Video Game Designer

Chapter 236: Too real game level

The more the shop is opened, the bigger it is, including some problems in the operation of the game. Chuhe has basically not managed it. Chuhe put more energy into the production of new games.

Regarding the arrangement of the Jedi survival, apart from the handling and attack plan of the plug-in some time ago, and the plan of the recent global invitational tournament on the Jedi survival, Chuhe basically did not pay much attention to it.

But after Prote explained, Chu He almost understood what he meant.

Just like the original design of the Jedi survival plan, in the game, when the players continuously put a lot of skydiving into boxes, they can’t kill people many times in a row, so in order to give these players a good game experience, then the game will be Brush out some smart ai, and then let them go to meet their gaming experience.

But there is also a problem involved in these, that is, can these ai systems look less mentally handicapped, so that they can be more like real players, but only a little bit from the performance point of view.

In fact, there is a similar procedure in the wilderness survival of the Net Yi Shanzhai, but it is much simpler and more rude, directly inserting the value, refreshing around the player out of thin air, and the action route is established according to the ai program. The shooting judgment is also a completely designed program. The damage value of the firearm is reduced to the weakest. After hitting the player with one or two shots, fireworks will be directly fired behind, even if you stand and hit him for 20 minutes. He will not be killed by weapons.

But in the Jedi survival, although there is a similar ai system, Prot and they want to improve their performance, so that it really looks like a real player, just a little dish.

For example, these ai will look for bunkers, will not be silly holding a gun, move step by step on the Great Plains, or even a car next to it, the power grid behind has been refreshed, he is still fooling around.

In the survival of the Jedi, when the player enters the game and boarded the plane, these ai have been refreshed, and they will sit on the plane with the player and perform skydiving.

This is the ai that Prot wants to study. Although there is still a big gap from the ideal, for players, if you don’t open the wheat, it is really difficult to judge who is true in the PUBG. The dishes are still purely ai characters.

"It sounds so interesting, let me try it." Chu He touched his chin and said.

Gabre next to him was also surprised.

In the studio, Chu He sat in front of a computer, landed on ea's rotten orange platform, and then started downloading the Jedi Survival.

Ten minutes later, Chu He entered the game and began his journey into the box.

Half an hour later, it fell into a box about ten times. Chuhe looked at himself who had become a box again, and then turned his head to look at Prot and Gabre behind them.

"Did you say you haven't touched the ai program? Have you died so many times?" Chu He frowned slightly.

It has changed the box about ten times. I haven't encountered Prote's ai program yet. This kind of setting will not work. It needs to be improved. It should be triggered about 5 to 6 times.

After listening to Chu He's analysis and asking questions, Prote, who was standing behind him, choked off his words and held back towards Chu River for a long time: "President Chu, probably, should, maybe, in fact, ai has already appeared."

(⊙▽⊙)? ? ? ? ? ?

Chu He, holding the mouse, froze, looked at the screen and then Prot.

"Cough." Raising his hand and putting his fist in front of his mouth, Prote coughed gently.

In other words, there are really such weak players!

Prote thought of the operation of the Chu River just behind him.

Although it is said that game producers are not necessarily game masters, especially Hideo Kojima is a well-known handicapped party in the industry. Even if he makes a game, he can't even clear the ordinary difficulty, only the lowest difficulty.

But the more delicate dishes like Chuhe are still rare.

Looking at the game characters that turned into boxes on the computer screen, and the slightly embarrassed Prot and Gabre behind them, Chu He finally realized something, a strange expression on his face, the air in the whole room at this moment As if everything had solidified, Chu He paused for a long time and said: "Well, on the basis of the original one, add a weaker level of ai, just like the difficulty in human-machine matching. After all, there will always be some players, compare Weak."

"But can this be used in the wilderness?" Chu He quickly changed the subject. Don't delve into the fact that he is very real in playing games, and Chu He also wants to know whether he can join the wilderness. Go inside.

In the production of games, ideas and creativity are important, but that is very important, but not important or important.

Because not all ideas, and creativity have that condition and ability to complete.

The most important game producer who looks at ideas and creativity must not succeed.

You can do this in the PUBG because of the size and number of the game itself, but is it really appropriate to be placed in the wilderness?

"There are certain difficulties, but the performance of the new era host is still very powerful." Prote did not pat the chest guarantee, but said with some ambiguity.

The development of console games is different from the development of pc games. The development of console games is relatively limited. Many game ideas and designs are limited to the upper limit of performance and cannot be completed.

The development environment on the PC, in theory, if you do not refer to the late optimization configuration and other issues, you can pile up a monster with a picture quality explosion, but that is meaningless.

"Go toward this goal." Chu He nodded gently.

The entire wilderness project has started to be fully developed. At least at this initial stage, no problems have been encountered.

After watching the two studio environments at Chu He came to his temporary office in Heiguang Studio.

Leaning on the sofa and brushing his mobile phone, Chu He saw his followers' attention on Twitter and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The latest news sent by Hideo Kojima.

A group of photo walls, and a group photo of action materials with the main actor.

Chu He glanced at it and summed it up. The basic meaning of Twitter is that everyone should not worry. Our game is being done. Let me show you the game environment.

"It looks like me!" Chu He smiled on his face, suddenly thought of something, stood up and pushed open the door of the office, found Gabre, who was working, and gave him a new task.

After listening to Chu He’s request, Gabriel’s face was dumbfounded: “Take a short video or work picture every week, whatever you want, can you show the meaning of the game?”

What the **** is this? What do you want to do?


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