187 Baker Street Not Just a Bakery (3)

– Tackle, tuck tuck …

Five horses carried their master and left the palace.

A huge black door shouts ‘Cheong!’ and closed from behind.

When I turned my head, I saw the knights sending us with respectful postures.

I nodded slightly and focused on the front. naturally!

“Like coming out to play.”

I talked to myself. I could feel the prince looking at me.

I think I’ve grown from an ordinary housewife to a great courtier, but it’s always exciting to go out in a new world.

I was always nervous when I came out with my body exposed while moving in a wagon.

There was a faint smell of winter in the clear, standing air.

“Oh, my God!”

“Oh my gosh! Meet His Majesty Prince Lister.”

“I see Prince Jesse Penetian.”

Some nobles who witnessed the opening of the imperial palace gates stood on the side of the road and bowed their heads.

Prince Sedric did not pretend to have seen them.

The reaction of the first eyewitnesses was quite intense, whether it is not often that he visits the Yellow Island with his friends.

Those who discovered the halo of southern Maine from afar were also approaching quickly.

The ladies had their cheeks burning red.

The most handsome man in the world is different no matter what.

“Prince Jesse!”


As I greeted them, the bowing girls folded their fur fans and stroked their cheeks.

Avoiding your eyes didn’t seem like a good idea.

Embarrassed and perplexed, I raised the corners of my lips slightly.

I don’t know the fan language well yet, should I study that too?


The father shot a short shot. I looked back at him and coughed.

It was because I was grateful for kind people to talk to me, man.

He and I were having a snowball fight with a scheduled defeat, and the white horse started walking at an accelerated pace.

This dude is very smart.

“Prince, are you going from the bar I went to last time? I’m going to see the baron.”

Kristel asked from behind. I immediately nodded.

“yes. I heard Baron Kyung’s complaint at the scene, and he said that he was a regular there, so it would be good to check the victim’s testimony.”

I answered.

Kristel said that she had met Modest Bacari of Fleur de Lis at a bar a while ago.

He also wrote me a letter saying he had lost his memory of the prophecy.

What she added during the operation meeting was information that was helpful in this case as well.

‘I went with my mother and sat there. But a baron said that at the table next to him. It seems that the barn of Yeongjuseong has been robbed and will have to be filled during the harvest festival.’

‘Maybe it’s Madame Victoire’s work.’

‘yes. The party I was with also asked if it was ‘the thief’. I don’t go to that bar very often, but I see him every time I go, so I’m sure he’s a regular.’

So, we decided to stop by ‘Blois’, an upscale pub that Kristel often visits.

The names of the nobles who suffered damage from Victoire were already known from the report of the Guard.

However, most of them refused to give sincere statements, and did not even interview <Biweekly Lister>.

Baron Savannier, known as the first victim, and Marquis Cise, whose relics were stolen were exceptional cases.

I wondered why the great nobles were so passive, but it turned out to be because of the face.

They did not want to inform that the property had been stolen by mere thieves.

He was reluctant to even mention it because of shame and insult.

“If there is alcohol in it, it will have to be blown up a bit. At that time, my voice was very loud.”

“Yes. You wouldn’t dare shut your mouth now that the Crown Prince is here.”

Sir Elizabeth, who was paving the way at the forefront, answered.

The Prince and I were following, Sir John and Christel in the rear.

Count Soh, holding the reins with one hand, looked back at me.

“You said that we should go to the commoners’ space next, right?”

“yes. Henriette will only show up when I show him that I am accessible.”

“Is Henriette really the culprit?”

Then, Sir John asked quietly. We looked at him at the same time.

Behind Herrit’s father, the nobles were following us at some distance.

It seemed that more than a hundred people had already gathered.

We also saw commoners lying down and spying on us all over the city.

This is perfect, what is it? It’s like a guerrilla date.

“I’m not even sure. But for now, that seems to be the case.”

I said. Mint-colored eyes curved as if encouraging.

