186 Baker Street Not Just a Bakery (2)

After that, we made a rough plan, set a course of action, and created a code.

Kristel was very good at ‘Operation Verona’ because he had ever conceived it.

So it was lunch time and we all ate together.

It would have been better to eat leisurely at the restaurant, but the Crown Prince could not postpone all official duties, and Sir Elizabeth had a job with the Imperial Guard.

Chef Laurence hastily made a tartine and sent it to the drawing room…


It was insanely delicious. At this point, it’s Rojanggeum, Rojanggeum.

“I really want to apply for a job change. Actually, enlisting in the Guard was my stubbornness. My parents were also against it. But you mean that Juliet Palace eats delicious food like this every day?”

The commander of the neighborhood said as he shredded the sandwich. I agreed with a smile.

He must have grown up eating well in the lord’s castle in the northern borderlands, and the meals of the guards would be provided at the highest level.

It seemed to taste better when eaten with friends.

From https://readwn.com

Of course, our Rojang-geum is a great person.

“Prince, the Guards led the clowns into Juliet. If you call, I will prepare you for interrogation at any time.”

“Thank you, Benjamin.”

I answered quickly and bit the last piece.

A large baguette cut flat in half, spread with plenty of freshly made savory tapnade paste, topped with chum-cheese-flavored sausage squash, and topped with crunchy cucumbers and tomatoes, the sandwich was almost perfect.

While I was cleaning my lips with a napkin…

“Tite, is this Tite’s rattle?”

– Oh my!

“Hey, it’s gone! Where did Tite’s rattle go?”


“Where are you? Wow, this is so amazing!”

Kristel, who had just finished eating, was holding Tite in her arms.

She made a cute rattle with water flowers, and surprised the harp seal by saying that she hid the toy between her hair and pulled it out.

His black eyes grew like a full moon and then curved like a crescent moon. The corners of my lips also went up.

Tite is so docile that she gets along well with everyone, including me, especially Christel.

It seemed to feel an instinctive comfort because it had the same water properties.

Conversely, when Prince Sedric was near, he was a little afraid.


– Quiet

The Prince, who was about to get up from his seat, stopped for a moment when Demi grabbed his ankle.

Perry and Leia climbed up on his legs as if they were waiting.

The man let out a low sigh and leaned against the backrest.

You know that even if you resist the Red Panda Chief, you will only lose.

“Canael, I’ll start the newspaper as soon as the table is cleared. Prepare the room next door.”

“Yes, my prince.”

“…and tell the other servants to be polite.”

I gave the order to you. It was to hold discipline as the Master said.

His tone seemed strange, but the boy shook his head with his golden eyes twinkling.

David used the interlude to deliver state papers to the prince.

I squinted at him and tried to create a solemn atmosphere.

Can I hold the weight like that? Sticking out your chest and keeping your forehead wrinkled?


Sir Johann, who caught my seal, smiled a little. I couldn’t afford to live. hear this


The Prince and Sir Elizabeth were eventually absent for a short time.

He said that the establishment ceremony of the Hwangdo garrison military academy, which was scheduled for November, was pushed back to December, and because of that, there were a lot of things to be coordinated.

Wasn’t that the original October event? Anyway.

“I’ll take the eldest of the clowns, the clever Serge, first, Prince.”

Canael said cheerfully. I went straight to the paper ‘1. Clever Serge’.

I was seated in the center of the long table, and Sir John was seated to the left.

Kristel on the right says, ‘Serge, I’ll see you on the next stage.’ They mumbled the same words at different pitches.

Because it’s not an acrobat survival.

– click

“Here, stand in the middle.”

Soon the door opened, and Benjamin ordered.

A frightened man entered the room.

He looked like he was in his late twenties, though he didn’t, but his big eyes stood out because of the dark corners of his eyes.

When I came to Juliet to perform, it was difficult to recognize her face now because she was wearing fancy makeup.

He looked pitiful to see him shivering with a skinny body like chopsticks.

But since it was a newspaper to catch serial thieves and attempted kidnappers, it shouldn’t show sympathy or compassion.

It was possible that they were one. I hardened my heart and opened my mouth.

“Mr. Serge, I will ask you first.”

“Oh, my prince!”

Then Serge jumped up and fell flat on the floor.

It was a voice that was clearly terrified. understanding is gone.

Arrested during the parade, receiving only minimal amounts of water and food, and being interrogated by the garrison and guards, he was brought to the imperial palace to face me, the prince and marquis…

Nara also felt like a flashlight would pass in front of her eyes.

“Sah, save me! I, we are not at all… A man named Madame Victoire may be dead and awake. It is true, I swear to God!”

Serge begged earnestly. I asked as quietly as possible to calm him down.

“I just heard that he is the oldest. But when the acrobatic troupe came to perform in Juliet, I saw an old woman. Who is he?”

“Uh, uh, that’s…. I’m sorry, Prince. Grandma Pom passed away…”

‘Yes. Lord, he’s dead.’ Serge lowered his head after answering that.

I exchanged glances with Kristel in surprise. she asked sharply.

“When did you die?”

“That, that. The next day after showing the prince his talent, he was hit by a carriage… We didn’t witness it. The granddaughter Henriette, who went with them… I did a fix. Without calling us…”

It was unexpected rain. Suddenly, Serge’s voice filled with water.

I express my deepest condolences. It was around mid-October right after he showed me his skills.

It was all I could see for a couple of hours, but it was easy to see that the acrobats members had a strong relationship with each other.

Granny Pom, dressed as a clown, sat at a distance without participating in the performance.

So in the beginning, I was curious about her role.

‘Good job, Serge. Our genius.’

‘Thank you, Grandma.’

I figured it out right away without even asking.

