Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1184: new cooking skills

Out of curiosity, Fu Yu took the phone and looked at it.

  【Science and Technology Expo: The rights and interests of inventors should be protected in accordance with the law】!

The frame below the title shows Fu Yu and Yang Ming, one standing sideways and the other with his back to the camera, persuading customers.

The following is a customer’s story. While criticizing and exposing the plagiarism of work by team members during participation in international science and technology exhibitions and expelling the inventor from the team, it also writes about the excellent service at the food court stalls.

 Written about a customer who was frustrated and homesick, so he drank to drown his sorrows and ordered dishes that were not available at the gourmet stall.

 Written that the chef tried his best to cook, and even after the customer was dissatisfied, he continued to satisfy the customer's order for free.

  Written about a customer who ignited a glimmer of hope out of despair after tasting the hometown delicacies he longed for, cheered up again, and decided to seek justice for himself.

 In the video, the name of the stall was not mentioned in detail, customers also used pseudonyms, and even the activity group that plagiarized and participated in the exhibition had pseudonyms.

However, on the official Weibo website, although Capital TV officials did not name Fu Yu and Yang Ming, they did @International Science and Technology Expo and Fuchengchun Hotel.

This kind of thing that is very representative and can quickly catch the audience's attention, and that requires the improvement and processing of laws and regulations, needs to be exposed.

  After the Capital TV broadcast, it quickly edited the news content and posted it on the official website. Subsequently, some other official media also began to reprint it, including the Capital Rule of Law Channel and Capital Daily.

Once these media forwarded them, they immediately attracted countless attention and comments.

And [Science and Technology Expo: Inventors’ rights and interests should be protected in accordance with the law] also appeared on Weibo’s hot searches. Although it was not ranked high, it also aroused the indignation and support of many people.

 There are many comments below about related news content.

Of course, there are also those who criticize, saying that customers should not cause trouble by drinking alcohol and embarrass the service staff at the stall.

Poor people must be hateful. When something bad happens to themselves, they have to make trouble for others!

However, after most people saw this news, they were aggrieved on behalf of the customers and hoped that the science and technology exhibition officials would come forward to deal with this plagiarism incident.

 Different circles have different focuses when everyone pays attention to one thing.

This news also caused quite a stir in the food circle.

 It turned out to be a blessing again!

 During this period, Fuchengchun’s name has almost doubled in the circle. The previous scolding war on the official website and forums caused by the sheep and scorpion pot was about to subside, and now it has directly become a hot search again.

“Why are there meatballs in this hot and sour soup? It’s different from anything I’ve ever had before!”

“Yes, and I don’t know if you have noticed, but these meatballs seem to be filled with stuffing, as evidenced by the screenshots!”

 Attached is a picture, it is a bit blurry, but you can barely see clearly that the outside of the meatballs is white and the inside is slightly darker.

“I found that Fuchengchun Restaurant is really full of talents. I hope our restaurant can recruit two such outstanding chefs this year!”

“No matter what time comes, service must always come first. After all, this is what we do.”

 The relationship between service staff and customers is based on a monetary transaction.

 To put it bluntly, customers should enjoy high-quality services after spending money.

 It belongs to spending money to buy comfort.

Since service staff earn this money, they are naturally obliged to find ways to satisfy customers.

Fu Yu briefly looked at the content of the video and the comments below, smiled, and handed over the phone.

Yang Zhichao was a little surprised: "Fu Chu, why are you so calm? Aren't you excited? This is Capital TV Station!"

Liu Jie also looked at Fu Yu curiously.

If it were them, they would definitely brag about this kind of thing.

 After all, who can have such an honor?

Fu Yu casually took off his jacket and put it on his arm. He couldn't help but said: "This is nothing more than a photo of our usual working status. Isn't it the same when you work every day? What's there to be excited about?"

 A very casual remark, but it made the two of them somewhat moved.

 In fact, they do do this kind of thing every day, and they work so hard because of their work.

 But once the concept of service first is deeply rooted in our hearts, our attitude towards customers will naturally become more and more enthusiastic and considerate.

This approach of meeting customer requirements is not just an act.

 No matter who it is, they will deal with it this way.

