The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 558. Air combat hero, floating astronomy

On June 15th, in Adem, an air battle was carried out over the British Eighth Army. Marseille shot down three more enemy planes. This is the 88th to 91st enemy planes he shot down. Five days ago, the total number of fighters he shot down was 81. At the time, in the 27th Combat Air Corps, someone had bet on whether Marseille could shoot down a hundred enemy planes.

In the evening, some pilots gathered in the head of the team, when a comrade-in-arm asked Marseille: “John, when can you bring the sword cypress leaf knight cross?”

“The day after tomorrow, noon.” Marseille replied with a smile. However, no one thinks that he is a big talker, and no one thinks that this is Marseille showing off himself. As always, everyone praised him for being good. From the head of the team to all the people, I like this young man with a slender blonde, and everyone kindly calls him “our John.”

The next morning, the third squadron attacked twice, but Marseille did not encounter the enemy plane. In the afternoon, “air safari” was carried out, and then landed at the new Ghazala base. In the evening, the ground crew went to visit them. Marseille’s downtime pilot, Sergeant Pedgen, happily greeted:

“Remove four more!”

As a witness to the air battle, Pidegen was responsible for calculating the number of his superiors shooting down enemy planes and recording the location and time of the enemy plane’s crash. Companion Laughing Joke He is an “air computer.” In fact, this is not the case. When several times the enemy plane sneaked into Marseille from behind, it was because of the timely reminder of Pedgen that the life of Marseille was saved. In turn, when Pedgen was bitten by enemy planes, Marseille also helped him.

So far, Marseille has laid 95 enemy planes. But can he fulfill his promise? Can he shoot down a hundred enemy planes? People are eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the next day.

The British planes invaded by low-altitude constantly harassed the 21st Armored Division of the leading troops of the German ground forces. Therefore, on June 17, all the aircraft of the 27th Combat Air Corps entered a free air battle. Due to the relatively low-level attack by the British army, the Ghazala base was severely damaged and the Air Corps lost seven Me109 aircraft.

So what about Marseille? At 12:35, his four units returned. The “Yellow 14” plane flew in the front, and it glided across the airport at low altitude, continually swinging the wing, once, twice, three times, and then swayed three times in a row. what! This means he shot down six enemy planes! It’s hard to believe. Up to now, Marseille’s victory has reached the shooting down of one hundred and one enemy planes.

People at the airport stopped their work and drove from all directions to the landing aircraft. They were so happy that they would drag their John out of the cockpit and throw it into the air. The machine Maia first climbed the wing to solve the Marseille seat belt. However, Marseille waved his hand in exhaustion. I saw him pale, gasping, sitting there motionless. After taking off the flying cap, the bean’s sweat beads flowed down the forehead.

Seeing this situation, everyone understands that he is too tired, he has exhausted his whole body. Everyone fully understands how tired it is to fly, shoot, fight, and rush. Marseille lit a cigarette with his still shaking hand. After a while, the cigarettes dispelled fatigue and he regained the vitality of the young fighter pilots of the past. He reported to the head of the team and requested a new assignment. Major Norman ordered him:

“You take a vacation now!”

Marseille protested. He said: “Tobruk is close at hand. How can I go on vacation at this time? Now is the most violent moment of the German offensive, even if it is a person!”

But Norman did not give in. “You don’t go? This is the command of the Supreme Command. I want you to take the sword and cypress to ride the cross!”

The Delna accountant probably couldn’t think of the empty pages he left in Marseille’s military manual would be used so quickly.

Marseille left the army for more than two months. However, just two weeks after he left, there was a major turning point in the African war situation.

On June 17, 1942, after conquering the British desert fortress Adem, the Italian “Elite” armored division and the entire German Afrikaans Army crossed Tobruk to the east and advanced to Egypt. This is Rommel’s new strategy. He believes that he does not have to rush to occupy Tobruk. He should first seize the Gambot who owns the British Air Force Base.

The second attack wave consisting of the first flight training group began to attack. The Ju88 aircraft violently bombed the British artillery positions in front of the German ground forces. After the bombing, the Me110 aircraft of the third brigade of the 26th Air Deportation Air Corps rushed to the enemy’s machine gun position and anti-Tank gun position and swooped.

Then came the Italian Fiat CR-42 fighter-bomber commanded by Colonel Grandi Netti. One and a half hours after the bombing, the third dive bombing air group came one after another. Just such an attack wave followed by an attack wave, not giving the enemy a breathing space. German and Italian ground forces also concentrated on attacking this narrow area.

The blue smoke indicates the target to the Air Force. The infantry used the smoke bomb to mark the sides of the main attack road. As long as it can be attacked from the air, even if it is not a big target, the ground troops also use the blue smoke bomb to mark it. It can be seen that there is a tacit understanding of the coordinated cooperation between the ground and the air.