Then Kristel puckered the pipe and put a horse on it.

By the way, that’s not a real cigarette, it’s inhaled candy.

He said that the blue steaming is the taste of blueberries.

“I agree. The only ones who heard that the prince might be going to the harvest festival were the clever Serge and Grandma Pom, but Serge has a big difference in physique from Victoire. It is said that there is no special skill in imitation of vocal cords. Since Grandma Pom is dead, the granddaughter, Henriette, is most likely.”

Besides, all of that was what I had confirmed to be true through the sacrament of Confession.

It was also suspicious that the granddaughter left the clown band and her whereabouts were unknown.

“The fact that Henriette is a woman in her late twenties is also an important clue. The Victoire that the prince stated is also estimated to be in his twenties or thirties.”

Sir Elizabeth added.

multifaceted, multifaceted. For a while, only the peaceful sound of horseshoes filled the space between us.

It was a comfortable and warm silence. Looking back at Sir John again,

“Oh my God. I wish I could stroke that snow-white hair just once!”

“Sir Haines, did you not say that your son needs a stepmother?”

It seems that a very active fan base has appeared.

Ladies in fancy dresses and suits were courting Sir John, casting intense flirtations.

There were also more people who were a little older.

I quickly turned my head to avoid making eye contact with them.

The gentle voice of the paladin was heard.

“Because I don’t like being in contact with strangers. Thank you for your concern, but Herit looks happy enough these days, madam.”

“Oh my gosh, it’s not easy. A lump of charm.”

Wow, take all of that. If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to say a word.

Kristel, who was watching, whistled. There were no cracks like the tip of a hair on Sir John’s face.

“To find you in disguise in the crowd.”

The father suddenly opened his mouth.

I glanced to the side and saw orange eyes approaching like the winter sun.

I reflexively listened. The distance between the two horses became narrower.

“The thief must have remembered the face of the servant. It is not difficult to find, especially if it is Confucius Calamar.”

“Is that so too?”

At my whispers, the guy was serious. It went through in a while.

Even though I hid my identity with dark hair and blue-grey eyes, the killer was able to target me… No matter how much I thought about it, it was because I recognized Benjamin and Canael.

Confucius Canael of Calamar’s bright blue hair and golden eyes were easy to find even in crowded places.

And once I caught the boy, it wasn’t difficult to pick me up, who was always near him.

They had the same facial features, only the color arrangement was different, so anyone who knew their faces would quickly recognize them.

“He must have known the face of the court servant Juliet and at the same time heard information from Grandma Sergena Pom. Serge testified that I did not disclose my schedule to anyone, so I narrow it down to Henriette again. The imperial palace user or the people around him cannot be the culprit.”

The father gave him a positive glance.

Sir Elizabeth, who heard our whispers, spoke quietly.

“We’ll have news from Baron Berang soon.”

“yes. Take good care of me.”

I answered.

Shortly after possessing, I was threatened with my life by assassins disguised as servants.

However, the birthplace of the twins, who were killed by them, was Henriette’s hometown.

Since it was decided not to conduct a large-scale military operation, the commander of the neighborhood guard dispatched only a small number of subordinates to the Baron.

If there was a person named Henriette, they immediately caught him and transported him to the emperor, and even if she wasn’t there, he had all the information related to it be found.


I fell silently in thought.

Come to think of it, it was the Baron and Baron Berang who put the ‘Ulitter’s Headdress’ at the Auction House.

I felt a strange connection.

Ever since I heard that an orphanage was being built with my funeral expenses, I have been making donations steadily…

Even if I wanted to go say hello, I hesitated.

Looking at my face, the two of you seem to have a harder time.

“It’s all here. I see the bar sign over there!”

Kristel raised her voice. I caught my twinkling eyes.

There was a rather ornate and uncluttered building that stood out.

From https://readwn.com

On the front was a beautifully engraved cover of a wide wooden board.

