Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 454: Here comes the mess

The latest website: The sun is very comfortable.

With Erlang's legs crossed, Su Yehao finally couldn't help it, and asked the bodyguard to go out to buy a few pounds of fried melon seeds and fried peanuts.

After snapping his fingers, he asked Linda Yun to help bring gifts to Chu Jun and Leibus. They were two boxes of big Havana cigars that were specially brought here.

This time, I brought ten boxes, a total of 200 pieces. Su Yehao didn't know the price from others.

Due to the large number, he was almost detained by the customs at the airport at night. It is estimated that he turned a blind eye because he had a private plane and did not pursue any further investigations.

After all, the fame has not spread all over the country, and it is only known in a small area.

After leaving the casino and Hong Kong City, it is not enough to go to other places by brushing your face, you need the support of bodyguards and private jets.

A treat is over.

The three sat in the backyard of the courtyard, basking in the sun and misty smoke.

Su Yehao was playing, and answered Leibus, saying:

"I don't have many clues for now. With the level of high-tech manufacturing in the mainland, it is difficult to achieve good results in the short term. If I had to choose, I would purchase components first, OEM computers, and make money while researching and developing. Profits are invested in the field of chip design and foundry, which is relatively profitable and requires the highest technical level, what did Academician Ni Danan say?"

Chu Jun understood that he was asking himself, nodded and said:

"Although I don't know why he broke up with Boss Liangxiang, I guess it's because of the different ideas."

"Mr. Ni gave up the high salary in Canada and returned to China in order to use his strengths to promote the development of domestic technology. Later, he found that the company was only busy making money, dismantling a computer, and all the important parts were Bought from abroad, people with technical background, how can they lose their temper when they see these?"

"In their generation, the ideas are still very pure. President Su may not understand it, but the feelings of family and country are often more important in their hearts. Otherwise, he will continue to stay in the company as an executive, and he doesn't need to worry about anything. Wouldn't it be easy and comfortable, and still receive a high salary..."

With a big Havana cigar between his fingers, Su Yehao's mouth turned up and retorted:

"Everyone has the same ancestors. In fact, I can understand his thoughts, but I don't know if I can reach an agreement with him and make trade-offs in certain fields. You should also understand that now we pay attention to international division of labor and cooperation, and foreign high-tech industries It is not promoted by a company, and my personal strength is limited, so I can only concentrate my energy and invest funds in some key technologies.”

"Chip design, and chip OEM production? This little thing has the highest price. I believe Mr. Ni understands your difficulties. What he wants is to break the monopoly of Microsoft and Intel. In terms of operating systems, he wants to compete with giants like Microsoft. Competition is indeed very difficult, and no foreign company can do it, let alone here, if there is a chip project for him to do, it should be enough."

Chu Jun has been struggling in the Internet industry for so many years. As one of the veterans in the mainland Internet industry, of course he can keep up with Su Yehao's ideas.

In this era, there are not many cutting-edge technologies that the mainland can come up with.

The more you go up, the easier it is to find that you are hitting a wall everywhere, and you can only rely on external technologies and products.

Before Microsoft's office software entered the mainland market, it bullied Yinhai's WPS, and even used the method of free expansion, eroding the WPS market step by step, almost making them bankrupt.

Yesterday, Chu Jun used the excuse that he was drunk to take over the next thing, but he didn't have any idea of ​​trying it out and finding funds for Mr. Ni, but he didn't expect that Su Yehao would really be interested.

It's no use talking to them.

Whether we can reach a cooperation or not, we should know after meeting after dinner tonight.

Su Yehao let out a big mouthful of smoke, looked at Leibus, and asked, "How are the company's portal website and social platform doing?"

"...The scale of the portal site is now second only to Mr. Su, your tot, and the number of pageviews is about 70% more than that of Boss Zhang's search last time. The situation is OK. The Yinhai microblog project has entered the testing stage. , you can start the public beta at any time, and then I have to trouble Mr. Su to say hello to the tat chat software and help you advertise."

Leibs sat upright, his smile never stopped.

Chu Jun was his leader, and Su Yehao was his immediate boss. He was the least conspicuous among the three. Of course, he had to lower his stance.

After listening.

Su Yehao said with a smile, "If you can do the public test, hurry up and open the test, and then I will also go in and register an account. It is best to start with celebrities and celebrities, so as to easily attract a wave of attention. The number of mainland netizens is small, and if you want to develop it, it may take a long time. After a few years, do you have any idea of ​​jumping ship and doing another project?"

"……What's the meaning?"

For a moment, Leibus' heart beat faster, and cold sweat almost broke out on his back.

"Literally speaking, it feels like you are overkill for keeping Yinhai. No matter whether I can cooperate with Academician Ni Danan or not, I want to enter the PC manufacturing and sales market. Then I will find someone who knows production from my father's Midea Group. Talents, after assembly, only increase the price by 5% to 10% on the cost price, and seize the market with Liangxiang and imported computers."

Su Yehao smiled and then said:

"The market should be huge in the future. Once the price of computers drops, it will be very beneficial to Internet business. In other words, it is to promote the development of informatization, promote the entry of personal computers into thousands of households, and avoid a new round of informatization reform. Falling behind in the tide."

As soon as the words came out.

Both Chu Jun and Leibus were shocked.

After looking at each other, they knew that Su Yehao was here to disrupt the situation. If the profit margin was reduced to such a low level, would other computer manufacturers still be able to survive?

After hesitating again and again, Leibus reminded him like cold water: "Mr. Su, if you do this, I'm afraid it will cause your colleagues to join forces to suppress it, right?"

He waved his hand indifferently, Su Yehao said with a smile:

"In doing business, it was you who competed with me. I can cut the price, why can't they cut the price? You can't expect everyone to be harmonious. The threshold for producing and assembling computers is not high, so what if you suppress me, they are all bought from abroad. Whoever sells the spare parts of the manufacturer will not sell it. Once my output increases, the purchase price may be lower. As long as the interests of the suppliers are guaranteed, how can they control how much money I make? How about this idea?"

"...Absolutely, even if you earn a little less, you can still earn it. When the number of Internet users rises, you can make a fortune just by relying on the appreciation of Internet companies such as tat, tot, and Yinhai Portal. I admire it!"

Rebus gave a thumbs up, admiring the move from the bottom of his heart.

Su Yehao's approach made Leibus think that Japanese manufacturers sell game consoles at low prices, but the real money is selling games.


Chu Jun thought more, thinking that Su Yehao was afraid that he was not going to stab Liangxiang's hornet's nest, and it might not be so smooth.

But yeah.

There is enough confidence over there, and Su Yehao doesn't seem to be bad here.

As long as the product is of high quality and low price, customers will stand on his side first, and the foundation for expansion will come first.

In addition, the above is vigorously promoting the reform of information technology, and the price of personal computer products is reduced, which indeed caters to the next Thinking from the perspective of Liangxiang Company, Chu Jun has a big head.

Apart from moving some shady hands and feet, he couldn't think of any good way to resist Su Yehao's low-price dumping strategy.

There are businessmen who are willing to reduce profits to "do good deeds", but they can't force the price to increase. There is no reason for price protection in this thing.

As for whether it can produce reliable products...don't worry about this.

It's not so much about production as it is about assembly. Small traders in Zhongguancun can do it decently. A big businessman like Su Yehao wants money, money, and people. Even one of the largest home appliance manufacturers in China has been acquired by the Su family. , there is no need to worry at all, the difficulty is only in the procurement of components.

In all fairness.

Chu Jun really felt that the threshold for assembling personal computers was not high enough to produce fully automatic washing machines and refrigerators...


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