She would bring water and props from the young acrobats, constantly encouraging them, and whispering which parts were good and bad.

I remember feeling like a friendly ‘manager’.

Her back was bent and she looked uncomfortable, but Grandma Pom did not rest at all.

“Does that mean that after your grandmother passed away, your granddaughter, Henriette, returned from a funeral alone?”

Sir John asked. Mint-colored eyes radiated a cold light, like the northern lights of the North Pole.

Serge took a hard breath and answered.

“Oh, no. It must have been a big shock, black. We left only a short greeting and went back to our hometown… left for the south. After leaving the clown, I haven’t seen you since, Nari. There was no reply to the letter…”

The man snorted. I exchanged significant glances with Sir John.

“One more. Comparing Victoire’s trajectory and the acrobatic troupe’s movement, it’s not entirely consistent, but there are many suspicious parts. The same day he was stealing from a certain estate, his party was performing in the neighboring estate. That’s what the report of the Guardsman says. This is the first time Victoire has been caught up close like this.”

“Ahh! I swear not, Prince! Not really us!”

Serge has almost played the game now. I was so nervous that he might faint.

The young acrobat lifted his head and appealed with a sullen gaze.

“Wow, Prince… We are terribly poor, we do not know where we came from, and we grow up relying only on each other. Crawling into your house and stealing things… I never even imagined it. Then if you get caught, it’s dead, dead. The only thing that overlapped with the thief was that,”

‘Wow, that’s a coincidence…’ He finally cried.

Perhaps there was a limit to his mental power, and sweat poured down his pale face like rain.

I couldn’t stand it at all.

When he called Canael and asked Serge to bring him a blanket and tea, Sir John smiled bitterly as if he couldn’t help it. sorry.

“Take it easy, Serge. I can identify lies on my own, so you only need to confess the truth as you think of it. I will just do it as usual.”

I said. It was inconvenient to hold the weight that did not work, as if I was forced to wear small clothes.

Suddenly, a thick blanket was wrapped around Serge’s shoulders.

A warm clock flower car was held in both hands, and a chair with a backrest came in.

He looked at me bewildered, and when our eyes met, he lowered his head.

Still, he looked a lot better than before.

I’m glad.

“Then shall we continue?”

Kristel asked me in a bright voice. I smiled and nodded.


And the first day of December.

I was out in front of the Juliet Palace with a rather chilly wind.

The attendants lined up to see me off.

A similar scene was being produced at the Romero Palace on the opposite side.

The Prince and Sir Elizabeth were seen on horseback.

“Prince, even gloves.”

“Thank you, Canael.”

I got my thumb gloves on.

From https://readwn.com

Obviously, I heard that the weather is mild all year round, except for the hot wind season. That’s what I heard…

The protagonist of the novel appears, the hero appears on the continent, and in times like that, everything is an exception.

According to Benjamin, the air has been unusually cold since autumn this year.

In December, the wind began to blow in earnest.

Then yes. I let out a sigh of a supporting actor after a long time. I was already nervous.

Prince Jesse’s body, which couldn’t be beaten in the heat, what would it be like in the cold?

“You’re going to get a sore ear from running, my prince.”

A friendly Benjamin put my hood on.

Today’s agenda was clear.

Yesterday, we successfully completed the interrogation of the clowns, and together we set the direction of the investigation.

So I couldn’t delay any longer.

It means that it is time to start the ‘bait-laying operation’, which runs without a wagon.

To catch Madame Victoire.

“Hi nice to meet you.”

– hehe

I said hello to the horse I was going to ride today.

As I patted the nape of the neck, he kindly accepted my hand.

The little boy is a two-year-old with a white body, and it was a horse that Benjamin prepared as a birthday present for me last spring.

It was brought to him in honor yesterday by his hometown, the Count of Girardin, famous as the hometown of the famous horse.

In short, it was a snippet. Haven’t given a name yet.

“Your brother won’t be very heavy. I’m not even a beginner, um. I’m counting on you.”

“It’s a mare, my prince.”

“Huh, sorry. I forgot. Please don’t drop it, uncle.”


I hurriedly changed my words, but he looked a little dissatisfied.

From the first meeting, it was clear that the score was cut.

I hugged Aemuldanji once, said hello to Herit, and secretly got on the horse.

In case I had to disguise in the middle, I didn’t take the gods, but only the perseverance that was easy to hide.

He slipped into my chest and pouted with only his face exposed. chatterbox.

“I will go. Don’t worry and rest. Demi, I’m listening to Benjamin and Ganael. Tite, swim in moderation at night.”

– Ki-eung

– Ae-eung

The two guys came up with an answer with ‘yes’ anyway. I was fed up and spurred on.

Sir John in charge of the escort followed closely behind me.


You shouldn’t be running fast in the Imperial Palace, but it was the first time I had an experience like this, so I was excited for nothing.

A cool breeze brushed my cheeks and hair.

As soon as I arrived at Romero Palace, the prince riding on an elegant black horse looked at me like he was a child.

Got it, half-master. Don’t run in the hallway from now on.

“Welcome, Prince Jesse. The horse is very handsome.”

“Is this your first time riding a horse?”


Count Cow, Pig, and Kristel spit out one word at a time.

I turned my attention to the main character who had the best voice among them.

Inyoung on horseback was approaching us.

Her pink hair was neatly braided under a hat resembling a macaron, she wore a cape that reached her waist, and in her hand held a pipe with a blue steam gushing out.

Wait a minute.

“Sir Sarnez?”

“Would you like to go get Henriette, Watson?”

She said, ‘Knock!’ in her mouth. He made a sound and winked at me.

I couldn’t respond immediately and was dumbfounded.

Maybe that’s the concept I’m thinking of? Isn’t there a big difference between the times there?

no······. Is it too late to point this out now?

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