacting with Greta for too long can reduce his age.

Greta glanced at Peter briefly, as if asking for help, then rushed over to Oscar. She stood in front of the man and prevented him from getting out.

"Let me help you find another prettier and nicer woman for you, Oscar. You deserve a much better woman than Lisa! I know beautiful women waiting in line to be your girlfriends, let me introduce you to them!"

"You know Cindy—"

"They may be better than Lisa, but I don't want them to be my life partner," Oscar interrupted, "Aren't you my real mother? But why don't you know what I want? From then until now, you can only control me and give me what you think is good for me. Selfish, you are really selfish!"

Hearing Oscar's last words made Greta's heart shatter into pieces. Without realizing it, the woman stretched out her hand and tried to touch Oscar's hand.

"Mom…" Oscar continued, this time in a tone that sounded exhausted. "I just want Lisa. And no one else."

His clear blue eyes looked firm when his lips made a firm voice, "For Lisa, I would do anything and give her anything. You don't know that I'll go crazy if that woman is no longer in my life. I don't care if you try to destroy my plans to marry Lisa. I don't care if that means I'm no longer considered part of the Petersson family. All I care about is that I can marry Lisa and make that woman my life partner."

Greta's breath was getting shorter and shorter, making her chest feel tight. She let go of Oscar's arm and tried to calm herself down.

Oscar turned his head and saw Peter who was still standing still looking at them. His face looks disappointed when he realizes that his father did nothing and prefers to be passive.

"I won't let you guys rule my life anymore. I'm an adult, I know what's best for me and my future." Those clear blue eyes were now looking at Greta's face. "Why would I live if my whole life is always controlled by other people?"

Oscar sighed again, trying to relieve the tightness in his chest. Then, having done that, he walked past Greta and left his parents alone in the room.

Oscar and Lisa originally planned to go home after they had lunch with Brigitta. But since today was so chaotic that it took Lisa quite a while to calm herself, they were only able to go home when the sky turned dark.

It's still 6 pm and Lisa is still sitting in the room. None of the Peterssons asked why she was still in the room. They seem to know the reason why Lisa prefers to stay there.

Ever since Greta slapped her on the cheek, the woman and Peter didn't say a word when they met Oscar and Lisa. The atmosphere of the villa became tense, and it was all over the house. Even when Lisa ran to the bathroom, she still felt tense.

Why is Lisa and Oscar's love story so dramatic, like the soap opera that Mrs. Rusminah usually watches? What's wrong with a couple who like each other in a romantic relationship and choose to get married?

As his thoughts were full, Oscar decided to go outside and take a breath of the cool afternoon air. He opened the door that would lead him into the backyard and was immediately greeted by the smell of chlorine emanating from the pool.

The street lamps as well as Brigitta's villa that gave off a white light illuminated the backyard. Oscar stood facing the little plants and turned his face upwards. The evening sky had turned dark, with traces of red clouds floating around, showing that heavy rain would fall later tonight.

Not long after Oscar stood up with his face turned up, he heard footsteps from behind him. Suddenly, the man turned his head and saw Peter walking towards him.

The old man's posture with him could be said to be almost the same. It was just that Oscar was taller than his father and his shoulders were wider. But their hair, facial lines, and even the way they walk were almost the same.

"Is Lisa okay?" Peter asked when he was standing next to Oscar.

Oscar cleared his throat, "She's fine. I hope she's okay."

"Good, that's good. Don't forget to compress the cheeks with ice cubes to reduce the bruising." Peter replied with relief. The man then continued, "Oscar, I hope you don't pay attention to what your Mama says and continue your relationship with Lisa. As long as you are happy, Papa is happy too. And Papa is sure, Mama will be happy with your choice one day."

Hearing that didn't change Oscar's expression at all. But in his heart, he felt warm and somehow, a feeling of relief began to well up in his body.

At first, he hoped that when Peter found out Lisa was Kumala's daughter, he would not approve of their relationship. Not only that, he also thought that Peter would not approve of their relationship because Lisa was his former personal assistant.

But apparently, hearing that Peter said that he approved of their relationship, Oscar was pretty much surprised.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to prevent your mom from breaking up your relationship with Lisa." Peter continued slowly, "You know, I approve of your relationship not because Lisa is Kumala's child. But because Lisa can make you happy."

Today, Peter just found out that Lisa is Kumala's biological child. When he knew that, Peter realized that the world is small.. It's so narrow that he once employed his ex's daughter and it turned out that the child of his ex-lover would become his daughter-in-law soon.

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