In short, Christian is cute and smart, Li Muran no longer cares whether he has intelligence or whether he has a black belly.

  The key is that it is an important family member, a member of the Demon King Army, that is enough.

   except Christian to help.

   also encountered a strange incident while speeding up the mining of the fields.

   It was an area that was difficult to cultivate. During dinner, Li Muran couldn't help complaining.

   "The trees in that patch of trees are too dense. It takes 4-5 weeks to fully cultivate them without talking about them."

   "Would you like to change the location? Reclamation according to the plan, you must pass there, you will not be able to keep up with the progress."

   "It's a bit of a headache. If you change the location, the field will not be connected. You may have to change the water channel and dig a new irrigation canal. The design of other supporting facilities must be changed accordingly. No matter what you think, it is a troublesome thing."

   While Li Muran and Bella were discussing over a meal, Heidou took the initiative to sit on Li Muran's lap.

   Li Muran touched the black bean's head, and put his favorite dishes in the black bean bowl.

   After spoiling the black beans, he continued to discuss serious matters with Bella.

   "Bella's Gorehowl can't dig up those trees all at once."

   "Sorry, if I'm stronger, some large-scale killing skills such as shock waves can help Li Muran. It's my fault. I'm too shy."

   "Don't blame Bella, Bella has worked very hard. Let's think of a way. It's really hard to do, so I can only change the plan."

   Li Muran finished, noting that Heidou was staring at him with his big eyes blinking.

   Fearing that his negative emotions would affect the children, Li Muran immediately switched to smiling and added a lot of delicious ingredients to the black bean bowl.

   Black beans also showed a happy smile.

   Then, the next day, when Li Muran was about to inspect the woodland on the spot again, he was surprised to find that the wood was razed.

   All the trees seemed to have been baptized by shock waves, and even the roots of the trees were blown away.

   A large area of ​​land was also turned over by the shock wave, saving the trouble of ploughing the land later.

   This situation not only stunned Li Muran, but also stunned Bella, Isha, and Mori.

   Careful Isha also noticed that the traces of the shock wave were the same as those on the puppet soldiers previously found at the gate of the Demon King.

   are mostly eliminated by the shock wave.

  Isha, who is very sensitive to magic, pointed at the mark and yelled.

"This is definitely from the same kind of magic. And the place where the magic is released is also the same. Lord Bella, Lord Li Muran, you see, this subtle inclination. It means that the other party is releasing magic from the bottom up. I know... . The other party is kneeling to use magic."

"can not tell."

   "It feels like there is no difference."

   Li Muran and Bella carefully studied the traces of magic. It's a pity that I can't see the details that Isha said. It feels like a sign of ordinary shock waves.

   The layman sees the excitement, the insider sees the doorway.

   Is this the difference between ordinary people and famous detectives?

   is the moment when "Magic Beauty Detective Isa" debuts! ?

   But the inference that the other party was kneeling and releasing magic proved that the detective was unqualified.

   is just the level of Kogoro Mouri.

   Why do ordinary people kneel and release magic? Are they repenting for destroying nature?

   can't explain why.

   I don't understand the specific reason, anyway, everyone feels that there is a great magician living in this forest.

   helped prevent the enemies who invaded the Devil's City and protected Black Bean and Christian.

   The nameless Demon King was probably killed by her, so Li Muran and Bella could easily steal the heart of each other's Demon City.

   helped clear the forest that was in the way again this time.

   The other party helped Li Muran twice in a row.

   Li Muran and his party owe the magician's favor.

   haven't met yet, Li Muran already has a good impression of this mysterious magician who seems to have been helping him secretly.

   If you can see each other, in addition to thanking them, you have to do everything possible to get him to join the Demon King Army.

   Of course, to be able to release such a strong magic, that magician must have strong strength and arrogant temperament.

   The kind of powerful, lonely, and lofty person is hard to be moved.

  Bella’s Demon King’s army is still at this level of half-heartedness. Not only is it unattractive to outsiders, it can’t accommodate that kind of big man.

   And not everyone is as enthusiastic about public welfare as Li Muran, purely out of a sense of justice, to help the underprivileged?

   It’s rare to see a good person like Li Muran who is selfless and dedicated.

   Just think about persuading the big man to join, the actual operation is extremely difficult.

