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"Is it the God of Killing Tablet that slaughtered the Black Dead City?" Li Xiu looked at the Unrivaled King in disbelief and said.

"Where do you think the Black Death City is? The guy who can offend God's taboo is not a simple thing. The guys who live there are all top human beings in the Demon Kingdom, not like the existence of a true god. Who How can you massacre that city like that without leaving a single person alive?" King Qishi said.

Li Xiu was slightly startled when he heard that, the tone of Unrivaled King seemed to be saying that even if it went by itself, it might not be able to destroy the City of Love.

But Li Xiu had fought against Father Wu and the blind tailor in the City of Love, and had seen them fight, so he didn't think they were very powerful.

At most, it was at the peak level of the casting spirit level, but how could the peak casting spirit level make an existence like the unrivaled king say such things? This made Li Xiu very puzzled.

Li Xiu immediately realized that there was indeed a problem.

For a powerful dynasty like the Demon Kingdom that almost ruled the entire Demon Kingdom, no matter how weak it is, it is impossible to rely on only a few spirit-casting-level testers to support the scene.

Father Wu is known as the Fifth Heavenly King of the Demon Kingdom, so it is impossible for him to be just a casting spirit.

If it's just casting spirits, Tianzhihai can send a god-level powerhouse casually and sweep the city of love, so why should the true **** personally go there.

The Unrivaled King himself is a member of the Sky Sea, and from the ability of the Unrivaled King, one can roughly know the strength of the Sky Sea. This can only show that the strength of the City of Love at that time was enough for the true gods to face it squarely, and had no choice but to go there personally. But Li Xiu had indeed seen the strength of Father Wu and Blind Tailor, and they were not that strong.

"Are those strong human beings in the Black Dead City god-level?" Li Xiu asked.

"Of course, if you don't even have a **** level, how can the true **** come in person?" The King of Unrivaled World said naturally.

After a pause, the King of Unrivaled World continued: "Originally, I wanted to use the God-killing Tablet to break the taboo. Since your natal deed has the taboo light of the sea of ​​heaven, you don't have to worry about it. Use the taboo light to help me To break the shackles, I will teach you how to use the God of Death card, after you have this card, you will have immortality, as long as the card is not destroyed, no one will be able to kill you."

"So you're waiting for me here." Only then did Li Xiu understand why the King of Unrivaled Worlds so readily told him the secret of the killing tablet.

This God of Death Tablet already has the name of the True God. It is different from ordinary longevity tablets. It cannot be engraved with your own name like ordinary longevity tablets. If there is no secret method of Unrivaled King, the God of Death Tablet cannot be used.

The King of Unrivaled World can tell those secrets so happily, there are not many people who know how to use the God of Death Tablet in all likelihood, and the Great King of Unrivaled World is sure that he cannot obtain the secret method through other channels, so he speaks so reassuringly and boldly.

"Your Majesty's divine power is boundless. I used all my strength to resist the random blow just now. Now the light energy is almost exhausted. I'm afraid there is no way to help you out of trouble, Your Majesty. When I go back, I will replenish the light energy immediately. I'll come to help you out of trouble right away." Li Xiu didn't wait for Unrivaled King to react, and immediately turned around and headed for the exit of the underground space.

"Bastard!" The Great King Geshi cursed angrily, but he didn't stop Li Xiu from leaving. After watching Li Xiu leave, the King Geisha showed a sneer: "Except for this king, I'm afraid no one can teach you how to use the God of Death Tablet." method, you will have to come back sooner or later to beg this king, no one can resist the temptation of immortality.”

After Li Xiu left the underground space, he closed the entrance of the cave, and then took out the killing **** tablet to take a look, but saw that there was not a word on the killing **** tablet.

"Old Sha, you have heard what Unrivaled King said, what do you say?" Li Xiu said holding the tablet. "I don't know, I don't remember." There was finally writing on the tablet of the **** of death.