One week after the original appointment, members of the special activity group came to the Fucheng Chun stall to observe and discuss the content research on the new soup cooking skills guide proposed by Fu Yu.

 The day after the results were discussed, Fucheng Chun stall suddenly became a hot search topic.

This hot and sour soup suddenly attracted the attention of everyone in the food circle.

Liu Yongping and others noticed this, and after contacting each other, they finally agreed to meet in the small conference room of the Food Association.

 Several big names in the industry have been in this industry for a long time, and they have deep thoughts and many ideas.

 Decided to conduct research and evaluation in advance on the cooking operation of the soup Yu mentioned and the skill summary guide mentioned by Fu Yu before the actual group discussion.

After agreeing on this matter, Liu Yongping secretly asked Li Dongxu to film Fu Yu's cooking process so that he could observe and discuss it with He Jie and Lu Zhanlong.

 Hearing that there was a video that could be watched in advance, He Jie and Lu Zhanlong were very excited and decided to set the meeting time for this Thursday.

 In fact, compared to He Jie and Lu Zhanlong, Liu Yongping was a little calmer.

 Fu Yu has already given this dish to him. After the kitchen staff undergoes cooking training, he will directly keep it in the store to promote and sell it as a special soup.

In this way, he will have many opportunities to observe cooking, and he will be able to figure out the detailed operations in more detail.

 On Thursday, Liu Yongping and Lu Zhanlong came to the Food Association early.

 Several members of the activity group today will evaluate the soup research proposed by Du Yu.

He Jie also came, specially setting the observation time at ten o'clock in the morning.

 At this time, the general meeting activities of the Food Association have ended, and there is a place for them to use.

And after the observation is over, you can also find a place to eat directly. The three of you can chat and discuss the matter carefully while eating.

He Jie is now the vice president of the Food Association and enjoys almost all privileges.

When Liu Yongping and Lu Zhanlong arrived, He Jie personally greeted them outside the gate and took them to the small conference room.

 Tea and snacks have been prepared in advance. When Liu Yongping saw this treatment, he immediately smiled and said: "We are borrowing the help of President He. This is the first time I have come to the Food Association and received such hospitality!"

He Jie smiled: "If you say that, then next time you come over, it will be unreasonable if I don't set up a table to entertain you."

Lu Zhanlong laughed and said: "Why are you waiting for next time? After we finish observing, we will find a place to have a meal. I am so worried about today's meeting that I didn't bother to eat breakfast in the morning."

He Jie responded: "Okay, I happen to know a pretty good restaurant. Let's go and try it out together."

The three of them exchanged polite words and got down to business.

He Jie said: "Today, I mainly want to thank Boss Liu for taking a video of Fu Yu's cooking operation so that we can observe it in advance."

After Liu Yongping got the video, he had actually watched it over and over again. When he mentioned it again, he couldn't help but sigh: "To be honest, Fu Yu's cooking operation this time made me even more excited about the international cooking training event in a month." We have a lot of expectations. Really, his understanding and insight into cooking skills are of great significance to us. Even after observing, I feel that my horizons have been broadened!"

 Liu Yongping's words shocked both He Jie and Lu Zhanlong.

Although He Jie has the highest level of cooking among the three, Liu Yongping is not willing to give in. The two of them met and competed in the national chef competition.

 Even in terms of mastering some special dishes and cooking skills, Liu Yongping has a deeper understanding than He Jie.

 Having Liu Yongping say such words, He Jie suddenly became more cautious.

Lu Zhanlong's heartbeat quickened. Among the three, he had the lowest status and his cooking skills were slightly inferior. But he was able to make a name for himself in the food circle, so he was certainly not an ordinary person.

 Liu Yongping directly connected his mobile phone to the big screen in the conference room, and the picture was very clear.

 From the time the cooking video started playing, the three of them didn't exchange a word. They all stared at the big screen intently, for fear of missing any cooking details.

Even though Liu Yongping has watched it many times, every time he revisits it, he always gets completely different thoughts and perceptions from different places.

 The angle of the video shooting is very intuitive. It is facing the stove, and Fu Yu's every move is very clear.

 The cooking video starts with the meat filling, fish filling and pork filling being chopped separately.

