I picked up attributes in Pirate World

I picked up attributes in Pirate World


236 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Tian accidentally traveled to the world of One Piece, and bound an attribute picking system with him.

As a result, Chutian discovered that he could see the various attributes dropped by others, and when he picked them up, he could strengthen himself and develop various skills.

“Ding! Pick up the domineering attribute of the armed color, domineering +1!”

“Ding! Pick up the sword skill attribute, sword skill +2!”

“Ding! Picked up the charm attribute…”

“Ding! Picked up the Overlord Color Domineering attribute…”

Until one day, in the battle on the top, Chu Tian picked up the attribute of the shaking fruit dropped by White Beard.

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “I’m Picking Up Attributes in Pirate World”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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