Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 152 An unexpected encounter

A lead bullet means someone was shooting here.

If the shooter was hunting, the impact height of the lead bullet would be a little ridiculous.

If its location were compared on the human body, it would be a little above the abdomen of an adult male.

Most wild animals are not that tall unless standing up. But it would make sense to say the shooter was targeting a person.

Creighton checked another section of the trunk. He noticed that the edge of the wound was smooth and looked new. He judged that the lead bullet had been fired for less than a quarter.

Two special conditions overlapped, and he didn't think it was a coincidence.

"Julius, let's search this area again," he said.

When Clayton and Julius returned to the hotel, it was dark again, just like the time they arrived yesterday.

Their second inspection revealed something new.

A broken flintlock was in Julius's pocket, waiting for the next step in the search tomorrow.

The joy of this harvest ended after they crossed the threshold of the hotel. They saw some strangers in the hotel, and they were the kind of people Clayton least wanted to see.

Detective Hook.

It’s Detective Hook again.

There were four of them in total, and they wore coats with the name of the company they worked for embroidered with yellow thread on them. Each of them carried a gun, and one of the boys even hung a series of large-caliber flintlock pistols on his chest.

The group was eating and drinking, but when Clayton and Julius came in, their attention was all on Clayton.

Of course a man covered in mud carrying a pig with an ax would be treated like this.

Clayton gave them only a look in return.

He was sure that he had been ruled out as a murder suspect at the social level. He left no trace at the scene when he committed the crime, and the Presbyterian Church would not betray him. Detective Hook was similar to a mercenary, and his nature showed that this group of people would not betray him. Avenge your companions who died during the mission.

After the death of the Spider Priest, he no longer paid attention to this group, but worried about the distribution of Bruno's inheritance. Maybe during that time, the Hook Detective Agency had already found out that the operation failed and that all personnel, including the employer, had failed. The fact that they were killed together.

There is plenty of time to find out this information, but if they have accepted the failure of the mission, what are they still doing here now?

The lieutenant carried the pig straight to the innkeeper Pei Lun and shouted loudly, asking the cook to use the pork to make some good dishes. While giving these instructions, he tilted his head slightly, and from the corner of his eye, he saw the detectives turning back and continuing to concentrate on their own affairs.

This situation made Clayton more convinced that they were not here for him.

He ordered some wine, and sat at the round table next to Julius, drinking while eavesdropping on their conversation.

These Hook detectives arrived in town last night while he was asleep. These four people are Kit, the "farmer" with a high waistband, Robin Hood, the red-haired "idler", Ace, the "rabbit" with big front teeth, and Ian, the youngest "little brother".

The above nicknames were all learned by the lieutenant from their conversations and were not made up by him.

The purpose of these detectives coming to Sasha City again has nothing to do with the Holy Grail Society. In addition to verifying the failure of the previous mission, their other goal is just to continue the last land purchase agreement that has not yet been concluded with the city government.

Hook Detective Agency was determined to purchase a piece of land nearby, so it sent many people to complete this simple, impossible task.

Clayton was not surprised but overjoyed to know that they would be stationed around Sasha City in the future.

In the absence of conflict, having such a good security company nearby is absolute good news for businessmen.

Armed detectives are mercenaries, loyal only to money, and he had money.

The sound of the plate colliding with the table brought Clayton back to his senses. He saw that it was Pei Lun, the owner of the hotel, who was personally bringing the dishes, but he had an expression that was hard to explain.

"Mr. Bello, I have bad news for you."

Creighton, accustomed to this routine, responded calmly and allowed Perron to continue.

"Last night, the beast attacked the town again, but it went not to any family's yard or stable, but to the Bono family's stable. All the horses in the stable were bitten to death." Pei Lun scratched his head. Face: "Bono came over to tell us about this after you left in the morning."

Upon hearing the news, Clayton only felt that the bad luck hanging over his head was getting stronger and stronger.

The coachman Fraser's cousin who brought him here was named Bono. Before they left yesterday, Fraser told them that he was going to stay at his cousin's house and asked them to decide where to look when they returned to Sasha City.

Now that it's better, even the horse pulling the cart is gone, how can they still have anything to do with him?

The lieutenant made an agreement with his niece to go away for a week and then go back!

Pei Lun saw that he was distracted and comforted him: "But don't worry, we still have some donkeys, which are only slower than horses and can completely drag your car back."

With this good news, Clayton sobered up a little.

"Where's Fraser?" he asked.

"He passed out from crying and he hasn't woken up yet."

Detective Hook next to him heard their conversation and looked over one after another, with even sympathy in their eyes.

Robin Hood, an idler, patted the table and said excitedly: "Brother, your horse is also stored in that stable. What a coincidence, so are we. If we had known, we would have stored the horse here. Unfortunately, the rooms here are all full. We thought at the time , what should I do if it’s inconvenient to go back and forth, so I took the horse to Bono’s house.”

Clayton wiped his nose and sighed in admission.

Next to Robin Hood, Kit sighed and whistled an elegy for their shared misfortune.

The big brother among the detectives, Rabbit Ace, licked his front teeth and did not join in their conversation. The little brother Ian, who carried many weapons, also looked at them shyly and said nothing.

Clayton briefly chatted with them and suddenly came up with an idea.

"Are you from the detective agency?"



They acknowledged this using different onomatopoeias.

"We are the best kind. We come from Hook Detective Agency." Ace said. Not only did his front teeth resemble rabbits, but his calm personality was also exactly the same.

Clayton nodded, then looked at Perun.

"Look, these guys are all sharpshooters who get paid to do their jobs. Have you considered pooling some money and asking them to kill that elusive beast?"

Pei Lun frowned in embarrassment, as if there was some special problem troubling him.

The problem is no money.

Countryside people don't like to do transactions with legal tender, as everything seems cold, and barter is more common here.

Ace helped the innkeeper, and he looked at Clayton: "Sorry, although we are all proficient in shooting, good shooters do not mean good hunters. Hunting wild beasts is not our specialty. If the local hunters can't do anything about it, , I’m afraid we don’t have a better way.”

"What if we need your help in investigating the original owner of an item?" Clayton asked.

It sounded like there would be no battle involved. Ace considered it for a moment and replied: "It depends on the situation. We have things to do now. Let's talk about it after we resolve the matter at hand."

"Let Ian try it." Robin Hood said suddenly. He scratched his short brown hair and looked at Ian again: "It's time for him to do something. Doing something can stop him from thinking about his brother. I can also make more money by the way.”

Kit also nodded, indicating that he agreed with this view.

The person they mentioned still looked confused, as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Ian!" Ace woke him up: "What do you think?"

Ian stood up suddenly, straightened his legs and pushed the chair back, making a very harsh friction sound, and there was a constant ringing under the coat.

"I have no objection!" he reported loudly.

Both Creighton and Julius expressed doubts about the reliability of this half-grown man.

"That's okay." Qian Qian looked at them: "Our little brother Ian is very good at marksmanship and is serious about his work, but don't think about asking him to do anything extraordinary. At most, he is only responsible for investigation, and there are also people in the town. Security work. As for the price, you can discuss it yourself."

Clayton put his index finger on the table and motioned for Ian to sit next to him.

"Like this dude said, let's talk about the price."

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