Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 332: Dad who changed his attitude

Return to the casino overnight ahead of time.

Of course, he stayed in Yin Liuli's apartment at night.

When Su Yehao was away, she didn't dare to watch certain movies alone, she was too timid and addicted, so while Su Yehao came, she took out the CDs that were placed in the cabinet alone, and chose one from them.

It was "A Chinese Ghost Story 3: Dao Dao" a few years ago.

At first, Su Yehao was very pleasantly surprised, thinking that he had encountered a movie he had never seen before, but after seeing the old monk in it, he realized that he had a little impression, which did not prevent him from watching it with relish.

Holding his arm, lying on the sofa in a comfortable position, the central air conditioner was turned on, Yin Liuli felt a little cold, and helped cover the thin blanket, and asked curiously:

"Nie Xiaoqian here, have you seen the actor herself in Hong Kong City? I think she is very beautiful. I grew up watching her movies. I traveled to Taoyuan before, and I also encountered her activities in shopping malls, but it's just that It's too far away to see clearly, I just remember being very white and very thin."

"...Treasure Island's actor?"

"Yeah, you don't know?"

"I really don't know. I haven't seen her before. I basically have no contact with the stars of Hong Kong City."

After Su Yehao finished speaking, he suddenly remembered one thing, and said with a smile: "I invested in a promotional film, and I almost forgot it, and I don't know how the post-production is going. It should be released soon. When it comes to the golden time of summer vacation, I hope the cost can be recovered."

"I heard you say, how much does it cost to make a movie?" Yin Liuli asked him.

Su Yehao grabbed the girl's arm, she was fair and smooth, but her hand was soft and surprisingly comfortable.

I've known each other for a long time, and I already have a feeling of comfort like an old married couple. Even if I haven't seen each other for a while, I won't feel unfamiliar when I see them again.

He told:

"The total budget is 20 million Hong Kong dollars, and the filming cost more than 10 million. The crew also went to Singapore, the mainland, and Italy to shoot scenes. It is a relatively large-scale production in Hong Kong City, and the rest of the money will be used in Hong Kong City and the mainland. In terms of publicity, especially in the mainland, even if the box office loses money, it is very cost-effective to advertise, and one movie ticket may be able to exchange several users.”

As the number of users of the software increases, customer acquisition costs are falling. .

It's a pity that the initial investment cost is too much, which is limited by the scale of netizens, and it still seems to be very expensive in the short term.

Small Book Pavilion

Unlike TVT, which directly draws traffic from ICQ, TVT mainly targets mainland netizens. As a “giant” that occupies more than 95% of the market size, there is no opportunity for Snake Tunxiang to take shortcuts, so it can only find ways to continue attracting users.

Yin Liuli knew little about Su Yehao's business and nodded ignorantly.

The Internet is said to have been in development for thirty or forty years. In fact, it was not until the emergence of the World Wide Web a few years ago, which lowered the threshold for the use of the Internet, that it was truly accepted and began to be popularized on a large scale.

Therefore, the vast majority of people do not understand Su Yehao's Internet business at all, and their thinking still stays on the simple buying and selling procedures.

Young people are born with access to the Internet, as if the world should be like this.

However, in 1998, there were more than one billion people in the mainland. According to the latest statistics, the number of netizens was only one million. In other words, only one out of a thousand people is a netizen, and they are not necessarily in constant contact with the Internet. Even if they can afford to buy a computer, the price of the Internet fee is very persuasive.

It can be seen that how early Su Yehao entered the industry, it is no wonder that he dares to treat the mainland Internet market as a back garden for reserves, and only wait for it to be developed step by step.

It's not that he didn't pay attention to it, so he went to be a hand-luck shopkeeper. It was because he really couldn't find a competitor, so he seemed relaxed.

After watching the movie, it's half past nine.

Yin Liuli put the water in in advance, and the two of them took a bath and rubbed their backs together. They took a bubble bath with dried rose petals. They sat face to face and chatted, which was very enjoyable.

There is a surprise after the bath.

Out of nowhere, she bought some more bizarre items, such as cat ear headbands, and a little black dress with a big fluffy tail behind her.

After Su Yehao saw it, her eyes were all round, and she had to let her make a few "meows" to cheer him up...


The next morning, half past nine.

Su Yehao returned to the Su family mansion in Panlong Villa, where his father was waiting at home.

Shaking the newspaper, cocking Erlang's legs, and asking Su Yehao to help make tea, Father Su couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked tentatively, "Xiaohao, the large sum of money you made this time is still in the market. Is it on the top? Or has it been delivered and put in your bank account?"

"Anyway, if you want to sell it, you can sell it at any time. The market should be good in the future. I want to keep holding it for a while." Su Yehao helped himself to make a cup of tea by the way. Goods, with a light fragrance.

"Oh, so are you sure?"

Father Su continued: "I mean that anyway, you have money, why don't you take the money to buy land in Guangzhou, Donghuang wants to cooperate with our family this time, I'm about to be screwed up, and only the company account is left. The next three hundred million, what is enough money for? Of course, if the investment market is really good, then you can make up your own mind. "

After hearing these words, Su Yehao was surprised.

No matter how you listen, it doesn't seem like it came out of Dad's mouth, and you can clearly notice that the attitude is somewhat different from before.

I didn't understand the reason for a Yehao said while thinking:

"It's better to take a loan first. My money is temporarily useful. When I had no money in the past, I dared to be optimistic about them. Now that the margin of safety is so wide, with the previous profits being supported, there is no reason to withdraw suddenly, and there is at least an 80% chance of winning. Left and right. The money at home is more secure, and I invest in real estate and manufacturing. I can be a little more aggressive here and fight for some reliable high-yield projects.”

Father Su, whose three views exploded last night, is still a little confused until now. It is hard to believe that his son has the ability to earn two billion Hong Kong dollars a month.

He had dared to point fingers before, but now he has no confidence. After all, he doesn't understand Su Yehao's business. The facts that have happened over the past year have proved that his experience is useless in his son's business.

Like Yahoo.

In the eyes of Daddy Su, the unprofitable junk company has an inexplicable market value from more than one billion US dollars to the threshold of five billion US dollars.

There is also TAT.

Last night, from the accounting firm's information, when he saw that someone gave it a valuation of 150 million Hong Kong dollars, he was stunned to understand where it was worth so much money.

Until now, Father Su couldn't figure it out either, so his attitude naturally softened and he didn't dare to intervene indiscriminately.

It involves hundreds of millions or billions of Hong Kong dollars in profits, and it is not a small sum of 30 to 50 million. I am afraid that I will accidentally give the wrong advice, and I will be blamed by my precious son and delay the business.

Su Yehao originally thought that his father would sing the opposite.

Unexpectedly, the old man of his family just nodded and said:

"It makes sense. One is in charge of the front and the other is responsible for the break. As long as both sides keep one, there will be no problem. That's it, I'll find a way to raise money. I'll be in charge of talking to the Zhao family at noon, don't be swayed. The eldest lady of his family lost her head, just agree randomly..."

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