Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 98: : Dongfeng Sniper Longbow

   Yisha's learning enthusiasm and learning results are very good, Li Muran also loves to teach this student.

   Li Muran also hopes to train Yisha as his right-hand man.

   makes Isha a smart scholar.

   Today’s discussion is about the survival of the Mori Elves.

   Li Muran did not hesitate to tell Yisha of his thoughts.

   Although the traditional way of life of the Mori elves fetters the advanced development of Mori elves.

   But now, this problem is solved.

  The Mori elves joined the Demon King's army and their lifestyle changed.

  The benefits that Mori Elves get from the Demon King’s Army are not just the guarantee of basic living supplies.

  The science and technology tree is also lit up.

   Li Muran used his carpentry skills to set a target for everyone.

   purposely set aside a space in the backyard and built a shooting range.

   Young Mori spirits can train directly in the shooting range.

   Training has gradually become regularized.

   Studying together will also stimulate a sense of competition.

   contributes to the overall improvement of everyone's archery.

   Li Muran also shoots a few shots in his spare time.

   I feel particularly cultivated.

  The content of life in another world has become richer.

   By the way, the arrow is harder to hit the target than expected.

   And Bella mastered the bow and arrow faster than Li Muran.

   This is the second place where Bella surpasses Li Muran after doing physical work.

   "Isa, teach me the trick again."

   "Master Li Muran, are you still shooting? The sun is about to set."

   "I want to shoot. How can I lose to the devil? I can't swallow that breath."

   "No, generally speaking, it is normal for the devil to be stronger. I don't think you need to worry about this."

   Sure enough, Bella is moving more and more in the direction of a warrior.

   In addition to building a shooting range for the forest elves, Li Muran also improved the bow of the forest elves.

   The longbow and crossbow two long-range weapons have been added to the "Shortbow", the standard weapon of the Mori Elf.

  In an instant, Mori's weapons became three kinds.

  The short bow is light and easy to carry, suitable for mobile combat.

  Sen spirits always carry short bows when they enter the forest to hunt.

   The longbow is powerful and has a long range.

   is designed to attack or defend in war.

  The characteristics of the crossbow are fast fire rate and high lethality at close range.

   can be used in special operations.

   The three weapons have their own advantages and disadvantages.

   In addition to improving the bow, the biggest improvement in the combat effectiveness of the Mori spirit is the improvement of the arrow.

  Because they had no forging technology and no metal, the Mori spirit had always used wooden arrows or stone arrows.

   How about the effect of these two arrows? Just listen to the name and you can guess it.

   is also bullied by the flame demon king Xiong because of using this arrow all the time.

   Now, Li Muran made metal arrows for the Mori elves.

   is not actually a production. After all, Li Muran also has no forging process and no forging equipment.

   Li Muran just collected back the knives and forks that were buried in the ground when making traps.

   then tied to the front end of the arrow.

   In this way, a simple metal arrow is made.

   This kind of arrow is more powerful than wooden and stone arrows.

   has a considerable degree of hardness, even if it is pierced on the thick skin of the Flame Demon Bear, there is no need to worry about it bounce back.

   can cause effective damage.

  The only problem is that the accuracy of the head is a bit poor.

  The solution given by Li Muran is to use wind magic to assist archery.

   In Mori’s cognition, archery and wind magic are two independent systems.

   Archery is archery. To release wind magic is to release wind magic.

   No one has ever mixed the two together.

   After all, it is very troublesome to use wind magic while shooting arrows.

   not only requires a high degree of concentration, but also a considerable degree of archery and magic skills.

   requires a high degree of coordination between the mind and the body.

   consumes a lot of physical and mental power.

   Among the Mori Elves, only Isha and a few senior rangers can do archery while assisting wind magic.

   The difficulty of shooting arrows has been increased, but the advantage is that it can ensure accuracy and at the same time greatly increase its power.

   is much better than Li Muran initially guessed.

   When experimenting with a new weapon in the shooting range, Isha released a metal arrow engulfed in the wind not only hit the target, but also directly penetrated the target, leaving a fist-sized hole in the target. Even the big tree behind the target penetrated.

   The power of piercing damage made Li Muran mistakenly think that Yisha was releasing armor-piercing bullets.

   was really taken aback.

  ‘It’s true that girls are tanks? ’

   The original soft arrows of the Mori spirits turned into cannonballs.

   This result greatly excited all the Mori elves.

