Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 149 Revo Town

There is only one hotel in Gevo, which also functions as a tavern, so it is always overcrowded.

There is no need to plant crops in winter. Men have saved their spare money and come here to party, gamble, throw dice, and smoke. It sounds like they have nothing to do, but these simple things are important social activities in the countryside, and even involve the marriage of two families. Matters can also be decided in the tavern.

It's November now, the holy month of Ramadan for the Bai religion. Believers can't drink alcohol or eat meat, but people have still invented a new way to enjoy wine.

They only spent a small amount of money to ask the hotel owner to put a shallow plate on each table, pour a thin layer of wine into it, and then let it evaporate naturally. It didn't take long for the whole house to be filled with the smell of wine, just like always.

Although a lot of bad things have happened recently, they can still put them down and play cards and smoke with their friends in this forbidden pleasure.

Until the door was pushed open violently, creating a rectangular space in the smoke of tobacco.

They stopped what they were doing and looked at each other, and they all gasped when they saw the strong figure of the stranger who walked in.

"Boss, two rooms, two dinners, whatever you want." Clayton didn't take it seriously. He found an empty table and threw his ax on the table to occupy a seat. He walked to the counter and prepared to pay. Julie Si also pulled up a chair at the round table and sat down.

The young owner of the tavern did not rush the cook immediately, but pondered for a moment, suddenly bent down, took out a two-handed sword from the secret compartment of the counter and threw it on the table.

"The atmosphere is right now." He said cheerfully, with a bit of ancient meaning in his tone. "Welcome back to the tavern in the pre-gunpowder era - the famous "Song of the Siren". Here, wine is for drunkenness and beauties are for sleeping."

Although the real name of this hotel is not Siren's Song, now the guests bring battle axes and the boss wields a long sword, and everything becomes harmonious.

Not only Clayton, but other regular customers were also amused by him, and one drinker shouted loudly.

"Foreigner, the person standing in front of you is Little Peron, the grandson of old Sir Peron, the Lord of Jevo. Get ready to salute!"

"Here's to Little Peron!" The other drinkers raised their glasses and shouted, Julius booing among them.

In the joyful atmosphere, the hospitality was hard to resist. Clayton couldn't help but smile and took a step back with his right foot. He took off his hat and bowed to the young man in an aristocratic manner. The latter wiped his hands with his apron and showed the same courtesy. Return the courtesy and be polite.

When the boss raised his head, the laughter had not dissipated, and he was blushing a little.

"Well, what they said is true, but that is all in the past. But you, guest, you seem to be a person who is good at discovering joy. Although Gevo is only a small town, I dare to say that you can I had a lot of fun here.”

"Thank you." Clayton put on his hat and nodded to him with a smile.

Little Pei Lun gave him two keys: "The two rooms at the back of the stairs are still empty."

"Give the newcomers a better room, otherwise there will be a monkey face living next to them, and that idiot will be a arrogant freak!" One of the drinkers shouted, causing a chaotic chorus of agreement, but there were also people with strange faces and silence. Silent.

"But we don't have many rooms here, only those two are still available."

Although Clayton had no idea who Monkey Face was, it was clear that the man was unpopular.

He looked at little Pei Lun, waiting for the other party's explanation.

But before Pei Lun could say anything, a loud sound of heels hitting the wooden board came down from the stairs, and everyone was silent for a while.

Ta, da, da, da, da

It sounds like what high-heeled boots would make.

The sound was familiar to Creighton because high-heeled boots were the standard equipment of the cavalry, which helped to secure the feet in the stirrups. However, in recent years, cavalry clothing has been favored by the fashion industry, and some young and fancy-loving gentlemen are willing to wear one or two pieces in the city to show their heroic temperament.

But the person coming down the stairs now is far from heroic.

This gentleman is wearing a very beautiful blue dress with two rows of shiny gold buttons on the chest. The exposed corner of the cuffs shows that there is a high-end wool underwear underneath. He stares at dark brown deerskin high-heeled boots at his feet and hands. The upper cover is silk white gloves that scatter light as delicate as pearls under the candlelight.

However, this glamorous dress could not hide his thin and rickety figure, as well as his ugly and terrifying face.

The skin on this face looks like it has healed from a burn, showing a smooth pink color. There are no eyebrows on the eyes, and the chestnut hair is very thick and short. But this advantage is not enough to save his appearance. His nose was low and collapsed, only a little higher than the skull, revealing two dark hollows.

As soon as Clayton saw this gentleman, he concluded that he had an extraordinary desire for revenge and an extremely strong will. Maybe his parents were some well-known rich people. If he does not have any of the above, he will not be able to cope with the ridicule of the world and himself in the mirror.