The Air Force attacked the city defenses of Pilatesrina and Solana, the airport and the ships in the port. South African garrison commander General Klopper was driven out of the combat command post and lost the communication means of commanding the troops. That night, General Klopper telegraphed to Cairo, indicating that the situation was out of control.

At five o’clock the next morning, the winner Rommel entered Tobruk, and General Klopper announced his surrender at 9.20. In 1941, the British army once stubbornly held for twenty-eight weeks in this fortress. Today, it was broken by Rommel in twenty-eight hours.

On June 26, when the Afrikaans Army began attacking Matru, the German Supreme Command had not yet made up its mind. Is it to fight Malta or Cairo? On this day, Rommel held the inaugural speech of the famous Marshal in Sidi Barrani. In addition to Rommel, there were also Kaiserlin and Italian Marshal Bastiou and Cavalile. Rommel declared in her speech that I will appear on the banks of the Nile within ten days.

He said: “Now, it is the time when the British army is not stable, we can not give them a breathing space. If you attack the Nile Delta from behind, then the required strength and losses will be great. Currently, because Tobruk’s ample spoils have guaranteed our supplies, so now we must invest all our power, especially the power of the Air Force, in a decisive place, based on the principle of key assaults. This is a decisive place. It is Egypt.”

Kasselin expressed opposition. His opinion is: moving forward, logistics supply will be more difficult. He said: “The Air Force needs to be retired, the flight crew is exhausted, and the aircraft needs to be repaired. Attacking the enemy air bases that are tightly guarded without any loss, as an Air Force soldier, I think this is a mad move.” It played a decisive role in the past battles. Without the support of the Air Force, the consequences are unimaginable. From this point of view, I cannot help but oppose the continued attack on Cairo.”

Rommel firmly believes that his claim is correct. Bastiyou and Kavalech, who formally mastered the command, also echoed his opinions.

Their backing is Mussolini. He had already prepared for flying to Africa, and he figured how to ride a white horse and headed into Cairo.

Supporting them is also Hitler. He told Catherine on the phone and asked him not to interfere with Rommel’s plan. Thus, a tragedy in North Africa began.

Major Norman, the head of the 27th Combat Aviation Group, said: “If you move forward like this, the Army will have to go deep into the army. Because the ground organization is not perfect, the Air Force cannot advance alongside the Army.”

Despite this, the commander of the African Air Force put all the troops into the battle against Matru and El-Alamein. The first flight training regiment attacked the British material warehouse, and the third dive bombing air regiment attacked the enemy forces that were being mobilized behind the battle line. In the history of the twenty-seventh combat air regiment, there is such a record: “The situation of the fighter jets that were put into the battle of Sidi Barrani on June 26 was very bad. Nothing except one oil truck, the pilots are not allowed. Do not take off your stomach and take off.”

By the evening of June 26, the second squadron of Horna shot down five enemy planes, and Stahl Schmidt and Schreierer smashed three. The next morning, he attacked Artas again. Transfer to Fuka two days later. Fuca lacks gasoline, the plane can’t take off, and it has to lie on the ground.

However, on the other side of the line, the strength of the British Air Force is growing. Now the British Air Force has been able to take off from the well-equipped Egyptian airport. In this regard, Rommel’s troops have a painful skin. As the troops approached Egypt day by day, the losses suffered by low-altitude attacks on enemy aircraft were also becoming more serious.

On June 30th, due to strong wind and sand, German horizontal bombers and dive bombers were unable to fly from Fuka to El-Alamein Fortress. Rommel attempted to break through the El-Alamein Fortress in three days, but was forced to turn into defense because of insufficient strength. Today, the overall situation has been set. After Rommel’s eight weeks, the renewed offensive was defeated. It is General Montgomery who reverses the North African war situation bounded by El-Alamein. He launched a powerful offensive against the Germans on October 23, 1942.

On August 23, John Marseille returned. The 22-year-old Air Force’s youngest captain’s officer once again served as the commander of the third squadron. He was very happy. Corporal Neumann, the technical instrument responsible for registering the Marseille battle record, sharpened the pencil.

“You have to keep you busy for a while!” Marseille said with a smile.

The first week passed quietly. On September 1st, Rommel will have to make a desperate decisive battle in an attempt to regain his initiative from his enemies. The sky was as lively as before, and Marseille’s squadron also participated in the battle.

From 8:29 to 8:39 in the morning, Marseille smothered two of the “Thetis” and “Spitfire” aircraft. Throughout the morning he escorted the dive bomber over Halfa. From 10:55 to 11:05, he knocked out eight “Curtis” aircraft. Then, from 17:41 to 17:53, five “Qutes” planes were shot down south of Imayd.

It’s an unheard of miracle to destroy 17 enemy planes in one day! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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