"Then do you think what it said is possible?" Li Xiu asked again.

"I don't know, I think it should be impossible... How could I be the **** of the sea of ​​the sky? If I really killed the city of love, how could I become like this? You have also experienced the city of love Everything, if I am really that mysterious person, do you think I will become like this? That makes no sense at all.”

"Then think about it, wait

If you figure it out, let's talk again. " Li Xiu knew that he might not be able to ask anything now.

What the God-killing Tablet said was indeed true, if it was really the mysterious person who slaughtered the City of Love, why would he want to let him kill the mysterious person to save Xiaobu'er? This in itself is too contradictory.

But this possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, the Death God Tablet itself said that its memory is missing. Maybe it is the mysterious person, but it just doesn't even remember itself.

"If the God of Death Tablet is really a mysterious person, then what happened after he destroyed the City of Love? What made him look like he is now, and was sealed in the sarcophagus of the hut?" Li Xiu thought The words of the Great King Geshi are quite credible.

"I want to go to the Sea of ​​​​Sky to see, maybe there, I can find the answer." A line of words slowly emerged from the killing **** tablet.

Li Xiu smiled wryly to himself: "If you are really that mysterious person, I took you to the Sea of ​​Heaven and you recovered your memory, then how can I still be alive?"

As if seeing Li Xiu's thoughts, some words quickly appeared on the tablet of the God of Death: "Don't worry, even if I am such a true god, I am trapped in the tablet now, and it is difficult to get out, and I can't do anything to you harm."

Li Xiu remained silent. Now that it can't get out of trouble, it doesn't mean it can't get out of trouble after reaching the Sea of ​​​​Sky.

"If you don't believe me, I can sign a symbiotic contract with you. From now on, you and I will live together, and we will die if you die." The God of Death Tablet is obviously very clear. It is impossible to impress someone like Li Xiu with just a few words. people.

"Alright." Li Xiu nodded slightly, this is the best way so far.

"Is the method of concluding a symbiosis contract you mentioned the same method as the King of Unrivaled World said?" Li Xiu asked after thinking about it.

"I don't know, I only know the method. As for whether that method can make you live forever, I really don't know." The killing **** tablet is very frank.

"What should I do?" Li Xiu asked.

"With your blood, write your name on the back of the tablet." The killing **** tablet reads. "Isn't this just a drop of blood to recognize the Lord? Is it that simple?" Li Xiu didn't quite believe it.

"Simple? If I don't agree, even if you drain the blood from your body and put the tablet in to pickle it, it will be of no use. The killing **** tablet is obviously a little annoyed.

Li Xiu thought for a while, there was no other way at this time, I am afraid that he must go to Tianzhihai, if he does not have the capital to save his life, this trip may be really dangerous.

Li Xiu scratched his finger and wrote the word Li Xiu on the back of the killing **** tablet with his own blood.

A strange scene happened. All kinds of methods were used before, but they were unable to leave even a trace on the killing **** tablet.

But such a little bit of blood seemed to be extremely corrosive, corroding the tablet quickly and denting it.

Soon, the word Li Xiu was deeply imprinted on the back of the tablet.

Although there were no brilliant changes, Li Xiu suddenly felt that there was more information in his mind.

After Li Xiu figured out the information, he knew that the God of Death Tablet did not lie to him. This was indeed a symbiotic contract. If he died, the spirit in the God of Death Tablet would die along with him.

It's just that Li Xiu couldn't figure out whether this was the method of immortality that Unrivaled King said. Naturally, he would not be stupid enough to try it. If he couldn't survive after committing suicide, then he would die too stupidly.

After signing the symbiosis contract with the God of Death Tablet, Li Xiu felt a lot more at ease. Even if the thing in the God of Death Tablet was really some kind of true god, he still had the capital to save his life.