   You know, even if it assists wind magic, wooden arrows and stone arrows cannot have such power.

   The arrow will be unable to withstand the impact and split, and its range and power will be greatly reduced.

   It is the first time that Mori is really proud of his fighting power, and he feels that he is not a weak one.

   "We Mori spirits can also release such a strong attack. We can also stand up."

   "Oh oh oh. We are not weak!"

  The elves of the forest are very excited, and seem to have found the confidence that has been lost for a long time.

   All forest elves like Li Muran’s improved weapons for everyone.

   also sparked a craze to practice archery using wind magic among the forest spirits.

  Regardless of adults and children, everyone has begun to practice this new skill of using magic to assist archery.

   The shooting method of magic metal arrows has quickly become popular among Mori spirits.

   Not only that, but the Mori elves also used this as inspiration to develop a new ‘Grant Magic’.

   is to use wind magic in melee weapons such as shovel to achieve the same effect of increasing power as magic swordsman arrows.

   Looking at the scene where the Mori elves can cut through the tree poles as easily as "Bloodhowl" with ordinary shovel, it feels that Mori’s combat effectiveness has increased by several dimensions in an instant.

   Compared with the ill and lifeless appearance before joining the Demon King Army, each of them seemed to have changed.

   "Soon, the weakest in our Demon King Army will be the Demon Lord."

   "I'm annoying, I'm so annoying. I won't be obediently waiting to be overtaken by my dependents. I also want to become stronger. Watch me continue to learn new knowledge."

   After Li Muran joked with Bella, he turned to Yisha again.

   "Look, as soon as I finished speaking, the technology of the Mori elves has improved."

   "It's all the blessings of Master Torbella and Master Li Muran. Following the two adults, I believe the Mori spirits will surely be able to regain their former glory. Joining the Demon King's army is our group's greatest luck."

I believe that it won’t take long for the Mori elves to come up with more new tricks. Based on the AK semi-automatic light continuous bow, the Dongfeng sniper longbow, and the desert eagle close-range continuous crossbow, technology will be taken to the next level. Create another glorious future.

   The combat effectiveness of the Demon King Army will also be greatly improved.

   The technique of metal magic arrows is quickly popularized among the Mori spirits.

   However, the current metal arrows have not yet used regular arrows, and there is still room for improvement.

   At the same time, because the number of knives and forks is limited, mainly because they haven't made any money by writing novels at the beginning, the Mori elves must pick up the arrows they shot.

   There are other inconvenient places.

   But the effect is definitely enhanced a lot.

   Entering the forest with new equipment, the hunters can hunt significantly more prey than before.

   In addition to the hare, strange monsters have appeared with a glorious record of killing a flame demon king bear with only a Mori Elf.

   The forest fairy woman received a warm welcome like the return of a hero, and Li Muran also asked Bella to reward her as a devil.

   "For your bravery performance, I decided to reward you. Come on, my brave family, what do you want? Instant noodles, sausages, chocolates, new clothes, anything, of course, all provided by the secretary."

   "Thank you Lord Bella. If you can, I, I hope I have the right to date Lord Li Muran for one day."

  What the hell?

   Why did the reward come to me?

  撺掇 Bella presents awards to the family members who have done meritorious services, but they become rewards themselves. Isn’t this putting the cart before the horse, is it all right?

   Isha objected excitedly.

   "I protest! I suggest using instant noodles instead."

   The protest was invalid as a result.

   "Forget it, forget it, it can't hurt everyone's enthusiasm."

   In line with the stingy principle of saving, Li Muran finally sent himself as a reward.

   It's not because this Mori Elf girl is also very beautiful, and it's not just to save money.

   is all about the sense of responsibility. It is the sense of responsibility of the cadres that drives Li Muran to act.

   Dating with subordinates with ignorance of conscience is just to create the image of cadres who emphasize credibility.

   Li Muran is really reluctant.

   There is really no way.

   For the benefit of the Demon King's army, Li Muran became a father and a mother again, breaking his heart.

   I heard that after the date was over, the Mori female was excited for several days. As soon as I returned to the dormitory, I brag about Li Muran with my companions...

   As soon as this head started, the Mori elves became even more excited.

   is like a chicken blood, rushing to express yourself.

   "Everyone has enthusiasm, which is a good thing."

   Li Muran explained that, but Bella and Isha kicked her in the shin.

   "What are you two doing."

   Bella and Isha with bulging mouths left Li Muran and left.

