Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 148 The First Treasure

"So why do we have to come here so early to clear the ground? We could have done it on the way back and just asked the driver to wait on the side of the road."

"It's just for now - we are hungry and thirsty after working, but the nearby Revo lets you know that you can have some hot food in a while. If you come back to chop down trees on the way back, there will be no sense of expectation at all. No more, or can you even accept cold dry food?”

"That makes sense, you're so considerate."

"I thought this advantage of mine had been made public a long time ago."

"I was making fun of you."


"To be honest, I was fine yesterday. Maybe the bad luck on my body has dissipated. Or maybe this amulet really works."

"No way, neither."

"How am I supposed to believe that this isn't something you just made up to show your importance?"

"You just have to believe in my professionalism."

"Really? I think you only worked in this position for two days."

"Sometimes people have to be exposed to a job to know whether they are suitable. I now feel that I was born for this position."

"I hope you can keep this idea going."

The two people were walking on a road covered with decaying leaves, and a gloomy wind blew from time to time in the woods on both sides.

There are ruts on the road that have been run by carriages, so you don't need to bother to identify the direction, but there are too many twists and turns, and there are some long and crooked trees lying across the roadside blocking the view, giving people the illusion of an endless road.

The winter sun leaves the sky earlier, and the endless dim sky makes people feel depressed.

During such an empty, cold journey with no end in sight, they inevitably talked too much, otherwise it would not be enough to relieve their loneliness.

Just when it was getting dark, the firelight in the forest made them stop chatting at the same time.

There is a saying that has been used from thousands of years ago and is still relevant today.

"There are many bandits in the deep forest, and many ghosts in the castle."

Towns in the countryside are not like cities. They also have electrical equipment for lighting at night, allowing workers to take turns on duty. There are only candles and oil lamps here. When it gets dark, everyone will just shrink back home to avoid running into potholes at night. The most long trips at this time are to pubs or open-air toilets. It is almost impossible to leave the gathering place. Behavior.

This is especially true in winter, which is the season to stay at home and enjoy yourself.

All in all, the fire that appeared at this time was unusual.

Clayton was upwind, so he couldn't smell the stranger's scent in advance. He tried to hide the axe, but the idea came too late. Before he could do anything, a group of armed men with torches rushed out of the woods. People surrounded them.

There were about a dozen of them, holding pitchforks, hunting knives, long and short muskets, and even carrying bows and arrows. These people looked at Creighton and Julius, especially Creighton, with vigilance. ——His size and the long-handled ax on his shoulder are too conspicuous, but the former is just a special hairstyle.

Contrary to their attitude, Clayton was relieved. He held an ax in one hand and raised his left hand to greet them.

"Good evening, gentlemen."

The robbers would not look at the two of them with vigilant eyes. These people should be local townspeople patrolling at night.

It's just that we don't know what danger there is here.

"you're good too."

The oldest-looking man among the armed members responded. He was about forty or fifty years old, with a very long goatee on his chin, and his tone was gentle. He looked at Clayton, who had an unusually tall body, and then at Julius, whose hair was unusually green, and words flowed from his throat.

"Where did you come from?"

"We came from Sasha City to collect some old objects, handicrafts and so on. We hired a carriage to come along the main road, but we found that the woods here looked really beautiful, so we got bored and wanted to go in the woods. If you go for a walk, let the coachman take the carriage to your town first. If you go out late, you may have seen him."

Clayton knew that in order to dispel their doubts, he had to explain everything clearly. Country people may not have much knowledge, but they have a simple questioning spirit.

This coping method worked. A young town citizen leaned into Goatee's ear and whispered. Clayton heard that he was talking about the coachman. Someone indeed saw a carriage entering the town in the afternoon. This evidence made Goatee relax some of his vigilance, but he was still worried about the long ax in the hands of the antique dealer.

"Then what are you doing with such a big ax?"

"This is the trend in the city." Julius stood up and insisted.

He raised his hand and put it on Clayton's shoulder, like a tailor shop owner introducing his work on a model: "Look, does this ax look more elegant in my friend's hand than an ordinary cane? Of course it does. , you can rest assured that this ax is purely a decorative work, and no one will use it to hurt anyone."