"If what Unrivaled King said is true, then Daddy Wu and Tailor are definitely not as simple as casting spirits. Why did their strength become so weak in that city of love? Only by recovering the memory can we know the answer." Li Xiu has already moved the idea of ​​going to Tianzhihai.

But before going, he still has to try his best to improve his own strength and have more capital to save his life. Relying on others is always better than relying on himself.

Li Xiu intends to go back to Changshengtian immediately, and then find a way to hunt down the god-level monsters, and try his best to make himself truly immortal before going to the sea of ​​heaven.

A positive promotion to the **** position.

Only when he is truly promoted to the **** position can he control his own destiny in the sea of ​​heaven.

After Li Xiu returned to Changshengtian, he went directly to the city lord's mansion. Even if the general family had the information about the **** monster, it was impossible to tell him casually. Only the president could give him the information about the **** monster.

Since the president asked him to go to the sea of ​​​​the sky, he must be given some benefits. If he does not even give this, Li Xiu can use it as an excuse to shirk.

"Why are you here again?" The president looked at Li Xiu with a smile and said.

"President, I want some information about gods and demons..." Li Xiu was interrupted by the president before he could finish speaking.

The president pointed to a shelf in the study and said, "The third row and the fourth row above are both, you can look at them casually." Li Xiu couldn't help being slightly taken aback, he didn't expect the president to agree so readily.

"Why, you don't want to watch it?" The president looked at Li Xiu with a half-smile.

"I want to read it." Where did Li Xiu hesitate, he walked over and took down the first book in the third row to read.

Sure enough, the president did not lie to him. The information introduced in this book is really the information of the god-ranked monsters. Even the trial items in the trial gate are clearly recorded.

Li Xiu read one by one, and each book recorded the information of a **** monster in detail. There are at least several hundred books in the third and fourth rows.

The more Li Xiu looked at it, the more confused he became. If such detailed information was seen by other families, they might be able to use it to kill the demon.

Changshengtian can definitely develop much better than it is now, why didn't the chairman publish these information? Is it because he is afraid that his status will be threatened when there are more god-level testers?

"President, are these demon spirits still there?" Li Xiu wondered whether these demon spirits had already been killed by the president. If that was the case, the information would be useless.

"The information of the monsters that have been killed is in the first row and the second row." The president was surprisingly refreshing today.

Li Xiu took out a book from the first row, flipped through it, and found that the information contained in it was indeed the information of the **** monster, but at the end of the data, there was a record of what the **** monster broke out , apparently killed.

Li Xiu didn't know why the president gave face so much today. He was afraid that the president would regret it, so he hurriedly continued to read the materials in the third and fourth rows, trying to write down all the information as much as possible.

His spiritual sense is super strong, and he can memorize it verbatim just by flipping through it quickly. Naturally, the more he memorizes, the better.

"You can look at the information as you like, and you can come here at any time, but there is one thing I want to remind you." The president said suddenly. "Please speak." Li Xiu looked at the president, not knowing what he was going to say.

The president said indifferently: "Use two gemstones to promote the deed, if you fail, it will be the fate of destroying the deed, but you can't do it again, it is best to find a deity with the same quality as your original deed Gemstones are good. If you must have two gemstones to be promoted to the godhood, then you have to choose carefully, it is best to choose the one that matches the nature of the natal deed, or complements each other."

Li Xiu was not surprised when he heard that, since Guan Jinghao was the president's seed, it would be strange if the president didn't know about his battle with Guan Jinghao.

Li Xiu had guessed at the time that maybe the chairman was nearby to watch the battle between him and Guan Jinghao. "What the president said is that I don't know how to distinguish the quality of the god-level demon?" Li Xiu asked along the way.

"The level of the gods is not like casting spirits. There are various forms that allow you to distinguish their levels intuitively, but this does not mean that there is no distinction between the gods." The president glanced at the book that Li Xiu was flipping through. The book said: "For example, the Yin spirit beast you are looking at now is the lowest level among the ranks of gods. Even if the gems of gods burst out, the quality must be very average. Gemstones of gods The quality of the monster is related to three conditions. One is the talent of the demon itself. The quality of the **** gems must also be extremely high.

