Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 450: the plane has arrived

Latest URL: next few days.

It is estimated that the vice president surnamed Liu of the Pengcheng Golf Club brought Su Yehao's intention to buy a villa.

Several Hong Kong-owned bosses made a final decision and sent someone to find Su Yehao's house, saying that they would package and sell at the price of 11,000 per square meter, with a total price of 107 million yuan.

On the other side of Pengcheng, the most popular Silver Lake villa area, the villas are priced between 13,000 and 16,000.

Shahe is a suburb, but because it is close to the Four Seas International Cultural Tourism City and a golf course, and it is relatively close to the bay, the wholesale price of 11,000 yuan per square meter is not too expensive.

It was considered that he sold his favor to Su Yehao. Among the 36 villas planned, 32 were sold to him, and the other four were said to have been promised to others, so it was not easy to breach the contract.

As for who sold it to.

Su Yehao thought for a while, and he probably had some idea in his heart.

He didn't want to get involved in their bad business, and he used the excuse that the workers would be used as a dormitory area in the future. The four sets were uncomfortable, so they might as well sell them to him.

Several Hong Kong-owned bosses thought about it and thought that was the truth, so it took two days to get it done, and they agreed to sell all 36 villas for a total transfer price of 120 million yuan. It is expected that they will all be available by the end of February. Done.

Su Yehao successfully obtained more than 30 villas, and several small bosses also returned some blood. Everyone was very happy, and they signed the contract the next day after the negotiation.

I thought about it before I bought it, and it seems to be the same after I bought it.

Leave the simple decoration work to the assistant's office, and ask them to find someone to do the decoration. In addition, I also called my father to talk about the poor living conditions of the workers, which may affect their reputation.

Father Su really didn't know anything about accommodation.

Such a big boss, how could he be staring at every little thing, covering everything everywhere.

Strictly speaking, most of the construction teams in Pengcheng Sihai International Cultural Tourism City are hired from the mainland, and the accommodation expenses are already included in the wages. Some contractors may be too blackhearted and do not want to spend extra money. .

As for the house that Su Yehao bought in World Garden, the average area was over 160 square meters. There were three or four bunks in one room, and the two bathrooms were barely enough.

In this way, the contractors were left with the opportunity to exploit the loopholes.

I don't know, it's okay. After knowing about the workers' accommodation, Father Su called and scolded the person in charge under his hand. Then he called Su Yehao and said that he didn't need to use the villa he bought, and let the contractors spend their own money to rent the house.

In terms of wages, they have already subsidized ten yuan a day, just to solve the accommodation of the workers. If Su Yehao was worried about them, wouldn't it be a waste of money to save costs for the contractors.

After learning about this, Su Yehao was also quite speechless.

Resolutely greeted the assistant again, saying that the villas were handed over to the hotel management team, and then they would be refined and used as hotels for the time being.

I bought everything, but I don’t live there myself, so I can’t leave it vacant.

As for the difficulty of the workers' accommodation, he suggested that the father should issue an announcement to explain to the workers.

In this way, if the living conditions are still not good, it will become a conflict between the workers and the foreman.

Time has come quietly to February.

There was really a contractor who contacted Su Yehao and said that he would continue to borrow his house in the World Garden Community. A suite would be rented for 1,000 yuan per month, and the per capita living area would not be less than ten square meters.

This rent is equivalent to mosquito legs.

Su Yehao originally wondered why he did not give rent before, so why should he give it now.

It was only later that I learned that there was a foreman who used the heart of a villain to take care of a gentleman’s belly. He thought that maybe it was because he used his house for nothing, so Master Su would intervene in such trivial matters. Not works.

The rumors came from the assistant's office that there are subordinates who are in charge of managing the house in the World Garden Community, and they have been in contact with the group of contractors. It is probably not groundless...


February twelfth.

It took half a month to meet Vice President Zheng Yongwen in a blink of an eye.

The so-called plan to reorganize the Hong Kong Stock Exchange has not been heard for a long time, and Zheng Yongwen also disappeared, and he did not contact Su Yehao again.

The efficiency was really slow. Su Yehao knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he stopped paying attention to this matter for a while.

This morning.

Accidentally received a call from the assistant, saying that Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation of the United States contacted them and ordered the Gulfstream V private business jet, which was already on its way to Hong Kong City.

Thinking of something, Su Yehao went to his study to check his mailbox, and sure enough, he saw an email from Gulfstream. It was sent more than ten hours ago, and there was a time difference between the two places, so he was still sleeping at that time.

Lao Mei gradually became accustomed to using e-mail to communicate. Su Yehao only opened his e-mail when he had nothing to do. It was common to miss news, and it was not easy to contact him.

In order to avoid being disturbed, even the business cards given to others often have the phone number of the assistant's office written on it, and a secretary is specially responsible for uploading and distributing them.

"Damn it! My plane is coming soon. It is estimated that it will arrive at Hong Kong City International Airport around nine o'clock tonight!"

Going downstairs, Su Yehao excitedly shared the good news.

Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu were trying to make chocolate in the kitchen. After melting the purchased chocolate, they poured it into the purchased mold. There was no technical content at all.

Valentine's Day is two days away. The two of them have been tinkering with each other for more than two hours, making a lot of junk, and they always feel that they don't look beautiful enough.

However, in fact, Su Yehao was tired of eating today and had no expectations for this thing.

Hear him talk about airplanes.

Little Nizi raised her head and said in surprise, "Hey, that's a coincidence. Didn't you say you were going to Milan to watch the fashion week? You have to try the newly bought plane. Just bring Jiang Yu with you."

"Me? Forget it, school starts, you two skip class all day, and I'm still thinking about going to graduate school." Jiang Yu said.

Test drive doesn't matter.

As for the test flight... no matter how I think about it, I feel uneasy.

Su Yehao touched his chin and told:

"Don't worry, when the plane arrives, let's take a tour first. Then let the captain drive to Tokyo, Japan, register with the leasing company, and then sit on it and try it out. It's a test flight, and life is important."

Jiang Yu found out the problem in an was surprised: "Isn't the captain unlucky? In other words, after the plane is made, it should have been tested. Otherwise, how would you know if it is safe?"

"...People have trained specially, so they should be more courageous."

Su Yehao really didn't know how to test for safety. He thought that he would find someone later to ask how many times he had tested the flight before delivery.

At this moment.

The phone rang, and he took out his new Motorola i1000plus phone. After reading it, he found out that it was Chu Jun, the second shareholder of Yinhai, and the two had not been in touch for a while.

The familiar flip phone feels much better than before.

After being connected, Su Yehao fed, and Chu Jun's enthusiastic voice came from the opposite side: "Hahaha! Mr. Su, didn't bother you?"

"I'm idle, do you have anything to do with me? I heard that you are old, you are really rare..."


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