‘Blois – Drunk Seriousness’.

“…it doesn’t seem like a very constructive conversation.”


I gave a brief impression, and the Prince responded positively.

Then Kristel and Sir Elizabeth began to laugh.

Even Sir John burst out laughing.

In particular, our protagonist is ‘Prince, you were just like a devout archbishop!’ and rejoiced

Those who followed, without knowing why, screamed in pain at Kristel’s bright smile.

Did I look like an idiot?

“Hahaha, then let’s go in.”

Count Soh barely corrected his expression and said:

The nobles, who were rushing out of Blois, looked at us and lowered their bodies in amazement.

Now I see that the wagons in front of the bar are quickly leaving the parking area. What’s going on?

·······Well, it’s good that we have a lot to talk about.


“Here you go. It’s cold and it’s hard.”

“Stand, the castle is doomed! Just trust us, Prince!”

The young servants bowed deeply.

Taking care of the horses and promising even the finest troughs, I paid everyone’s valet parking tips.

When the courageous man in his arms took out a silver coin with his beak, the prince sent his eyes, saying, ‘I’ve never seen such a currency in my life’.

To be honest, I was a little unlucky.

-Tulleok, good profit…

A boy who seemed to be the oldest of the dogs carefully opened the door.

There was a roar of commotion and music from inside.

“B, welcome to Blois, Your Majesty. Have a good time,”

– Kwadangtang! Koo!

A table toppled inside and a shattering sound was heard from the chairs.

As soon as I was startled, the prince and the lieutenant colonel took hold of the hilt.

The servant boy seemed to be very perplexed, but once the door was pushed, he spread his arms outstretchedly without thinking of stopping.

Then, what unfolded before our eyes…

“hey! Are you not coming!?”

Woodang! A middle-aged nobleman jumped onto the table and shouted.

The nobleman who was pointed at her opened her fluke eyes.

“What? hey? Hey, Baron! Did you get and sell the dignity of aristocrats? Let go of this!”

– Clap!

An angry man threw the bottle against the wall with his telekinesis. was a wizard

The wallpaper that became the target was smeared with alcohol stains. The clothes and hair of the two men and women were also very disheveled.

Torn cravat, broken cufflinks, all kinds of brooches and hats were scattered on the floor relentlessly.

There was not one or two people who were quarreling here and there. nope.

Is this a drunken joke? Is it true?

“There, dry it! Dry it from there!”

When someone pointed at me, the other person said, ‘Who are you, are you giving me orders! I am a talented person who received a decoration from His Majesty!’

It was still early in the evening, and everyone seemed to be drenched in alcohol.

The smell of alcohol vibrated everywhere because of the spilled and drunk alcohol.

It was no longer a drinking board or a fighting board.

It was just a gigantic bullshit.

– touk

“No, you are patient. No matter how pathetic you are, you shouldn’t kill people.”


I barely stopped the prince who was about to pluck. His iris was on fire.

The servants were already lying at the man’s feet and trembling.

Kristel muttered, ‘Wow, what the hell is this?’ and swung his tongue and whip at the same time.

It was something I truly sympathize with.

When I saw the chaos beneath my nose, I almost lost sight of my purpose in coming here.

That was then.

“Your Majesty, the person lying over there looks like General Modest Bakari.”

Sir John said calmly. I hurriedly looked where his fingertips were pointing.

Then he widened his eyes.

Blood-soaked indigo hair and eyebrows, dripping twin noses.

Drops of blood were forming between the lips of the 20-year-old boy.

He looked worse than anyone else in the hall, and no one looked after him or lifted him up.

The jaw dropped spontaneously at the shocking scene. I knew intuitively.

A fight broke out because of him. Even the kid is alone.

I clenched my fists. Instantly, I cried and burst into anger.

[Stop motion! Everyone close your mouth and get down!]


I shouted loudly.

The whole room was dyed in a bright gold color that I couldn’t even see in front of my nose.

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