Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 151 A strange combination of circumstances

"Are you really sure what you saw?"

Julius didn't notice any strange noise, so he was very suspicious of Clayton's eyes.

Clayton withdrew his left hand from pressing the gun and held the ax handle again: "Don't be stupid, I haven't reached the age where my eyesight is dim yet. I won't be wrong when I say there is something watching us, just like you cast a spell on yourself Just as I have plenty of confidence, I also have confidence in my own vision.”

Although he was not a professional hunter, he began to learn to use a musket to shoot birds that stole grains at a very young age, which greatly improved his alertness.

There were some more noises in the forest, and a black wild boar as big as a dog stepped out of the mud in panic and rushed between them.

Julius's first reaction was to jump up. Next to him, Creighton was quick-sighted. When the wild boar passed by, he swung his ax in the same posture as hitting a highland hole ball, and in one fell swoop he chopped off the wild boar's poor little head. After landing, the headless body ran forward two steps and rolled a few more times before stopping.

After swinging the ax, Clayton looked at the forest suspiciously, but he found nothing this time.

Julius took a few steps back with lingering fear, but when he saw the body of the wild boar, he became happy again.

"I don't think there's any need to go back at noon. There's good meat here."

"Cook wild boar meat without any spices? If you insist on doing this, I can only tell you that you will regret it, but I don't care." Clayton warned him while raising the ax and preparing to continue digging, but felt The weight on his hand suddenly became much heavier, and then there was a sharp pain in the palm, followed by a strange warmth.

He looked down and what he saw was shocking.

A long thorn-like root protruded from the handle of the ebony ax and pierced into his palm. After wrapping around several times, it continued to extend towards his wrist. At the front of the battle ax, the remaining blood from the killed wild boar was like iron filings meeting a magnet. Adsorbed by the silver-gilt double-sided ax blade, the thick red liquid rolled downwards with gravity on the overturned ax blade, but it did not leave the fall, but slowly seeped into it.

As the blood seeped in, the weight of the long-handled double-edged battle ax continued to increase, and the strange heat flow flowed into his blood vessels along the thorns, making him feel uncontrollably excited.

"What the hell!" He couldn't help shouting, covering his right hand.

Julius saw something strange here, he walked over calmly, looked at Clayton's pierced hand, and marveled.

"Try spreading your fingers with all your strength."

The lieutenant frowned, relying on his own experience to refuse to do so, for the thorns wrapped around his fingers as securely as a sailor's knot.

But Julius stood by his advice.

"You give it a try."

Clayton opened the five fingers under the restraints without any hope, but to his surprise, this time, the thorn-like black thorn stems seemed to feel his will, and they retracted without much resistance, and the ax The handle quickly returned to its smooth appearance.

But the increased weight of the ax showed that the previous scene was not an illusion. It was now one-third heavier than before.

The green-haired mage took the ax from his hand and looked at the gilded inscription on it.

"I didn't recognize this ax before. It should be the 'Mosquito Slayer' of the Vekians, but it looks different from the legend. It may be an imitation."

"So what's it for?"

Clayton shook his hand hard, and there was still a phantom pain in the punctured spot on his hand.

He suspected that the ax had left something in his body.

"Used to deal with vampires - this is the original purpose for which it was created. Its ability is similar to that of a newborn vampire. It can compete with them for blood. However, it cannot restrain the truly powerful vampire elders, nor can it defeat the many vampires at the same time. It was effective in thick iron cans, so it was quickly shelved by those northern shamans."

"Those phenomena just now are normal, that is its ability."

Clayton pulled down his sleeves. He gradually understood that what had just happened was not a bad thing, and he felt a sense of cherishment in his heart.

He took the ax from the mage's hand again, weighed it a few times, and swung the ax horizontally towards the trunk of an old tree as thick as his own arm. The ax blade cut through three thirds of the trunk at once thanks to the speed and weight. of two.

Tree trunks are much tougher than the human body.

Absorbing blood to increase weight seems to be another ability of this axe, and Clayton can fully imagine how this feature will work in combat.

As long as there is a slight wound, the sudden change of heavy force will give greater power to its swing, destroying the opponent's balance with unexpected strength, and then splitting them in half - provided that the user is familiar with this feature before it can be used use.

The mage changed the topic: "But it may still be of some use now. After all, wearing armor is no longer popular in most countries."

"But they are popular with muskets now." The lieutenant laughed.

This ax is obviously not that effective, but it's still nice to have in your collection.

He didn't have any vampire enemies to deal with.

By the way, this little episode about what he was about to say almost disrupted his thinking. He recalled it for a few seconds and remembered what he wanted to tell Julius.

"I'm worried that the body has been eaten by wild animals. If so, it may become more difficult and dangerous."

He was vaguely worried that the eyes that were looking at them just now belonged to the beast that ate the corpse.

People believe that beasts with the ability to eat humans will be very cunning. Even if they were not smart enough in the past, they will become smart, greedy, and able to understand human speech after eating humans. This is because they have absorbed human wisdom.

Creighton is a true believer in this view.

