Inventory of the strange things in the asylum, I am driving the whole world crazy

Inventory of the strange things in the asylum, I am driving the whole world crazy


175 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Yuan travels through parallel worlds and awakens the storage object popularization system. As long as the popularity is wide enough, the characteristics of different storage objects can be extracted.

In this regard, Chu Yuan enthusiastically released a video!

Stranger Things-093: The Red Sea Object, the dry place that connects the unclean? The ultimate horror of destroying the world?

Stranger Things-173: The statue of Peanut, who teleports and wipes his neck, kills everything in one go, unilaterally?

Strange Object-682: Indestructible evil lizard, physical invincibility, invalid obliteration, rebirth against the sky, containment failure!

After looking at the countless contained items, netizens call it shit, luckily it’s fake, otherwise it’s really G!

However, the high-level officials felt that their scalps were numb to the Immortal Lizard who had destroyed a mountain range!

Even Eagle Sauce and Little Sakura on the other side of the ocean have countless contained objects…

They mourned: Don’t trade! Then the blue star will be gone!

At this moment, the whole world panicked!


Feilu’s exclusive signed novel: “Inventory of Strange Objects in Asylum, I Drive the World Crazy”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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