He Jie looked at Fu Yu's operations in the video and raised his eyebrows slightly.

 Fu Cheng Chun has always used river fish as the main ingredient in cooking dishes. This hot and sour soup seems to be about mixing fish meat with a small amount of pork to make meatballs.

 The hot and sour soup here in the capital is somewhat similar to that in Bei'an. Although there are slight differences in some side dishes, the overall taste is pretty much the same.

With the original deep-rooted impression, now that I saw the hot and sour soup made by Fu Yu, I just felt a little nondescript.

"What's so special about this hot and sour soup? I've never seen it before!" Lu Zhanlong had always been a straight-minded person, so he thought about it in his mind and then said it out loud.

Liu Yongping, on the other hand, was silently staring at the cooking on the screen. What he was really looking forward to in his heart was the filling operation for a while.

Every time he saw Fu Yu easily complete the meatballs, the feeling of shock and awe was even greater than the previous time.

  But I haven’t been able to figure out the secret behind it.

Now that He Jie and Lu Zhanlong are watching with him, Liu Yongping is more excited and more confident.

 It is said that the Three Stooges are better than Zhuge Liang!

 If he can't do it himself, maybe someone else can.

With this mentality, even though he had watched the cooking video several times, when he watched it again today, he was still focused on it, for fear of missing any operational details.

Not only Liu Yongping, but He Jie and Lu Zhanlong held their breath and did not dare to miss a step.

Because the cooking operation itself is relatively fast, and Fu Yu performs better in this aspect, they do not dare to be careless at all, for fear that if they are not careful, they will not be able to keep up with the progress.

 It takes a total of more than forty minutes to cook a soup. The whole process is critical, and there is no time-wasting operation.

 And because of this, when watching, there are often some doubts!

Especially when the cooking was over and I saw the round and round meatballs in the soup bowl being scooped out individually and cut into pieces, the color of pork mixed with chopped green onion was revealed under the white skin. He Jie and Lu Zhanlong immediately became excited. Take a breath!

He Jie was relatively calm, but his eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

 And Lu Zhanlong stood up directly!


 It is to separate and knead the two kinds of meat fillings!

 It looks like the kneading is completed, but in fact it is stuffing, which is a brewing operation method.

 The main thing is to mix the two fillings evenly when mixing the stuffing, but actually leave a small piece to be used as an outer material for brewing.

When actually kneading the meatballs, the small piece of pure white fish meat will be pressed in the palm of the hand, and the mixed meat filling will be pressed up. During the process of turning and squeezing, the filling operation of brewing is completed.

 Brewing, also known as stuffed vegetables, has a long history of development.

 However, just because it has been around for a long time does not mean that this cooking method is very common.

 In fact, on the contrary, it is very difficult to master this cooking skill.

 There is a strange rule in any industry: operational skills that are easy to learn are often difficult to improve further.

 The more difficult a skill is to master, the easier it is to master it and improve it.

 Brewing operations are a typical example.

 Be able to apply the brewing operation to the kneading of meatballs, and do it so beautifully and perfectly.

It’s not surprising that Lu Zhanlong was so excited.

Lu Zhanlong was very excited watching the cooking video.

 Because Fu Yu's cooking method is a cooking method that he has never thought of or even seen.

ˆThe use of brewed stuffing and stuffing mixing operations form a very unique way of cooking.

 This simply broadened his horizons!

  Normally, when making meatballs, they are either wrapped or mixed. Using brewing to accurately control the color of the meatballs has formed a relatively comprehensive cooking skill operation!

 Isn’t this the concept of “brewing improvement and innovation”?

After watching the entire cooking video, Lu Zhanlong closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and carefully recalled several operating scenes that shocked him at the time.

After a while, he opened his eyes, looked at Liu Yongping, and said with some envy: "Boss Liu, you are so awesome and discerning. If you hadn't specially invited Fu Yu to come to the capital for further study, how would I have had the chance? It was refreshing to watch such wonderful cooking operations and my cooking ideas were broadened!"

"Seriously, if there is a chance, I would like to invite Fu Yu to our store to hold a cooking exchange meeting for the chefs and give a lecture to everyone." (End of Chapter)

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