  The meat of the Flame Demon Bear is edible.

   The taste is not very good, it has a fishy smell.

   I heard that this is because monsters possess magic power, and this smell is called ‘magic smell.’

  The forest elves are after all a race that has been passed down forever. Although the technology tree has not risen, there is still a unique way to deal with this ‘magic smell’.

  The method is to soak the monster meat in clear water, and then add special herbs in the water to marinate it.

   Marinated for a period of time, this nasty ‘magic smell’ disappeared.

  The key to this process is to configure the right herbs. And the recipe seems to have been circulating among the Mori elves.

   is a kind of cheat that only lasts within the ethnic group.

   Cheats or Cheats, let’s not talk about the secrets. This way of getting rid of the ‘magic smell’ reminds Li Muran of general bacon.

   When I originally barbecued, I would do something similar.

   The meat of the Flame Demon King Bear is much more delicious after removing the ‘magic smell’.

   plus seasonings such as edible salt that Li Muran took out.

   Flame Demon King Bear Barbecue has been transformed into a delicacy loved by everyone.

   The Mori Elf who was eating the Flame Demon Bear Meat had both eyes glazed.

   "The Flame Demon Bear is so delicious?"

   "If you want more, go hunting the Flame Demon Bear."


   There was a fever of hunting flame demon king among the forest spirits.

   Thirty years in Hedong Thirty years in Hexi, the identities of the prey and the hunter have been reversed.

  The young dragon slayer finally lived as an evil dragon.

  Sure enough, technology is still the key.

  The elves of the forest relied on the improvement of the performance of their weapons and equipment, and kept hunting back their prey.

   Issa also happily showed off to Li Muran, saying that the results of the same period this year were better than previous years.

   If this trend continues, let alone winter, everyone will be able to eat meat almost every day.

   Li Muran is also proud of the performance of the forest elves.

   But compared to the animal meat returned by the forest elves from hunting, Li Muran's focus is elsewhere.

   "Isa, can you catch some living monsters or animals back?"

   "Catch the live? It's not impossible, but it's a bit difficult. After all, after using the arrow provided by Master Li Muran, it is difficult to stay alive."

   Isha said, her eyes gleaming, she could see that she was very satisfied with that kind of armor-piercing bullet.

   Isha, who is obsessed with shooting things through, is a little scary.

   Now that she has an arrow in her hand, she will definitely make a gesture of licking the arrow.

   Li Muran couldn't help but wonder if he gave the forest elves dangerous toys?

   Maybe he accidentally pressed the switch of world destruction and released the demon in the cage.

"However, what I am most curious about is why they are caught alive? Isn't it the same as killing them after catching them? Living things are still difficult to carry, so it is better to kill them on the spot. Isn't Master Li Muran going to eat them? The pets already have Christian and Black Bean. They will be sad like you."

"Eating is of course to be eaten. But not immediately. When the food is I hope to keep some live animals and monsters. Just like we grow food in case of emergency It needs the same. I want to raise these animals and monsters, and develop animal husbandry while farming. Also... black beans are not pets."

   What does Yisha think of Black Bean?

   staying in the Devil City without contact with others, of course because of the contradiction between Mori and Dark Elves.

   But this very homely attribute does give people the impression that she is a pet.

   If it's a pet, it's Bella's pet, and Bella picked her back.

  Did black beans eventually become pets?

   "Master Li Muran wants to raise monsters and animals? Want to develop animal husbandry?"

   "Isha, right?"

   "I heard the elder Mori elves say that it seems to be very popular among humans. It is to keep a large number of animals together."

   "Yes. I want to try...Isha, don't you have the idea of ​​developing animal husbandry? Does the Mori Elf have no such habit?"

"I have also raised small animals. But large-scale breeding is impossible. Because of the shortage of meat, everyone takes the prey back to the village to eat after hunting, or process it into jerky for preservation. Meat is also very scarce. Popularity can provide a lot of energy, and there is no possibility of staying at all. In addition, we don’t have the energy and conditions to raise animals on a large scale, so Mori doesn’t have animal husbandry."

makes sense.

   I can’t take care of myself, how can I take care of poultry leisurely?

   Li Muran wanted to keep a cat all his life.

   When I just graduated, it was because I had no money. How can I have the capital to raise a cat if I can’t eat enough?

After   , the work was stable and there was no time. I'm busy with serious things, how can I have time to take care of the cat?

   For various reasons, I didn't develop it in the end.

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