Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 455: I'm too lazy to care about you

Just an idea for now.

After all, it depends on the specific implementation time.

Rebus finally set up the platform of Yinhai Network Group, and the total valuation is almost touching the threshold of 100 million yuan. He does not want to be picked peaches at this time, so he makes excuses that the company has too many things and refuses to go to the new company. The proposal of the company's work, promised to help find reliable talents.

Su Yehao didn't insist, and planned to have a good talk with Mr. Ni tonight, to see if there was a chance to dig his team together, and maybe find some like-minded executives.

Zai Liangxiang has been a senior executive, so he should have more experience.

There are not many scattered customers for computers these days. Enterprises, officials, and schools are the bulk of the purchase. Su Yehao does not know enough about these channels. Therefore, if he directly recruits ready-made talents, it is probably more suitable than Leibus himself.

Waiting for someone to buy melon seeds and peanuts, chatting in the sun.

The alley outside was cold and windy, and the backyard of the courtyard was blocked by walls, making it a small world of its own, which was extraordinarily comfortable.

Wait until nine o'clock in the morning.

After walking around Houhai and Shichahai, Xiao Nizi, who played with firecrackers and ate candied gourd, brought Jiang Yu back and sat in the yard eating melon seeds together.

Seeing that the two of them were bored, Su Yehao asked Chu Jun and the others to go to work first. After cleaning up, they walked out of the alley and set off by car. After visiting the Forbidden City, they found a place to eat mutton and then went to the Summer Palace to enjoy the snow scene.

Although the sun is shining today, the temperature is still below zero, and the snow from the previous day has not melted.

Sitting in a boat on the lake of the Summer Palace, from a distance, the hills are silver-gray, and the tiles of the pavilions and pavilions are covered with snow.

After burping, white mist appeared from Jiang Yu's mouth.

She was very interested in this phenomenon, and after blowing several breaths in succession, she asked now: "Hao brother has made arrangements for the evening? When you talk about business, Nangong and I should not join in the fun. I heard you mentioned before that there is a place to do it. Soak in the hot spring, or else you go to eat, and let's take a bubble bath first?"

Xiao Nizi was also not interested in Su Yehao's entertainment, and said with a smile, "Yes, talking about business at the dinner table is endless, I'm a little tired from walking so much today, and I have to climb the Great Wall tomorrow, it's better to have a place to do it. A spa, find someone to massage."

It was not the first time that Su Yehao came to the Summer Palace.

I went to the Forbidden City in the morning, and I accompanied Nong Qingying once before. Different weather and seasons have different feelings, but I still enjoy it.

At this time, he smiled and said, "Wow, you didn't wait for me when you went to the hot spring? You can have dinner with me or not tonight, but you must wait for me to soak in the hot spring. It's a bit late for the arrangement now. I'll find a place to pack tomorrow. Xiaochizi, I remember that there is a natural hot spring in Xiaotangshan."

"Then what are we going to do tonight?" Jiang Yu was worried, she didn't know enough about Four Nine City.

Before I came here, I even thought it was an old city, but I didn’t expect to see it, but it turned out to be very modern. The road planning was wider than the port city, and high-rise buildings were being demolished everywhere.

A four-nine city has a total area that is more than ten times larger than that of Hong Kong City. When you come to this foreign land, you will inevitably be a bit at a loss.

It's okay to follow Su Yehao around now, but when he went to find a place to play by himself, his eyes were smeared and he was blinded.

After Su Yehao thought about it, he suggested:

"I guess you are no longer interested in going shopping, going to Nanluoguxiang for snacks, or going to Quanjude for roast duck? If you want to go for a massage, find a club. I remember last time my dad became a member of Chang'an Club, and there should be It’s okay to take a bath or eat in there, but you two are not familiar with each other, remember to contact me if you have anything, it’s because you two look so good-looking, without me, you’re always worried about attracting people’s attention.”

Tonight, I have an appointment with Mr. Ni at the restaurant opened by Chu Jun. It seems more convenient if the venue is set at the Chang'an Club.


The boss of Liangxiang Group is very well-connected, and Mr. Ni is more famous. Maybe after the front foot meets in the Chang'an Club, the news of the back foot will spread.

In addition, the Chu army specially arranged it, and it is impossible to say that the pigeons are released.

The little girl said calmly:

"Don't worry, Jiang Yu and I won't cause trouble. You go to eat your meal. If you haven't come back after shopping, we'll find a hotel to live in. It's too cold to sleep in your courtyard. Yesterday I didn't sleep well at night, the two quilts were so heavy that I couldn't breathe, and Jiang Yu refused to warm me up."

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Yu immediately slapped her and said with a smile, "Okay, so you want me to be your bed-warming maid!"


Xiao Nizi smiled and said, "It's not for me, it's for Brother Hao to be a bed-warming maid, so it's all right?"

Not as thick-skinned as her.

In front of Su Yehao, Jiang Yu was instantly embarrassed, he snorted deliberately, and left a sentence: "I'm too lazy to care about you..."


Just happened to come to Sijiucheng.

After taking the boat in the Summer Palace, we went to Liulichang for a turn.

Last year, I received a lot of good things. The second picture "Wanshan Red" has also been bought by Su Yehao. At the beginning, Li Keran left a fine picture to pass on to future generations. The price was 4.2 million yuan, and the funds were used to set up a family. charity fund.

Today I went to Liulichang, and Su Yehao saw only the blue and white plate of Yuanyuan, which was priced at 3 million yuan.

In recent years, the price of collections has risen, and these stores can sell good goods when they receive good goods. It is surprising how many good treasures he can encounter when he suddenly comes to the door like this.

on the other hand.

The spring auction is about to start after the year. Even if there is a really good thing in hand, the seller hopes to send it to the auction floor and try to sell it at a high price.

People are less stupid these days.

It is not easy for an antique shop to buy low and sell high and make a difference.

On Rongbaotang's side, there are a few fine items consigned by others, but Su Yehao couldn't find time today, so he was too lazy to let the people from Rongbaotang accompany him to personally go to the seller's door.

After visiting the flower and bird market, it was already evening.

Su Yehao first sent Xiao Nizi and the others to the Chang'an Club, leaving two female bodyguards to accompany him, and greeted the manager of the club, before contacting Chu Jun and meeting at his hotel.

The hotel that Chu Jun took is located at the foot of the imperial city, not far from the Chang'an Club.

A few years ago, it was an old courtyard house. After the renovation, several chefs were hired. It belongs to the category of high-end private kitchen dishes. There are only seven private rooms in total.

After Su Yehao arrived, he took a tour of the courtyard first, and found that this courtyard was quite particular. It was different from his family's combination of Chinese and Western styles. It used some old craftsmanship, and the wooden windows were carved.

There is a fish pond in the yard with a few big koi, and ice floes float on the water.

After discussing tonight's menu with Chu Jun, he found that there are wild duck soup, stir-fried camphor meat, braised pheasant, etc. Su Yehao reminded silently, "The restaurant is open in such a place, how dare you sell these, not afraid of being checked someday? "

Chu Jun looked indifferent and told:

"It's not just my family that sells it. The procurement channels are very formal. I never touch pangolins and civet cats..."


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