   Let's focus on what's in front of you now.

   The forest that was in the way was cleared, and the progress was greatly improved.

  The land leveling work, which was planned to take several weeks to complete, was completed in just over a week.

   Looking at the land that was opened up, everyone was very happy.

   Issa and Bella also happily high-five, holding each other up and turning in circles.

   "It's weird. It's obviously not a victory in a battle or a spoils. We just dug out a piece of flat ground, but we are so happy?"

   "Me too. It's really weird."

   Li Muran looked at the two people holding each other, pushed down his glasses, and said with extraordinary meaning.

   "You will gradually understand. This is the real fun."

   After sorting out the land, we can finally start the next step.

   Li Muran began to divide a small plot of arable land according to the previously drawn design drawings.

   The arable land is all square, one per acre. Leave a distance as wide as one person in between.

   One is to divide different areas, and the other is to position the irrigation canals so that managers can perform various operations without stepping on the fields.

  All the processes are quite professional and there is no sloppy.

   After finishing the farmland, Li Muran taught everyone how to cultivate the land and base fertilizer.

   moved out the seeds and fertilizers bought from Pinduoduo.

   began planting officially.

   The first seeds I bought were corn, barley and potatoes.

   are all forest spirits, seeds that Bella has never seen before.

  Bella has been eating grass, but the Mori spirit has never left this forest. It is normal to have never seen it.

   Li Muran really wants to grow rice.

   After all, rice is true love.

   However, it is relatively difficult to grow rice, so I planted it in the second batch.

  If the first crops are harvested, the experiment of planting rice will be carried out immediately afterwards.

   The staple food is these two kinds, and Li Muran also specializes in growing vegetables on four plots.

   chooses the same type that is easier to survive.

   There are radishes, Chinese cabbage, green onions and carrots.

   is not good, but it is much more reliable than tarragon.

   Li Muran chose all the seeds of ingredients that were common in the world. Later, we will also consider the unique plants of this world.

   kill tarragon and the like.

   I also want to grow cash crops such as spices and seasoning plants.

   But these are the same as rice, so you have to save it and do it slowly.

   One bite can’t make you fat.

   Li Muran took the forest spirits to dig a canal, and used the professional knowledge brought by woodworking skills to make a wooden waterwheel.

   After the water is introduced into the field, the seeds are planted, fertilized, and the most important steps of farming are completed.

   Watching the cultivated land dyed red by the afterglow of the setting sun, he wiped the sweaty Li Muran with a sense of accomplishment with his hands full of mud.

   The same is true of the Mori spirits and Bella, who have never planted any land before. They are just looking at the common land that has been loosened and planted with seeds. It is just uncontrollable touch.

   "Li Muran, I will be able to harvest more. I can't wait."

   "Don't worry. This is to take your time."

   said that, in fact, Li Muran also wanted to see the harvest quickly.

   However, I always feel that the harvest should not take much time.

  The quality of seeds and fertilizers are all green, and Li Muran also has the effect of professional skills.

   I feel inexplicably that the crop yield and maturity speed should not be bad.


  The farmland has been reclaimed and the supporting facilities have also been produced.

   Li Muran goes to the fields to observe every day, and also teaches the forest elves how to farm.

  The forest elves are divided into groups and take turns taking care of the fields.

   Although everyone is very motivated, after all, they have been living a life of hunting and gathering. It is the first time to grow things on such a large scale and formally, so there is still a little rush.

  Professional knowledge cannot be learned all at once.

   This is a normal situation, and Li Muran's situation where he can master skills only by chatting with QQ is not right.

   But the enthusiasm is so high, I believe everyone will soon learn how to farm.

   The large vegetable plot really cultivates sentiment. Standing in the middle of the vegetable plot with a straw hat and a shovel, feelings of satisfaction and pride will emerge uncontrollably.

   I really want to shout "This is my secretary's country"!

   For a moment, I forgot the truth about this world with many demon kings and crises everywhere.

   The Heavenly Man really matched the field best.

  The children of the forest elves will also go to the vegetable field to play.

   Like ordinary children, they are happy every day and talk to the field.

   begged the crops to grow quickly and quickly become a big tree in the sky, and then be full of fruits.

   is really childlike.

