The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My Country Five Fivety-nine. Devil’s Land, Astronomy

1942 10 month, this is destined to be a major turning point in the African battlefield. //Free e-book download ///.*

On 10’s 23 day, the British army took the lead in launching an attack.

The Allied 882 guns fired five and a half hours of shelling, kicking off the “Second El-Alamein Campaign.” At the end of the shelling, each gun has fired approximately 600 shells.

The Germans were bombarded by the enemy, and they were waiting silently.

When the guns stopped, the German counterattack suddenly came!

German Air Force – Attack!

Goal – Brittish’s painstaking “Patley Action”!

The real ammunition depots, tanks and granaries of those allies!

The ju87 aircraft was escorted by the Messerschmitt fighter of the First Brigade of the 27th Combat Air Corps.

Brittish seemed to feel the arrival of the crisis and immediately dispatched a squadron’s “Curtis” aircraft interception. Then, South Africa’s fifth squadron’s “Tomahawk” aircraft also played.

At this moment, a two-machine formation of a Messerschmitt suddenly appeared behind them. Flying in front is the “Yellow 14”, a well-known ace pilot from the Afrikaans Army in Germany. Behind him is his sergeant Reina Pedgen.

The British plane entered a turn. The Messerschmitt, which was painted with the “yellow 14” number, could be seen in the distance and bit the enemy plane. I saw him quickly close the throttle, a continuous shot, the first aircraft immediately caught fire, then flew off the left wing planted. After one minute, he successfully knocked out one. In this way, the third, fourth and fifth frames were destroyed in six.

Pei Peideen sighed with a loud voice: “At the time, I didn’t even have a lot of work. I have to find out when the enemy plane was shot down and where it fell, and I was responsible for protecting the safety of the ‘Yellow 14’.”

The downtime pilot then praised his long-lasting machine: “He has an incredible feeling about the direction of the nose in the turn. When he shoots, he just looks at the enemy plane. The shells are from The hood of the enemy plane has been hitting the cockpit, it’s really nothing!”

He shot while turning. Six enemy aircraft were continuously packed. No one else can do this. In just 11 minutes, he lost six enemy planes in a row.

In such a short period of time, it is possible to get rid of so many planes, which can only be achieved by the “Yellow 14” pilot. Who is he?

He is the world’s number one ace fighter pilot Marseille Lieutenant!

The first attack wave just flew over Malta, and the second attack wave followed.

The blockbuster squad slammed into the same target, the material storage site of the British “Patley Action”.

The Second Air Force mobilized all the troops capable of flying the night to participate in the air strike. About 60 bombers were bombarded with British cargo storage sites under the escort of night fighters and destroyers. The attached buildings and repair shops also caught fire.

In addition, according to the stereo photos taken by the German reconnaissance aircraft, it is also found here that there is a ramp to the ground at the edge of the airport. There are soil and stones on both sides of the road. This must be the underground hangar!

The ju88 aircraft cast a thousand kilograms of armor-piercing projectiles with rocket thrusters to the shadowed target. To bomb a target like this, you must use a dive method. If the initial speed is large, the rocket can penetrate 14 meters of rock.

A terrible explosion sounded. The warehouses that Brittish spent on building countless thoughts were instantly submerged in the terrible artillery attack of the German Air Force.

The fire, fiercely burning here…

Brittish couldn’t understand it anyway. How did the Germans judge that this is the important base for Brittish’s real storage?

But now is not the time for them to understand this issue.

There are not many defense bases. Struggling in the rumble of gunfire and the raging fire.

The heavy losses were shocking, and when the news of the attack on the base reached the hands of Alexander and Montgomery, they were completely shocked.

When did the Germans begin to know that this is actually the most important supply base for the Allies? Why did the Germans endure the attack at the last minute?

Montgomery quickly explained this doubt.

The Germans did this deliberately! They have long known the existence of this supply base, but they have been patiently enduring. When the big battle began, the German talents finally revealed their awkward fangs.

Now, even if Brittish wants to stop, he can’t stop the attack…

The only way is to be able to quickly win the big battle, otherwise. The difficulty of replenishment that the Germans once faced will quickly reach Brittish’s head.

Montgomery decided to make a desperate attempt.

