Knowing that Lisa is Kumala's biological child actually makes Peter's view towards Lisa change drastically. At first, he listened too much to Greta's opinion and ended up disapproving of Oscar's relationship with Lisa. He was also consumed by Greta's anger that he didn't want her to be disappointed with him and finally followed his wife's way of thinking.

However, he didn't know that Greta's anger was so great that she slapped Lisa. Even though Peter didn't really approve of Oscar's relationship with Lisa, he didn't like it when he saw his wife slapping someone else for no apparent reason.

In the past, Peter was planning to marry Kumala. If the two of them got married, maybe Lisa and Oscar would be siblings.

Until now, Peter doesn't understand why Greta hates Kumala so much and even her daughter, Lisa. In his heart, Peter only loved Greta, and no other woman.

At first, he was almost married to Kumala, but in the end, Peter married Greta. But that doesn't mean he doesn't feel guilty about Kumala. Honestly, he still feels guilty towards Kumala because he has given her false hope.

They had reached the stage of exchanging rings, but in the end, they did not get married. However, if God said they weren't meant to be, nature would find its way to separate them.

Just like Greta's presence in the middle of their relationship.

That's why Peter is still feeling guilty about Kumala until now. He should have acted like a man in the past and said that he no longer loved Kumala instead of running away and disappearing without letting the woman know.

That afternoon, Peter and Oscar continued to talk while accompanied by the cold breeze. When the clock on Oscar's watch showed half past eight, he decided to go in and take a look at Lisa's condition.

At first, they had planned to go home in the evening. But when Oscar saw that Lisa was fast asleep, with her lips slightly parted and her feet out of the blanket, Oscar couldn't bear to wake her up.

This afternoon, when Lisa came out of the bathroom still wearing that formal and uncomfortable looking outfit, Brigitta chuckled and lent her a nightgown. The pajamas that Lisa was wearing that afternoon actually made Oscar's stomach tingle.

The pajamas were twice as big as Lisa's, so it would often sag around her shoulders. The pants should have fallen on her knees but since they were too big, they fell on Lisa's underpants. Not to mention that the motifs are filled with brightly colored flowers, yellow and green.

It looks funny, but since Oscar is so in love with Lisa, he still thinks she looks beautiful.

Not having the heart to wake her up, Oscar finally decided to stay the night at Brigitta's villa. After all, if Lisa insists on going to work tomorrow, she must be allowed to come in late.

To be honest, Lisa's office already knew the powerful figure standing behind that woman. Who doesn't know Oscar Petersson? That's why she could actually always be late for work. Even skipping work would probably earn her a slap in the wrist.

But Oscar didn't tell Lisa about it. He was afraid that she would be furious with him and wouldn't want to talk to him for a while.


The next day, sunlight came in through the window blinds.

After spending the night feeling sad and tense, that morning Lisa felt refreshed. Especially when she opened her eyes, she saw Oscar's handsome face. The man's hands were wrapped around her waist and their feet were touching.

"Good morning." Lisa said when she saw Oscar slowly open his eyes.

Actually, Oscar had already woken up earlier. He just didn't want Lisa to wake up because he was moving too much. Finally, the man continued to sleep facing Lisa, until his left hand went numb. At first, he was still strong enough to open his eyes and enjoy Lisa's tired face. But over time, his eyes felt heavy as if they had been hit by a stone.

When Oscar opened his eyes, he saw that the woman he loved was awake. There were traces on her cheeks, showing that last night the woman had slept well. Without realizing it, a wide smile graced his lips when he saw Lisa.

"Good morning." Oscar said while kissing Lisa's forehead, "How did you sleep last night?"

Lisa nodded her head and released herself from Oscar's tight embrace. Even though she loved being hugged by him, she felt suffocated over time. "Shut up. The bed is really soft, yes, it makes me sleepy all the time."

Hearing Lisa's reply made Oscar chuckle softly. She had just woken up from her sleep so the man had nothing more to do than let out a chuckle.

"Let's get up quickly— Wait a minute!"

Lisa suddenly turned around quickly, "Why are we still here!? What about my work?! It's Monday!"

As Oscar had imagined, the woman would surely panic and be confused about her work. "Don't worry, I've already contacted your boss and asked if you could come in at noon. I said that there was an urgent family matter."

"Oh god… You keep making excuses. I've been feeling bad for a long time! What if they think I'm lying?"

"Well, just let it be. Let them think you're lying." Oscar replied casually. The man put his hands behind his head and yawned for a while, "You take it easy. It's definitely not going to happen."

Hearing that should put Lisa at ease. It was just that she was still worried. What will her co-workers think? It was certain they were talking about her behind her back!

"It's still half past seven in the morning. We still have plenty of time before lunchtime is over." Oscar continued as he felt Lisa panicking. "What were you going to say to me?"

Lisa got out of bed and said, "Let's get up quickly. I'll make breakfast first."

"Oh, no need." Oscar replied quickly. Now the man did the same as Lisa. He sat on the bed and continued, "You go to bed first, let me prepare breakfast for us."

Hearing that immediately made Lisa burst out laughing.. "You? Preparing breakfast for us? Are you sure? It's okay, just stay here first! I don't want to eat burnt food."

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