   The pictures of children interacting with the field are so cute that Li Muran can't bear to correct them. Corn, barley and potatoes can't grow into big trees.

   Christian and his slime buddies will also go to play in the fields.

   I don't know if it is because of the habits of monsters, the slimes seem to like the fields.

   So you can always see the chubby slime jumping around the field.

   Li Muran and Bella also tried to persuade Black Bean to come out and play.

   Children should be more active.

   When Li Muran was in Heidou's grade, it was very noisy. It was not tiring to be able to play outside for a whole day, and he didn't bring anything he wanted to go home.

   thought that this is also the case with black beans.

   But pulling black beans out of the house is more difficult than constipation.

   Heidou is particularly resistant to going out. When it comes to going out to play, he looks disgusted.

   Bella goes to pull her, she will still compete with Bella.

   As a result, only Heidou has no interest in farmland, and stays at home to play snakes as always.

   Li Muran felt that Heidou is definitely a house.

   There are people with similar attributes in another world... Li Muran felt dumbfounded.

  Education cannot be generalized, there will always be special children.

   Heidou didn't want to go out. Li Muran and Bella didn't force it, so she let her go.

   Li Muran and Bella both felt that they loved Black Bean too much.

   The fields here are working well.

   Although farming has been regarded as the focus of work by Li Muran for a period of time in the future, the way to obtain basic living materials is by no means limited to farming.

   Li Muran did not restrict the actions of the forest elves.

   Apart from taking care of the fields, the forest elves can still do things according to their own customs.

   Therefore, the forest elves who are not in the class will go to the forest to find living supplies in accordance with traditional habits.

   hunting, gathering, teaching children archery and wind magic.

   It has just entered spring, and there are not many resources that can be collected in the forest.

   But the elves of the forest still enjoy it, running into the forest in groups of two when they have time.

   After all, this is the custom of the Mori elves and their way of survival.

  Considering that the gifts of the forest are limited, and getting the gifts is also the element of luck, so the forest elves will enter the forest early and collect as many materials as possible. In this way, after the winter, the capital can survive the winter safely.

  I heard Isha said that except in winter, as long as they can go out, the forest spirits will spend the whole year in the forest.

   somehow feels like an internet addicted teenager in an internet cafe.

   But people are for survival, so it's a righteous cause.

  The elves of the forest will spend all the time they can use to explore and collect supplies in the forest.

   Li Muran wouldn't make irresponsible remarks about the way of life of the elves, but it would take a lot of time just to survive, and there was no time to engage in culture and develop technology.

   Even if someone can climb the science and technology tree, they still use their spare time, or they can only get the chance when the harvest is good.

   is also because of this, so the technology of the forest spirit is very backward, and has been in an awkward position of being backward and beaten in various wars.

  The more behind the more you get beaten, the more you can't win, and the fewer the number of people.

   And the fewer people, the more difficult the situation and the worse the ability to resist risks.

   finally enters a vicious circle of invisible days.

   After listening to Li Muran's analysis, Yisha felt a lot of emotion when she suddenly realized.

   "Is the source of the problem because of our habits?"

   "There are many factors that cause the results. You can't blame your habits, but there is definitely a problem with this way of life."

   Li Muran knows many historical cases that are similar to the situation of the Mori Spirit, so he has a certain experience about this habit being backward and affecting the development of productivity.

"But it's all right now. With farmland, we can liberate the forest spirits from the endless work of obtaining living supplies. You can enter the forest less actively and have time to do some constructive and long-term things. "

   Yisha looked at Li Muran moved.

   "Master Li Muran is so profound. I have benefited a lot from studying with you. Obviously I am the one with the older qualifications."

   "Are you older? Isha, how old are you?"

   "Secret. I won't be fooled by Master Li Muran."

   Isha hurriedly covered her mouth with a sordid smile.

   Since joining the Demon King Army, Yisha has been with Li Muran.

   In addition to helping Li Muran, Li Muran also taught a theory course for Yisha.

   will use his spare time to communicate with Yisha and teach Yisha about various civilized worlds.

   Isha is very modest and loves to learn. Like Bella, she is reluctant to waste a little like drinking water, she wants to absorb and melt everything and become her own.

  No Mori spirit is as interested in theoretical teaching other than hunting, weaving, gathering, and pharmacy as Isha.

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