The second is the strength of the light of truth of the demon spirit. Even if the talent of the **** monster itself is only average, but if its light of truth is strong enough to a certain extent, it can ignore some natural things and make the **** gem become extremely powerful. high quality. "

"What about the third condition?" The president didn't continue, so Li Xiu could only ask.

"There is also a kind of god-level demon spirit. His own talent is not good, and the light of truth is not strong, but due to some kind of coincidence, he has mutated himself. It is often beyond imagination, just like the orange gemstone you used is a mutant gemstone." The president said.

"So, the mutant **** gem is the best?" Only then did Li Xiu know that it turned out to be a mutant **** gem.

"That's not necessarily the case. Mutation can indeed enhance the quality of the **** gem, but the amount of enhancement is not constant. If it is a demon with poor talent and not strong light of truth, even if it mutated by chance, the degree of mutation It is not high, so its mutated **** gems are not as good as ordinary brilliant **** gems."

The president glanced at Li Xiu and continued: "Look at the seventh book in the fourth row and the thirty-fourth book in the fourth row, maybe those demon spirits will be what you need."

"I have ordered you to come here to read at any time." After that, the president got up and left the study.

Li Xiu was slightly startled, thought for a while, reached out and took out the seventh book and the thirty-fourth book in the fourth row, and flipped through the contents.

The god-level demon spirits recorded in these two books turned out to be mutated demon spirits. One was named the Great Demon King Burning Heaven, and the other was named the Ice Bone Evil Spirit Beast.

After Li Xiu carefully read the information of these two demon spirits, he knew that the president had already seen through the fact that the red and blue cast spirits of the evil spirit card belonged to the same contract, otherwise he would not have introduced these two demon spirits to Li Xiu.

The Great Demon King Fentian and the Ice Bone Evil Spirit Beast have one yang and one yin, which exactly correspond to the dual casting spirit attributes of the evil spirit card.

If it is necessary to use two **** gems to promote the evil spirit card to the **** rank, then the attributes of these two demon spirits are exactly corresponding to it.

However, the explosion rate of the **** gems is very How can the president be sure that these two demon spirits will definitely be able to explode the **** gems?

"Could it be that the mutated demons will definitely produce the gemstone?" Li Xiu was thinking about various possibilities.

There is no distinction between **** ranks, and it is impossible to tell which **** rank monster is stronger with the naked eye. The only way to distinguish the strength of **** rank monsters is to look at their light of truth.

The stronger the light of truth is, the stronger this demon spirit will be.

In the materials of Burning Heaven Great Demon King and Ice Bone Yin Spirit Beast, there are only two words "extremely strong" for the evaluation of their light of truth.

"What is the standard of being extremely strong? How is it compared to Guan Jinghao who is in a fallen state?" Li Xiu really couldn't understand such a general comment.

But it is certain that these two demon spirits must be first-class existences in the god-level, even if they are not top-notch. Fortunately, the information is indeed very detailed, even the characteristics of the Light of Truth of the Great Demon King Fentian and the Ice Bone Yin Spirit Beast are clearly recorded.

The light of truth of the Great Demon King Burning Heaven is called "The Furnace of Doomsday".

The light of truth of the Icebone Yinling Beast is called "Absolute Stillness", and it is an icy power that can freeze everything.

When introducing these two kinds of lights of truth, there is another sentence in it, saying that these two kinds of mutated lights of truth are not inferior to the top ten divine lights.

Although it is just a simple introduction, it is enough to illustrate the power of these two lights of truth.

Li Xiu has seen several of the top ten divine lights, and he is very clear about the power of the top ten divine lights.

The Doomsday Furnace and Absolute Stillness are not inferior to the top ten divine lights. It may not be that simple to kill these two gods and monsters.


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