The tall and handsome Clayton and the beautiful gilt patterns on the ax blade made the townspeople reluctantly believe this statement, but their attitudes changed slightly and they were not so respectful.

"There are so many different people in the city."

Goatee muttered and waved at them, quite impatiently.

"It's getting late. You should hurry up and enter the town along the main road. It's very dangerous outside the town at night."

Following the leader's words, the others were no longer on guard and lowered their weapons more loosely, but did not put them away in an easier way.

Clayton was not in a hurry to leave. He looked at their weapons and asked, "What dangers are there at night outside the town? What are you going to do with a dozen people with weapons? Are you going to hunt at night?"

This question made the townspeople look angry, but this emotion was not directed at him.

Goatee laughed.

"Hunting, yes, we are going to hunt werewolves."

There was no visible change on Clayton's face, but his back straightened up a bit.

Julius, a little behind him, let out a low chuckle and said to Clayton at a volume that was inaudible to the townspeople: "It seems that your bad luck has not dissipated yet. That amulet is useless."

"And the wizard." Goatee looked at Julius.

The mage's smiling voice stopped abruptly.

"Are you still sure that bad luck is not contagious?" Clayton tilted his head slightly and asked Julius.

Julius could not refute, so he could only curse bitterly.

However, Goatee is not finished here: ".Leprechaun, Ugly Earthling, Vampire Bird, Earth Worm, Raging Snake, Selin, Wyvern, Ax Hound, Belly Devourer, Pazuzu, Kobold "

He read out the unusual names one after another in a calm and slow tone, endlessly.

Obviously, killing werewolves and wizards was not their ultimate goal. They just happened to be the top two in the long hunting list of these townspeople.

If they could do it, they would be creating a mass extinction event.

Clayton was moved. He pressed his left hand to signal the other party to pause, and then asked: "Are you going to kill all these creatures?"

Goatee stopped signing up.

"Not sure yet," he said.

"How come you're not sure?" the antique dealer asked him.

"Because we don't know what that 'beast' is yet. If we have seen it, we can tell you what we are going to kill now." Goatee said: "That beast appeared more than a month ago. Once it appeared, It keeps attacking our animal shed at night. It has eaten three of our cows, two sheep, and six dogs so far. The bodies have been thrown away without knowing where, leaving only blood stains all over the floor in the animal shed. And it hasn’t been hit yet, so no one knows what it is. Let’s give it a name – ‘the beast’.”

Clayton touched his beard: "Gevaux's beast."

Goatee nodded: "It sounds nice to call it that, as if it is one of our fellow villagers, but it's better for it to die quickly."

He looked up at the increasingly gloomy sky, and urged: "It's getting late. You should hurry into the town. We have to continue patrolling, so we can keep this beast out of the town tonight."

"Is this useful?" Julius asked him.

Goatee tilted his head as if shaking his head, then quickly turned back and told him seriously: "It is better to form a patrol than to do nothing. If you are lucky, we may be able to kill it tonight. "

For a moment, Clayton and Julius couldn't tell whether they were pessimistic or optimistic.

After answering this last question, they didn't want to talk any more. They quickly said goodbye to the two travelers and continued walking in the forest holding torches.

Julius and Clayton walked some distance away, and the former couldn't help but look back and said.

"Look, they are serious. It looks like there is such a thing."

"I think what they said is true. Otherwise, they would be too leisurely to stay away from the warm fire and go outside to blow the cold wind in this season just to make up stories to deceive outsiders." Clayton said.

"But this has nothing to do with us. We won't stay in Jevo for long, and we will be active during the day most of the time. The probability of being attacked by it is pitiful."

The beast in Jevo should exist, but what it is is still unknown. Clayton guessed that it might be some kind of nocturnal leopard with a well-developed physique, or some kind of beast that mutated under the influence of the dark moon. In winter, all living things go crazy for food, especially the voracious predators.

There should be similar creatures in the forests of Sasha City, but the military has been dealing with them.

Julius was unhappy with his attitude.

"No, we should pay more attention to it. You are in danger. If it sneaks around the hotel tonight and breaks the window into your room."

"Then I'll have an extra meal." Clayton said coldly. He was hungry.

Julius was speechless.

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