Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 333: I am happy with the 1 billion betrothal gifts

As a parent, there is always a moment when you suddenly realize that your child has really grown up.

So did Father Su.

From last year to the present, my son has been tossing about stocks. He thinks that he is just lucky. He happened to fall in love with Yahoo.

Except for the time when Vice President Zheng Yongwen assisted in investing and shorting, it was a real skill, and he accurately grasped the short-term trend of the market. In fact, whether Su Yehao speculated in land, invested in Yinhai, developed software by himself, etc., he has not achieved much so far. s return.

That petty profit is not enough to make a character like Father Su feel that there is something rare.

For more than a year, even if I bought a pair of gloves to move bricks, I should have made some money, not to mention that these elders have given enough funds to start a business.

Other young people didn't have the opportunity to get wealth worth more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars from their families in the early days of their business. Father Su always felt that it was normal for Su Yehao to achieve something, mainly because his achievements were not enough to make him make a fuss.

This time is different.

A profit of more than 200 million US dollars a month, even Father Su himself can't do this, except for the start-up capital, his current wealth is accumulated bit by bit, until the fire in the Hong Kong city property market a few years ago, He managed to become one of the top wealthiest people in the casino.

But Su Yehao did it, and dared to acquire a company worth more than 300 million US dollars.

These things successfully made Father Su change his mind, finally admitting that this kid is indeed a bit capable, he doesn't need to say more with courage, and his vision seems to be not bad.

So seeing Su Yehao himself have an idea today, it is rare for the old man to not sing the opposite.

In the end, Dad Su only said that doing business is like entering a casino. You can't put all your chips on the table. You must know how to stop your losses in time and leave yourself a good escape route. .

Su Yehao changed his normal behavior and did not raise his bar either.

This peaceful scene made the second concubine who came over to be amazed again and again. In the past, chickens and dogs were the norm at home. Suddenly, it was so quiet that she was a little uncomfortable...

The second concubine waited for the father and son to finish talking, and interjected to ask:

"Boss Sun, who runs the boat, has a granddaughter at home. I'll go with my friends to see it. Bring a gift or give money directly? It's a bit tacky to give money directly. When you celebrated your 50th birthday, they gave you an antique piece of red sandalwood. The screen is worth a lot of money."

Father Su continued to drink tea, and after thinking about it, he said, "Just buy a set of golden longevity locks. The old grandson still owes me more than 10 million yuan and has not paid it back. It is enough to lend him money, but it is not appropriate to give too much. By the way, what about the screen he sent?"

"It's thrown in the warehouse. It doesn't match the decoration of the home at all. It's all covered with dust. When you have time, let someone clean the warehouse. Clean it up and bask in the sun, and tidy it up."

The second concubine, who knew it, then muttered: "It's a pity that there is a happy event at home today, so it's not appropriate to talk about repaying the money. No wonder the woman in the Sun family keeps avoiding me and doesn't play mahjong. I thought she had an opinion on me, but it turned out to be Afraid of seeing the creditor."

"...The second concubine of the creditor's family is right." Su Yehao muttered to himself, of course he would not say such offending words.

With my mother in front, the elbows must not be turned outwards.

Su Yehao was surprised to learn that the family still had more than 10 million foreign debts, and Su Yehao always felt like he had found another windfall. Although he didn't know whether it was still paid or when, anyway, others owed him money, which was better than his own. Better to owe someone money.

He said to the second concubine: "There are a lot of good things in the warehouse. Let them move them out. I'll take a look. If there are suitable decorations, I will take them away, such as the screen."

The screen is not the key, the key is that the second wife said it is antique rosewood.

Collection or something, although Su Yehao didn't spend much money in it, he was also more interested under the influence of his grandfather.

The second aunt smiled and said, "It's all ashes. Let's look at it after you've wiped it off. Last time, I told you to go to your house in Hong Kong City to have a look. If there's anything missing at home, I'll just take it there as a gift."

"...It seems that there is no shortage of things. Just go and play when you have time. You don't need to bring anything."

Su Yehao remembered the incident, looked at his father and said, "Oh, by the way, the Midea Group can try to develop several electric mahjong machines. Instead of rubbing with hands, the table is washed by itself. It is barely an appliance, and it feels very good. The market, and as long as this thing is used frequently, it will be replaced with a new one after a few years, and the profit should be relatively high.”

"An automatic mahjong machine? I saw it once at a friend's house. It seems that it was made by a company in Japan. The mahjong machine is relatively small. It doesn't shuffle the cards and can't find the feel."

The second wife is a loyal mahjong friend. She has been fond of playing mahjong for more than ten years, and then added: "But if I really use the machine to wash, I feel that even if I play 30 laps in a row, I will not be tired, and it may indeed sell well."

Home appliance manufacturing, over and over again is nothing more than so many things.

Father Su, who has always wanted to find a sense of presence in the Midea Group and completely suppressed the original management, asked with interest, "Oh? And this thing? I don't play mahjong much, but the mainland likes to play mahjong. There are so many people, Xiaohao, take the time to send someone to Japan to investigate and make a report to me."

"……it is good."

The corners of Su Yehao's eyes twitched, and he suddenly realized that his ability to live out may also be due to heredity.

Looking at Dad's hand, Qing Piao Piao has become a hands-off shopkeeper, how smooth and natural it is, obviously he often does this.

There are too many big business in the family, and the profit of the mahjong machine is limited.

At this moment, I was afraid that I would forget it again, so I sent a message to Linda Yun, asking her to arrange for someone to investigate the mahjong machine manufacturer, as well as patents and sales data.

It's not just leaving the work to others, who doesn't have a few subordinates...


At noon, the place is set at the Oriental Golf Club.

As you can tell from the name, it is also a golf club located in the casino with a relatively large area, accounting for almost 5% of the total area of ​​the entire casino.

In terms of environment, it is on par with the Four Seas International Golf Club, except that the Oriental Golf Club is more famous and the quality of its members is relatively high.

In terms of interpersonal circle, Father Su is a little worse than the owner of this club. After all, he is half a foreigner, and his background is slightly lacking, especially his relationship with those foreigners is far inferior to the owner of this club.

Zhao Yimeng's father invited him to be the host. It was impossible for him to be at the Four Seas International Club. There was no problem with the arrangement.

After arriving at the clubhouse, I saw that Zhao Yimeng had already arrived, standing at the door with his hair lowered, wondering what he was thinking.

Su Yehao clapped his hands a few meters apart. After attracting her attention, he joked, "Waiter, who is in charge of guarding the gate?"

Zhao Yimeng gave him a big white eye, then greeted Father Su with a smile, and said, "Uncle Hai, my parents asked me to come pick you up. Today, we happened to have a French blue lobster. We have a good time. I heard that there are three million lobsters. Only a blue lobster will appear in the lobster. If I hadn't entertained you, I would have bought it and kept it as a pet, it's so beautiful~"


Su Yehao found out that Zhao Yimeng has a high EQ and is usually kind to others, except himself.

Looking at her smiling face, she is more liked by the elders.

With a smile on his lips, Father Su replied, "Xiao Meng, you are beautiful again, I will treat you as my daughter-in-law when I was young, but it's a pity that this stinky boy in my family can't live up to expectations, remember to move around more in the future, it is best to put If you come to my house, I will be happy to get a billion-dollar gift, haha!"

Zhao Yimeng's eyebrows twitched.

She glanced at the passers-by nearby, and saw that they were slowing down, gossiping and eavesdropping.

I finally understand how the gossip is spread...

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