“The second El-Alamein battle” may ultimately determine the ownership of North Africa:

Baron Skulls vs. Montgomery!

At night 10 points, the British 30 Legion infantry took the lead in attack.

The engineers have taken on a lot of tasks, and they must open a path for the armored soldiers in the minefields set up by the Germans!

The Germans did not mean to stop at all. This is really weird…

At the 2 point the next morning, the first batch of 500 Tanks of the British Army began to advance. At XrimX in the early hours of the morning, the leading Tank had entered the minefield, and they rolled up too much dust so that there was no visibility at all. The blockage began to get worse and worse…


“Marshal Ernst, the British army has arrived exactly as you wish!”

When this report was passed to Wang Weizhen’s ear. The chief conductor of the Afrikaans Army smiled and said: “So, let’s get started!”

In fact, Wang Weizhen also believes that this is not a fair road.

The enemy’s attack time, offensive line, and offensive style are completely in his mind. He knows when and where to launch what kind of assault!

When the German Air Force successfully bombed the Allied supply base, he knew that the balance of victory had begun to tilt toward himself…


“General, Marshal Ernst ordered the attack!”

“Yes, tell the Marshal, the 21 armored division is ready to attack!” Otto. Frederick von Bismarck replied with his firm and cold voice.

Then, his hand waved forward: “21 armored division. Offensive!”

In the sky, the German eagle flies over; the ground, the armor of Germany’s armor is rolling.

The magnificent big offense started!

Afrikaans Army, at this moment issued his strongest roar!

The plane appeared above the minefield, and then tons of bombs fell.

This is the most terrible scene:

Brittish’s Tank is crowded together, the road is completely blocked, and there is no place to hide.

With the fall of the bomb, the sound of the explosion of Brittish’s sorrow also sounded.

One after the other, the British Tank was ruthlessly destroyed… and this also caused the British Tank to fall into greater chaos…

The waves of the aircraft appeared. But Brittish didn’t even think about it.

The German Air Force did everything possible to pick the best pilots of the night battle. They used the night as a cover and hit the enemy by surprise.

When the Allied Air Force rushed to fight, the results achieved were also imaginable.

The commanders of the British army are in a hurry. But the scenes that are in a mess make them have no solution at all.

Some of the Tanks rushed to hide, but unfortunately touched the mines that the engineers did not have time to clean up, and then a louder explosion came…

The minefield in chaos is now the place of life for Brittish!

At the same time, under the command of Lieutenant General Otto, the 21 armored division of the Afrikaans Army in Germany, they also revealed their fangs.

The German armored forces suddenly appeared. The impact on the battlefield is hard to estimate.

In the information obtained by Brittish, the German army did not arrange much power in this area, and the main forces have been transferred.

But where did these German armored forces emerge?

Those damn intelligence personnel! Already Brittish has begun to curse.

The most unfortunate are the engineers…

They worked hard to eliminate mines for their troops, but when the enemy’s Tank appeared. They lack the necessary protection.

Now they are now the object of being slaughtered!

The Germans used machine guns to teach these Brittish engineers, and the pieces of the fallen engineers fell, and the earth was almost red-stained with blood.

British engineers wailing in machine gun bullets. They rushed to avoid and fled everywhere, but they could not escape the bombs.

front. It is the engineer who is in death, and the latter is the Tank who is also in death.

Brittish had a big trouble from the start of the attack.

They have to come up with a solution as soon as possible, but the only way the British military headquarters can come up with a mess is:

Immediately evacuate this damn place!

What is this? Who is willing to stay in this land of death devils if possible?

Devil’s Land? Yes, Brittish used to call this land of mines full of mines.

Now, it really becomes the land of demons!

The Germans did not stop their attack. They continued to slaughter the unresistible engineers and constantly destroy the crowded Tank.

And this is just the beginning.

Then, more German Tanks and soldiers appeared. They began to clear the battlefield little by little according to the plan made beforehand.

The sound of the explosion continued to sound, and the screams were everywhere. This was the darkest day in the history of the British 8 Army.

A demon, on this thunderfield full of death, reveals his terrible smile.

When the survivors recall this day, each of them will tremble, and everyone will be horrified and look back at all the terrible experiences they have encountered!

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