He thought maybe the "beast of Gévaud" was the beast that ate human flesh.

Beasts that have eaten humans will develop a thirst for human flesh and blood, and will continue to attack humans until they are eliminated. This is said to be because the fat and salt in the human body are more abundant. It is still attacking the animal shed, maybe it just hasn't found the opportunity.

The mage was not sensitive to this, he just stretched his body carelessly, and then quickly shrank due to the cold wind and snowflakes that poured into his waist.

"It doesn't matter if I can't find the body. Knowing his identity is enough for me to find a way to get rid of the bad luck. Even a dead person will always leave relics that can prove his identity."

Wetland swamps are not very friendly to people looking for stuff.

Even if the gold falls here, it will be stained with a layer of mud, covering up the steadfast golden light.

Even though Clayton and Julius had gone to the trouble of plowing through most of the swamp. Not a single human corpse was found, but they woke up several snakes that were about to hibernate.

Seven dirty handkerchiefs with no visible patterns, half a bad fish basket, six good fish baskets, two fishing rods, two kerchiefs, and three metal buttons of different materials.

The above is all they gained.

The snow is falling harder and harder, covering the gray-brown swamp with a layer of white.

Julius's face turned blue from the cold, fatigue and hunger. He inserted the shovel into the mud, held his waist and tried to stand up straight. The friction between his sloughed palms and his clothes made him take another breath of air:

"I should have brought a corset."

"It's just wearing orthotics all the time that makes your muscles weak."

As Clayton said this, he stuffed all these dirty cloth products and buttons into his pockets, and let Julius take the fishing basket and fishing rod with him.

He didn't plan to continue searching, this was enough for them to investigate.

"Come on, let's go back the way we came."

Julius tilted his head and looked over alertly: "Why don't we just go through the woods from here?"

They walked for several hours and took many detours before arriving at this wetland. However, if they walked straight through the forest, they would not be far from the town of Jevo.

"The view is clearer by the river beach." The lieutenant gave the decisive factor.

"I'm worried that the beasts of Gev are in the woods. Look at the things we found. Apparently there were many people who were willing to come here to fish or pick berries and mushrooms before, but today we didn't see anyone. I think Maybe it’s because the residents in the town are worried about being attacked by wild animals here.”

If he walked on the river beach, he would have enough time to take aim even if the beast fled the forest.

His sense of smell has been weakened by the cold air, and he may not be able to detect danger immediately in the smell-rich forest, and those trees may also become cover for wild beasts.

Unless it was at night, werewolf transformation could solve such troubles, but Clayton was unwilling to wait too long.

This reason convinced Julius, and he nodded with deep understanding.

Clayton counted all the equipment and turned around with the ax in one hand and today's catch in the other.

Qi Chao——Qi Chao——

The sound of trees breaking suddenly sounded from both sides. Two dead trees about thirteen feet high were broken at the same time, one on the left and one on the right. They accurately pressed down on him, and their heavy weight was definitely not something that his human form could stop.

The lieutenant's heartbeat surged to the extreme in an instant.

He stepped back suddenly, but the soft and wet mud under his feet slowed down his second step back.

He only had time to escape the impact of the first dead tree, and the next moment he was crushed under another tree.

Julius stood there in shock, and waited until the dust settled before he stepped forward.

"How are you?"

"I'm not dead yet."

Clayton answered while lying on the ground and broke off the dead branch in front of his face that almost penetrated his eye.

The fallen dead tree did not hit him directly. The moment before he was pinned down, he raised the dead pig to block the terrible blow. Although the skin of the dead pig that received the direct impact was not damaged, the internal organs were flattened into mud and flowed out from the front and rear channels.

The lieutenant let go of everything else in his hands, lifted the dead tree up with all his strength, and slowly moved it out from underneath.

When he was completely free, he let go of his hand, and the heavy dead tree immediately fell and pressed into the mud, leaving only half of it outside.

Even Julius couldn't help but lament the terrible misfortune when he saw this scene.

"This time is really crazy. Although I know you are not in good luck now, it is too unlucky to happen like this. I remember other similar cases entangled in the mist of misfortune, but they all endured years of torture before they died. And you here"

No need for him to say it, Clayton understood what it meant.

Although he had encountered unlucky things such as being hit on the head by a flower pot and being dragged by a carriage before, none of them were directly fatal, but this time it was completely different.

Even if the werewolf was hit by these two trees, he would probably be seriously injured.

"I'd also like to know what's going on."

He clasped his ribs and took a deep breath. The heavy blow made him feel as if his chest was dented and his arms ached.

Julius stepped to the edge to check the situation, then laughed at the stump of a broken tree to the left.

"This tree is the one you used to test the ax just now. It couldn't be more right for it to settle a score with you."

Clayton kicked the broken tree.

"Then the other one has to give me an explanation."

He walked to the tree on the right, and something man-made inlaid on the jagged sections of the tree stump caught his eye.

There is no doubt that this thing penetrated the already rotten and insect-infested tree trunk, further destroying the original support and giving an opportunity for the bad luck that lingered in nothingness.

It was a fragmented lead bullet.

One more update

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