Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 451: jump out and go it alone

The founder of Yinhai, Chu Jun, is in his forties this year.

The condition of the daughter-in-law's side is not bad, and he is quite capable of doing import and export business.

When Su Yehao bought the Siheyuan in Sijiucheng, Chu Jun bought a small courtyard at the base of the imperial city. After the renovation, the price increased by three to four million yuan in just one year.

The couple drove a Bentley in the 1990s. The tax imported from Japan was more expensive than the price of the car itself.

Now the large and small affairs of Yinhai Network Group have been handed over to the original second-in-command, that is, "areyouok?" Rebus is in charge.

Chu Jun took the title of former general manager and began to try to fiddle with the venture capital industry. Not only did he select potential high-tech companies, but he also ordered a restaurant. He once invited Su Yehao as a guest, but Su Yehao has never been able to spare time.

At this moment.

It was rare to receive a call from Chu Jun, and Su Yehao was a little puzzled.

The main reason was that this man had already paid no attention to the company's affairs, so he thought that something major happened on the Yinhai side, and Leibus himself was not easy to speak, so he asked Chu Jun to contact him.

Hearing Su Yehao's question, Chu Jun laughed on the other end of the phone and said, "I really have something to do with you this time. Didn't I retire early? I have nothing to do recently, so I go to see old friends from time to time. "

"...Well, then what? Just say something. I'll definitely help if I can help." Su Yehao said.

Every time he went to Sijiucheng, Chu Jun helped him a lot, and the second shareholder pulled Yinhai together. It was very important to have a good relationship if he wanted the company's internal stability.

Chu Jun seemed a little embarrassed, and then said:

"Originally, I didn't want to bother you, but my friend found me, and the relationship is very good... His teacher has encountered some difficulties recently. He heard that he broke up with his boss. He is also well-known in the circle. In terms of funds, the gap is a bit big, so I thought that Mr. Su might be interested in you, so I called you and told you that you can invest or not. I’m sorry for the mistake of drinking. ."

Ever since he hugged Su Yehao's thigh and tossed Yin Hai, who was almost cold, Chu Jun's fame and prestige suddenly surged to the peak of his life.

He likes to make friends, and he can always be shrouded in aura at the wine table.

I met a few old friends last night, and I was very happy. I heard the old friend talk about the problem of finding funds, and he patted his chest and said that he could help. It was not until today that the friend asked, and it started to have a headache.

After all, Su Yehao's "hands-off" and "don't ask about world affairs" have long been famous among Yinhai executives.

Last year, the sales of WPS office documents that invested millions of dollars in development were not good. After Leibus reported in a panic, he only exchanged the words "Oh, I got it" from Su Yehao's mouth.

Afterwards, there was no shit, what happened or what, there was no shortage of bonuses and benefits, but instead, he got a low-interest loan of tens of millions from Su Yehao, which was used to develop the Yinhai portal.

If they didn't take the initiative to contact them, they might not be able to wait for a phone call from Su Yehao for half a year, just like they forgot about their company.


Knowing Su Yehao's temper, Chu Jun always felt that he didn't greet him at ordinary times. It was a bit bad to ask Su Yehao for help as soon as he called.

Su Yehao is indeed quite annoying. He is not a slick and broad-minded personality, but since Chu Jun has mentioned it all, he has to show his face. He asked with a smile, "It's okay, your friend's teacher? He should be quite old. Well, which line of work, my koko venture capital is looking for a project, if it is suitable, it is not completely impossible."

"Well, I don't know if Xiao Su has ever heard of the good idea who made computers? Their teachers are engaged in technology, and they were rated as academicians a few years ago. This title is full of gold. The boss of the company broke up."

When Chu Jun finished speaking, Su Yehao was dumbfounded.

How could he not know the academician mentioned by the other party, and he can see news from time to time.

Ni Danan, who gave up the high salary in Canada in the 1980s, resolutely returned to China to develop computers. He joined Lenovo by chance and was fired for unknown reasons. Later, he fought with a certain industry conscience for more than 20 years.

This is the real pillar, one of the big cows in the field of informatization in the Mainland.

After asking carefully.

Only then did Su Yehao know that Liangxiang's boss planned to engage in trade first, procuring parts and components from abroad to assemble and OEM, and then he could easily make money by selling them.

And this Mr. Ni Danan thought that Liangxiang had made money and had an innate advantage, so he should invest in independent research and development. After proposing to establish a design center, he was typed back by the boss with a "no".

In short, it is the ideal ambition of scientific research experts, which diverges from the businessman's idea of ​​profit-seeking.

At this time, Chu Jun was still on the other end of the phone, and said, "Academician Ni, he wants to follow the development ideas of technology, industry, and trade, but their boss wants to do trade first, and then spend money on research and development to build his own. product……"

Hearing this, inexplicably hit Su Yehao's laughter, he couldn't hold back with a puff.

It is mainly the idea of ​​making money first and then investing. Overall, it is not wrong. The funds are not enough, and it is very important to accumulate strength.

But this "accumulation of strength" has been accumulated for more than 20 years. Until the accident happened, Su Yehao didn't see any movement, which seemed very funny.

Only Su Yehao knew the jokes in it.

Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu looked over and didn't know what he was laughing at. It was rare to see Brother Hao so happy, and Xiao Nizi also smiled happily, holding chocolates, admiring her ingenuity, just pretending she couldn't see the big one next to her. Pile of defective products.

over the phone.

Chu Jun was also confused and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Su Yehao coughed twice, thought about it, and said, "Okay, please help me, I want to meet this Mr. Ni. The idea of ​​technology research and development is consistent with my next needs, you can sit down and discuss, since If you are not happy over there, then jump to work with me, and we will talk about the specifics when the time comes."

Originally, I didn't want to go into muddy waters for the time being. Even if I help solve some problems, I should wait until I get stronger.

However, it was a coincidence that it was not impossible to invest some money in some key areas.

If the operation is done well, the problem of making money and getting rid of the stuck neck will not be wrong. Whether it is manufacturing personal computers or designing and producing chips, it belongs to the next field of tuyere.

Especially in the production of computers, it is just assembly, and it can be done with a little money. Basically, there is no technical threshold. There are many foreign manufacturers willing to transfer, but the gap of personal computers is very large.

Chips and other fields want to intervene is a bit difficult.

But this is only 1999, the time is still early, and there is a chance to develop slowly.

In the field of chip foundry, even if you can't be first-class, being a second-class manufacturer is enough to make a lot of money. It's worth spending some money to try it out. Take the opportunity to lay a foundation first, and don't strive to be the best. In the long run Just don't be too bad.

The goal was set low, and Su Yehao was not under pressure.

On the contrary, because it is rare to encounter a project that is worth a little effort, I feel eager to try it.

Seeing that Su Yehao was so cheerful, Chu Jun was completely relieved, and said with a smile, "That's good! I'll call my friend back. When do you think I'll have time?"

"It's available at any time, it's okay today, I bought a private jet, and I was just able to go to the mainland to try it..."



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