This gentleman evidently possesses at least a strong sense of revenge.

In the silence, his cold eyes swept around, only staying for a moment at Clayton, whom he had never met before, and then turned to the innkeeper Pei Lun.

"Old rules."

"It's ready for you, Mr. Huter." Perun greeted the kitchen, and a teenage boy came out with a large tray full of food, including red wine and a dozen grilled meats. Intestines, steaks of unknown origin from sheep or cattle, and a whole fat chicken, which is usually not enough for one person.

The ugly gentleman quickly took the child upstairs and was unwilling to stay downstairs for a moment longer. As soon as he left, the bustle resumed downstairs. Everyone pretended that nothing happened just now and everyone was doing their own thing. thing.

"I thought it was Ramadan." Clayton looked away from the gentleman.

Pei Lun shrugged: "That's what I say, but we can't help but make money from atheists. That's a business."

These words pleased the lieutenant, and his smile appeared again:

"What a coincidence, I'm an atheist too. Do you still have any fat hens here?"

"That was the last one just now, but there is still plenty of tender lamb. So, do you want mutton pie?"

The bad luck continues but the lamb isn't bad either. Clayton asked for three, and Perron turned into the kitchen to inform the cook, and then came out again.

"If it weren't for friends like you from other places, I wouldn't be able to handle such a large group of sheep." He said happily.

"How to say?"

“Recently, an elusive beast has been attacking animal sheds everywhere, causing people to panic. If they are unfortunate enough to be targeted by it, it will definitely not pay for the meat, so people have begun to sell livestock at reduced prices to minimize the risk. Transfer it to someone else.”

Pei Lun took a breath and complained: "I took advantage of the market and bought a lot of sheep. This was a completely wrong decision. They are really the most troublesome beasts I have ever served."

Clayton was convinced: "I understand, if we leave them alone, these beasts can chew down to the foundation."

As he spoke, he saw from the corner of his eye that no one was paying attention, so he took out the piece of bad luck jewelry and wrapped the chain around his finger to prevent the other party from subconsciously taking it.

"By the way, have you seen this necklace? Maybe a girl in the town once wore it."

There are not many ivory carvings of girls, and he suspected that this might be an exclusive gift for a certain girl. Although the tomb robber Big Paul found this thing near Gevaux, it does not mean that the necklace must belong to someone in Gevaux. It may also have washed down from the upper reaches and just stranded here.

But he still had to ask in order to distinguish the situation.

Perun rested his elbows on the counter, looked at the small photo frame with his face, and quickly shook his head.

"I haven't seen it, but you can ask Lawrence. He is a jewelry craftsman in the town. Maybe he made this thing."

Clayton thanked him and returned to his seat to wait.

Julius moved a chair closer. He had been listening to the conversation between Clayton and the hotel owner.

"So you're going to see Lawrence tomorrow?"

"I guess so, what else do you think?"

"I suggest you go to the river to check first." Amidst the noise, the mage suggested, but his tone was firm.

"Although it has been determined that your bad luck comes from this necklace, it does not mean that there are no other threats. The conditions that form the mist of misfortune may also breed night demons. It may take a month or two, but from you It’s been a while since I got this necklace. And finding a way to solve the fog of doom also requires a loss of mana, so I can’t deal with it at the same time.”

Clayton raised his eyebrows: "So if I encounter the demon spirit, it may lead to double bad luck?"

"Absolutely similar to that."

The mage nodded slightly and lowered his voice: "I don't know what is causing your bad luck to be suppressed to the lowest level now. Maybe it's your power, or maybe it's the werewolf's closer connection with the Dark Moon that keeps your luck from being truly cleared. But once you encounter a demon spirit and are possessed by it, you will gradually go crazy, re-enacting the demon spirit's last moments of life, and finally die in the same way."

"Could it be that werewolves can also hit ghosts?" Clayton condensed the mage's warning and asked back.

He had never heard of such rumors.

Although it was not something worth bragging about, the lieutenant was confident that he must have heard more ghost stories from his parents as a child than anyone around him. That's not just Dorn's folklore, but Mensis folklore as well.

Julius was also stunned, obviously he had never heard of anything like this.

Darkin seem to be resistant to the possession ability of ghosts. Even before using their bodies to summon demon possession, they need to be weakened first.

After being stunned for a while, he calmed down and reiterated:

"Safety first."

Clayton had nothing to say back, so he nodded.

I sprained my finger while assembling the bookshelf.

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